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研究生: 張瑋純
Wei-Chun Chang
論文名稱: 一粒咖啡所能造就的世界─『咖竅』的誕生
The Cradle of Cotcha Coffee is born
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67頁
中文關鍵詞: 創業家精神商業模式資源拼湊品牌體驗
外文關鍵詞: Entrepreneurship, Business Model, Resource Bricolage, Brand Experience
相關次數: 點閱:499下載:12
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After leaving the career group of KQTEA where he had worked very hard to establish, CEO Lai Shyh Jer knew if he still does not transform the current catering culture, the industry that could not be transformed. In the face of the future of catering with fewer children and the overall environment changed, watching many famous Brand of food with safety crisis emerging continuously, he also wants to do his part for food safety. After many years of working in the catering industry, he knows many suppliers who do not have resources but insist on their own quality. He hopes to help them to work together in this industry. Even without the blessing of the great home background or career property, the persistence of working hard itself should have been seen. He wants to solve these problems and phenomenon step by step. Holding such a simple belief, CEO Lai Shyh- Jer and brand manager Chang Wei Chun begin to set foot on the road of starting their own businesses.
COTCHA is a coffee chain brand that combines various resources and is established in the winter of economic system. Chief Executive Lai Shyh Jer applying many years of entrepreneurial experience and Chang Wei Chun applying knowledge of production line management and brand, in 2017, they set up "COTCHA". They observe the market gap, consumer demand, lack of alliance and supplier selection, and design a new business model combined with the company's internal resources to integrate customer contact points and create a complete experience system, combined with product + service + design + teaching, to create a brand specific to COTCHA COFFEE and create an innovative catering industry opportunity.
COTCHA COFFEE is a multi-platform business model, which can meet different ethnic groups from different aspects. Therefore, it has multiple identities and conditions that need to be established and met. The theme of this thesis is the birth of COTCHA COFFEE. It focuses on explaining the process and results of the establishment of COTCHA COFFEE. However, COTCHA COFFEE is not only a single-store coffee, it’s also headquartered of a chain enterprise and the manufacturer with its own research and development of related products and auxiliary products. The customers of whom this chapter meets the needs are consumer customers, but the other side is the franchisee and other excellent suppliers. The interlocking business model and process show the harsh conditions and learning attitude needed for starting a business today.
And manager Chang Wei Chun, through science & technology, cooperation with other industries, enables consumers to experience, understand and feel the core and the value of COTCHA COFFEE. Chang tries to think about the customer's purchase process, design a comprehensive experience, achieve the one-stop vertical integration of production and service, and make R&D and service technologies that rivals cannot surpass, which are the goals that CEO Lai Shyh Jer and manager Chang Wei Chun are constantly striving to accomplish.
This study is conducted in the form of Harvard case study and the case study can be used to discuss Entrepreneurship, Business Model, Resource Bricolage and Brand Experience. To understand the influence and choice the entrepreneur's spirits have on enterprise's trend; How to develop a new business model so that consumers and catering formats have more choices and expectations; How to speed up the updating of existing deficiencies and lead the enterprise in a more organized way by piecing together resources and connecting existing resources; How to create a complete experience system by integrating customers' contact points.

摘要 III ABSTRACT V 致謝 VII 目錄 VIII 表目錄 X 圖目錄 XI 壹、 個案本文 1 一、序場 1 二、升級台灣的“創業家精神” 2 不同創業環境,卻需要相同的創業家精神 2 三、『三創』路上的頓悟 4 創造利潤:高中的第一筆半桶金 4 創合作:初生之犢,創業路上經歷騙局 5 創品牌:放棄所有,重新再來 7 四、透過洞察,明白為什麼而做 8 市場洞察 8 消費者洞察 9 競爭對手洞察 10 五、藉由構思,想出如何解決對應的問題 11 用基礎的人、事、時、地、物,來提出概略方法 11 『人』:因人而有最美風景的台灣,餐飲人才卻逐漸凋零 11 『事』:憑經驗做事,沒有學習指南,培育人才成本過高 11 『時』:天下商場,唯快不破。多學產業相關,保持腦袋領先 12 『地』:結合科技與經驗,找出咖啡館的特性與符合咖竅的地點 12 『物』:工欲善其事,必先利其器 12 六、整合資源,『咖竅』咖啡誕生 14 產品創新:整合資源、考慮顧客需求,不斷創造價值新品 14 空間設計創新:結合品牌核心價值,將抽象概念設計於體驗空間 15 服務體驗設計:由認知、互動到記憶,完整符合消費者期待 19 教育組織管理:從開店到製作,一條龍完整教學,每個步驟都需要流程 21 七、下一步 22 咖啡產業全球性市場,同步前往東協 22 東協並非一塊鐵板,只是選好市場缺口,他們就買單 22 貳、 個案討論 24 一、個案總覽 24 二、個案學習的步驟 25 三、教學目標與管理議題 25 四、學生課前討論問題 27 五、個案人物背景 27 六、個案分析 29 教學目標一:創業家精神(Entrepreneurship) 30 教學目標二:商業模式(Business Model) 33 教學目標三:資源拼湊(Resource Bricolage) 39 教學目標四:品牌體驗(Brand Experience) 43 七、課程結論 46 八、課程問券 47 參、參考文獻 50 一、中文參考文獻 50 二、 英文參考文獻 51 三、 網站部分 52 表目錄 表1-1 『2012年至2017年中小企業家數及比率-按經營年數』3 表1-2 2017年餐飲業營業據點 9 表1-3 2017年餐飲業經營困境(複選)13 表2 1教學目標 26 表2 2個案人物介紹 28 表2 3創業家精神六大要素 32 圖目錄 圖1-1 商圈評估報告 13 圖1-2咖竅產品線:咖啡與飲品 15 圖1-3 咖竅產品線:餐點與甜點 15 圖1-4 咖竅圖像設計 17 圖1-5 永春咖竅商空配置圖 17 圖1-6永春咖竅完工圖 18 圖1-7 永春咖竅室內圖 18 圖1-8 咖竅會員系統 20 圖1-9東協十國的發展區塊(本研究整理) 23 圖2-1 教學目標 25 圖2 2個案策略思維圖 29 圖2 3商業模式圖(BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS) 34 圖2-4咖竅咖啡商業模式圖 36 圖2-5教育訓練空間 40 圖2-6咖竅網絡組織圖 41 圖2-7咖竅科層組織圖 41 圖2-8善用原材料創造的新品:甜派 42 圖2-9 善用原材料創造的新品:茶凍 42 圖2-10體驗蝴蝶結 44 圖2-11 咖竅品牌體驗流程圖 46

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