Author: |
杜時安 Shih-An Tu |
Thesis Title: |
創富夢工場,協助實現富有的夢想 -教育培訓業轉型之路 The Business Model of Training and Seminar Industry -The case study of Fortune Education |
Advisor: |
Hsi-Peng Lu 羅天一 Tain-Yi Luor |
Committee: |
Hsi-Peng Lu 羅天一 Tain-Yi Luor 黃世禎 Sun-Jen Huang |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2023 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 111 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 76 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 教育培訓產業 、商業模式 、SWOT 分析 、企業轉型 、本土化與國際化 |
Keywords (in other languages): | education and training industry, business model, SWOT analysis, enterprise transformation, localization and internationalization |
Reference times: | Clicks: 385 Downloads: 5 |
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本文管理個案:創富夢工場—教育培訓業的個案,屬於一個很特別的個案,在2008 年以前,不僅僅是在台灣,包括整個亞太地區,都尚沒有這樣的產業個案。本個案論文的主角為作者也是這個產業當初的締造者之一。
創富夢工場的前身—創富公司,早在 1996 年已經西進內地,連同轉型後的創富教育機構加起來至今已經超過 25 年,為何直到 2008 年才有所突破?這一路走來,創富夢工場及其周邊機構,一次又一次打造該產業的創新模式,後來也都被其他教育培訓業所複製,成為這個產業的標準作業流程。
本文藉由創富夢工場的實際發展案例,帶領學習者可以橫跨 25 年歷史,從最初創富公司時代為何無法做出成績?2008 年如何轉型創立新的藍海?而當公司站穩利基如何擴展版圖?當碰到眾家競爭以及營運瓶頸如何第二次轉型?包括後續如何走向國際化?如何建立如今被列為眾家培訓機構模仿的作業流程?甚至最終改變了華人地區的學習風氣,這中間每一道關卡,都可以提供企業經營管理者做思考及決策練習。
The management case presented in this article is about Dream Factory, an educational training industry. This is a very special case, as before 2008, not only in Taiwan, but throughout the Asia-Pacific region, there was no such industry case. The protagonist of this case study is the author, who was one of the creators of this industry at the beginning.
This case study explores the development of the education and training industry on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, while also hoping that through practical examples, readers or those interested in similar industries can be guided in managing and breaking through difficulties or bottlenecks.
Dream Factory's predecessor, Creation Company, had already entered mainland China as early as 1996. Together with the transformed Creation Education Institution, they have been in operation for more than 25 years. However, why did they not make a breakthrough until 2008? Throughout this journey, Dream Factory and its surrounding institutions have repeatedly created innovative models for the industry, which have been replicated by other education and training industries and have become the standard operating procedures for the industry.
Through the practical development case of Dream Factory, this article leads learners to cross 25 years of history, from why Creation Company was unable to achieve results in the beginning, how they transformed and established a new blue ocean in 2008, how they expanded their territory when the company was stable, how they transformed again when faced with competition and operational bottlenecks, including how they went international and established the operating procedures that are now imitated by many training institutions. They ultimately changed the learning culture in the Chinese-speaking region. Each of these checkpoints can provide business management with thinking and decision-making exercises.
This article includes case content, teacher manuals, and board book references, with the aim of providing future practitioners and teaching materials for those interested in the education and training industry and related knowledge economy industries. It is hoped that through this, crisis management and transformation decision-making thinking can be cultivated, and inspiration can be gained on how to integrate resources, think outside the box, and create new opportunities.
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