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研究生: 蔡杰昌
Jie-chang Tsai
論文名稱: 利用靜電紡絲法製備含有茶樹精油之幾丁聚醣/聚己內酯不織布及其於促進傷口癒合之評估
Preparation of active ingredient-containing chitosan / polycaprolactone nonwoven mats using electrospinning technique:in vitro and in vivo evaluations on wound healing
指導教授: 白孟宜
Meng-Yi Bai
口試委員: 葉明功
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 幾丁聚醣茶樹精油靜電紡絲
外文關鍵詞: chitosan, tea tree oil, electrospinning
相關次數: 點閱:505下載:2
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本研究利用靜電紡絲技術(Electrospinning, ES)紡製出聚酯內酯不織布(poly-ε-caprolactoneno nwoven mat, PCLNM),接著將幾丁聚醣(Chitosan, CS)或茶樹精油(tea tree oil, TTO)塗佈於PCLNM表面,使其形成CS/PCLNM或TTO-CS/PCLNM敷料,藉此改善傳統使用CS直接電紡成不織布時的脆性缺點。在經由FT-IR鑑定發現在1562 cm-1及1643 cm-1出現CS的特徵峰;在體外生物試驗方面,血小板凝集測試顯示,CS3/PCLNM與100 μL TTO-CS3/PCLNM分別在5分鐘與8分鐘內達到80%與45%的血小板凝集反應,顯示我們在添加抗菌活性成份TTO後,仍能有凝集反應;而在抗菌測試方面,金黃色葡萄球菌對CS與TTO,亦均有產生敏感性反應;在LPS誘導RAW 264.7發炎反應測試中,我們發現CS與TTO均會降低其細胞NO的生成,顯示具有抗發炎的功效。最後我們透過動物實驗模式印證,給予含有CS或TTO-CS成分之敷料治療,在非感染性與感染性模式中,分別較未給藥治療組提早3~6天及4天癒合。此外,在由皮膚組織切片染色觀察得知,給予含有CS或TTO-CS的敷料治療,均可促進皮膚組織修復再生現象且結構層次分明,同時亦促進collagen纖維的生成與增加其密集堆疊排列的緊緻程度,但其中,又以含TTO-CS成分治療效果為最佳。由以上研究結果得到,本研究成功製備出含有TTO之CS/PCLNM功能性敷料,再藉由抗菌、抗發炎的功效表現下,藉此降低了治療初期傷口感染與發炎的程度,最終促進與加速了傷口癒合速度及其組織修復的完整性。

In this study, we successfully synthesized poly-ε-caprolactone nonwoven mat (PCLNM) with electrospinning (ES) technique, coated with chitosan (CS) or tea tree oil (TTO) in order to enhance the stiffness compared to traditional electrospun CS nonwoven mat.
From FT-IR spectrum, we have observed the characteristic absorption peaks at 1562 cm-1, and 1643 cm-1 of CS; In-vitro biological tests, including platelet aggregation, and anti-bacterial test, showed that CS3/PCLNM and 100 μL TTO-CS3/PCLNM reached 80 % and 45 % platelet aggregation, indicated that after adding TTO, the aggregation of platelet would not be affected. Also, the anti-bacterial test showed that Staphylococcus aureus is sensitive to TTO. According to the in-vitro RAW 264.7 cell line anti-inflammatory test induced by LPS, both CS and TTO decreased the concentration of NO produced during acute inflammation, presented good anti-inflammatory activity.
Finally, we applied the fiber synthesized to mice animal model, as wound dressing materials, either non-infected of infected model showed faster wound healing effect. In the non-infected model, with our wound dressing, the wound healed 3-6 days faster than untreated group. So as infected model, the wound of treated group heald 4 days faster than untreated group. The skin histological analysis showed that with CS or TTO-CS wound dressing, the regeneration of skin tissue were improved and collagen fibers were successfully formed tightly. The best result were observed from the TTO-CS group. In Conclusion, we have synthesized CS/PCLNM containing TTO as wound dressing, through anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory characteristics, the wound healing processed without infection of bacterial, speeded up the wound healing procedure and increased the integrity of regenerated tissue.

中 文 摘 要 Abstract 目 錄 圖 目 錄 表 目 錄 縮 寫 表 第一章 緒 論 1-1研究動機與目的 1-2研究設計 第二章 文 獻 回 顧 2-1皮膚與傷口癒合 2-2傷口敷料 2-3靜電紡絲技術 (Electrospinning, ES) 2-4幾丁聚醣 (Chitosan, CS) 2-5聚己內酯 (poly-ε-caprolactone, PCL) 2-6澳洲茶樹 (Melaleuca alternifolia) 第三章 材 料 與 方 法 3-1 實驗材料 3-2 敷料製備 3-3 分析與鑑定 3-4 細胞實驗 3-5 動物實驗模式 第四章 研 究 結 果 與 討 論 4-1 SEM表面型態觀察 4-2 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜分析儀 (FT-IR ) 4-3 拉伸試驗 4-4 血小板凝集反應測試 4-5 抗菌測試 4-6 藥物釋放曲線測試 4-7 抗發炎測試 4-8 動物實驗模式 第五章 結 論 第六章 參 考 文 獻

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