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研究生: 馬士閎
Shih-Hung Ma
論文名稱: 單晶矽奈米流道梯型凹槽最少切削道次估算及驗證
Estimation and verification of less cutting paths of nanochannel trapezium groove of single-crystal silicon
指導教授: 林榮慶
口試委員: 王國雄
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 145
中文關鍵詞: 比下壓能原子力顯微鏡單晶矽基板奈米流道
外文關鍵詞: specific down force energy (SDFE), atomic force microscopy (AFM), single-crystal silicon (Si) substrate, nanochannel
相關次數: 點閱:572下載:0
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Employing specific down force energy (SDFE) concept, the paper establishes two methods for estimating the least cutting paths of target convergence function for optimal successive approximation of the expected depth of nanochannel trapezium groove. The first method is three-cutting-path offset cycle cutting method. Each path of cutting is made at a fixed down force. Furthermore, the least cutting paths to achieve the expected depth of nanochannel trapezium groove can be estimated. The second method is two-cutting-path offset cycle cutting method. For this method, the first cutting path of each cutting layer is set to use a fixed down force. In the second path, down force is changed to achieve the same cutting depth as in the first cutting path. When down force is to be changed on the AFM apparatus, additional effort and time have to be spent for such change of down force. In order to achieve the least fabricating lead time in practical application, SDFE theoretical model is adopted to further find out the estimation method that estimates the least cutting paths to achieve the expected depth of nanochannel trapezium groove. Not only the least cutting paths are estimated, the number of times for change of down force is also decreased to the least, making the fabricating lead time decreased to the least as well.
First of all, the paper uses three-cutting-path offset cycle cutting method to fabricate nanochannel trapezium groove of single-crystal silicon (Si) substrate. It is set that cutting is made for one path at a fixed down force on each cutting layer. After that, the probe is offset rightwards for cutting for one more path, and then offset leftwards to the middle position between the previous two cutting paths for cutting. During this time the offset amount should meet the condition that the upward and downward values of the nanochannel trapezium groove have to be within the set range of convergence values. Then this is considered an offset cycle cutting. If it is required to increase the width of nanochannel groove, the number of offset cycles has to be increased. In this way, the width of nanochannel groove can be increased. But this method uses a smaller down force and the depth is limited, so that when offset cycle cutting is carried out at the very beginning, offset amount adjustment should be a prioritized task to achieve a better upward value. If the upward height at the bottom of nanochannel trapezium groove is still greater than the set convergence value of upward height, offset amount should be adjusted repeatedly until the bulge height at the bottom is converged as below the set value. The paper uses three-cutting-path offset cycle cutting method for cutting, and establishes an estimation method of the least cutting paths of target convergence function for optimal successive approximation of the expected depth of nanochannel trapezium groove. The study repeatedly adjusts the down force and offset amount until a suitable down force and the least cutting paths are found to achieve the expected depth of nanochannel trapezium groove. The estimated results are compared with the actual experimental results for verification.
The paper also adopts two-cutting-path offset cycle cutting method to fabricate nanochannel trapezium groove of single-crystal Si substrate. The paper firstly sets a fixed down force for the first cutting path on each cutting layer, and then changes the down force in the second cutting path, making it achieve the same cutting depth as in the first cutting path. In the simulation process, it is found that in the two-path offset cycle cutting method, if the same cutting depth for the two cutting paths is arbitrarily adjusted, a fixed offset amount can be used to achieve the fixed upward height at the bottom of nanochannel trapezium groove. Therefore, the paper proposes using a greater down force to achieve a upward height that is smaller than the set convergence value, and establishes an estimation method of the least cutting paths and the shortest fabricating lead time to achieve the expected depth of nanochannel trapezium groove. In order to avoid damage of probe caused during cutting for multiple paths, the paper firstly sets a greater down force value to be acquired under a safe cutting coefficient of down force of probe, to conduct cutting of nanochannel. The paper firstly sets a fixed down force for the first cutting path on each cutting layer, and then changes the down force for the second cutting path, making it achieve the same cutting depth as in the first cutting path. On the layer before achieving the expected depth of nanochannel trapezium groove, the paper changes the down force for the first cutting path on the last layer, and further achieves the expected depth of the machined nanochannel trapezium groove. However, when down force is to be changed on the AFM apparatus, the time for setting of down force is additionally consumed. In order to use less fabricating lead time to achieve the expected depth of the cut nanochannel trapezium groove, the paper has to decrease the number of times for change of down force. Through simulation of the change of offset amount, the upward height at the bottom of nanochannel trapezium groove becomes smaller than the set convergence value, and then down force is adjusted repeatedly. After calculation, for the first cutting path from the first cutting layer to the last cutting layer, the depth can be gradually deepened at a fixed down force. In the first cutting path on the last cutting layer, the expected depth of the cutting nanochannel trapezium groove can be achieved. In the above steps, the down force for the second cutting path on each cutting layer is changed, making the cutting depth the same as the one in the first cutting path. This method can decrease the fabricating lead time for down force adjustment by one time. Through repeated adjustment of down force, the paper finally can use suitable down force, the least cutting paths and the least fabricating lead time to achieve he expected depth of nanochannel trapezium groove. The paper also compares the estimated results with the actual experimental results for verification.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 VI 目錄 VII 表目錄 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2研究動機與目的 2 1.3 文獻回顧 2 1.3.1 原子力顯微鏡奈米加工之文獻 2 1.3.2切削深度及多道次加工參數最佳化之文獻 4 1.4 本文架構 5 第二章 實驗設備及規劃與比下壓能理論模型及實驗方法 7 2.1 實驗設備介紹 7 2.1.1 多模態原子力顯微鏡D3100 7 2.1.2實驗試片及探針 7 2.2 原子力顯微鏡操作原理及下壓力量測方法 9 2.2.1 原子力顯微鏡操作原理 9 2.2.2 AFM探針下壓力量測方法 12 2.3比下壓能理論模型及計算比下壓能方法 13 2.3.1量測單晶矽基板之比下壓能值實驗 18 第三章 利用比下壓能理論建立固定下壓力下三切削道次偏移循環達到預定深度之最少切削道次估算方法 19 3.1 比下壓能理論之固定下壓力建立預定深度三切削道次偏移循環計算方法 20 3.2固定下壓力下三切削道次偏移循環方法達到預定深度之最少切削道次估算方法 25 3.3三切削道次偏移循環加工之下壓排除體積運算以及幾何圖形 29 第四章 利用比下壓能理論建立固定下壓深度改變下壓力兩切削道次偏移循環達到預定深度之最少切削道次估算方法 34 4.1 比下壓能理論之固定下壓深度改變下壓力建立預定深度兩切削道次偏移循環計算方法 34 4.3 兩切削道次偏移循環加工之下壓排除體積運算以及幾何圖形 41 第五章 結果與討論 43 5.1以固定下壓力三切削道次偏移循環方法之直線奈米流道凹槽模擬結果與實驗驗證 43 5.1.1 以固定下壓力三切削道次偏移循環方法之直線奈米流道凹槽模擬結果 43 5.1.2 以固定下壓力三切削道次偏移循環方法之直線奈米流道凹槽實驗結果分析 51 5.2 以固定下壓力三切削道次偏移循環方法達預定深度之最少切削道次估算模擬結果與實驗比較 60 5.3 固定下壓深度改變下壓力兩切削道次偏移循環方法之直線奈米流道凹槽模擬結果與實驗驗證 62 5.3.1 固定下壓深度改變下壓力兩切削道次偏移循環方法之直線奈米流道凹槽模擬結果 62 5.3.2 固定下壓深度改變下壓力兩切削道次偏移循環方法之直線奈米流道凹槽實驗結果分析 68 5.4 固定下壓深度改變下壓力兩切削道次偏移循環方法達預定深度之最少切削道次估算模擬結果與實驗比較 72 第六章 結論 76 6.1 固定下壓力三切削道次偏移循環方法達預定深度之最少切削道次之結論 76 6.2 固定下壓深度改變下壓力兩切削道次偏移循環方法達預定深度之最少切削道次之結論 77 參考文獻 78 附錄A 80 附錄B 89

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