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研究生: 李燕芳
Yan-Fang Li
論文名稱: 虛擬化無線網路環境之服務品質保證機制
Service-based QoS Mechanism on Virtualized Wireless Networks
指導教授: 陳俊良
Jiann-Liang Chen
口試委員: 楊竹星
Chu-Sing Yang
Tsung-Nan Lin
Hwa-Chun Lin
Bih-Hwang Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: NetFPGAOpenFlow網路虛擬化架構服務品質保證機制服務類型網路流量分析
外文關鍵詞: NetFPGA, Type of Service
相關次數: 點閱:309下載:6
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  • 隨著網際網路的快速發展,網路服務與技術也跟著日新月異,使用者對於網路服務品質之需求也日益增長。現今之網路架構所能提供的頻寬是有所限制的,使用者如使用影音串流多媒體服務,需提供足夠的網路頻寬以確保其服務之品質。此舉卻造成絕大部分的頻寬被多媒體服務所佔用,導致其它服務僅能利用剩餘的頻寬,導致服務品質低落或傳輸效能不佳等影響,以至於服務無法符合使用者的期望,且於無線網路環境之情況更是嚴重。因此如何有效分配與管理無線網路頻寬以達到服務品質保證是為當前需解決之課題。


    本研究利用NetFPGA硬體平台及OpenFlow網路虛擬化架構,並延伸至無線環境,建構一完整的開放式虛擬化無線網路環境,於此環境驗證本研究所提出之服務品質保證機制,根據不同服務需求進行頻寬速率之調控。本研究所提出之機制係修改OpenFlow交換機內的Wildcard Table,讀取流入封包之表頭(Header)內的服務類型(Type of Service, ToS)欄位,並將封包置於相對應的輸出佇列,系統根據不同服務之頻寬需求,進行頻寬速率控制,避免頻寬被單一服務佔據之情況產生,使所有服務皆能達到服務品質之保證。本研究所提出之服務品質保證機制針對不同的應用程式進行效能分析,TCP類型(以FTP為例) 實驗結果,封包速率限制以10M、1M與10K為例,平均準確率可達86.6%、99.5%與78.3%;UDP類型(以Video Stream為例)實驗結果,封包速率限制以10M、1M與10K為例,準確率皆可達100%,並可避免壅塞的情況並降低封包遺失率達4.6%、封包延遲之時間降低46.9%。

    The demand of design quality of service (QoS) mechanism for internetworking services is very imperious task. This motivation is interrelated with the problem of network bandwidth tendency to be very limited. For instance, multimedia application such as Video Streaming is necessarily to be transmitted in larger committed bandwidth quota, while ocassionaly undesired application flows prone to occupy most of available bandwidth and give some negative effects such as low-quality transmission impacting a low QoS for preferred application. Therefore providing isolation for bandwidth occupancy of each application is the solution that offered in this study. Exploiting Type of Service (ToS) field on the IPv4 header, each service can be identified its traffic behavior, then can be guaranteed by certain level of rate. The rate limiting is the strategy that purposed to obtain desired QoS of end to end application traffic flow.

    Due to the sensitiveness of QoS metric, implementing rate limiting QoS design in hardware is considered to more accurate rather than merely perform simulation analysis. Although the commercial network devices such as router and switch are closed for any extension of QoS design and mechanism. Therefore the design is implemented usingOpenFlow System in NetFPGA platform. The modification of wildcard table module inOpenFlow user data path allow each packet is budgeted with a speed level on when it resides on the output queues.

    After performing the test-bed implementation of service-based QoS mechanism, the system can isolate the traffic and limit the rate of traffic follow the determined bandwidth budget. The test-bed is also extended to wireless environment for considering QoS guarantee for mobile users. The performance result shows that the rate in the limitation of 10M, 1M and 10K, hits the average accurency of 85.6%, 96.2% and 78.3% for TCP (FTP) case and all hits the accurency of 100% for UDP (Video Stream) case; the percentage of packet loss is lower than without the mechanism 4.6% and the delay time is lower than without the mechanism 46.9%. As the overall the system offers better network utilization and QoS guarantee environment.

    摘要 Abstract Contents List of Figures List of Tables Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Contribution 1.3 Organization Chapter 2 Background Knowledge 2.1 NetFPGA 2.1.1 Specification of NetFPGA 2.1.2 Implementation of NetFPGA 2.2 OpenFlow 2.2.1 OpenFlow Switch 2.2.2 Secure Channel 2.2.3 Controller 2.3 OpenRoads 2.4 OpenWrt 2.5 Linux Kernel Netfilter / iptables 2.6 ToS 2.7 WLAN (802.11) Network Chapter 3 Proposed Service-based QoS Mechanism on Virtualized Wireless Networks 3.1 System Overview 3.2 OpenFlow Switch Design 3.3 OpenFlow AP Design 3.4 ToS 3.5 Rate Limiter Chapter 4 System Design and Performance Analysis 4.1 Scenario Environment 4.2 System Design 4.2.1 OpenFlow Switch Design 4.2.2 OpenFlow AP Design 4.2.3 ToS 4.2.4 Rate Limiter 4.3 System Implementation 4.4 Performance Analysis Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future work 5.1 Conclusion 5.2 Future Work References

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