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研究生: 李彥嫺
Yen-Hsien Lee
論文名稱: 多層型水膠敷材之結構探討及其在傷口癒合之應用
Study of the structure of multilayered hydrogel dressing for wound healing applications.
指導教授: 楊銘乾
Ming-Chien Yang
口試委員: 鄭劍廷
Chiang-Ting Chien
Hsiung-Fei Chien
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 傷口敷材海藻酸幾丁聚醣聚麩胺酸糖尿病
外文關鍵詞: Wound healing, Alginate, Chitosan, γ-PGA, Diabetes Mellitus
相關次數: 點閱:273下載:6
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  • 糖尿病患之傷口癒合不易,故其傷口敷料成為一個重要研究課題。海藻酸 (Alginate, AL) 作為傷口敷料支撐層、幾丁聚醣 (Chitosan, CS) 為結構穩定材料,及聚麩胺酸為高親水性吸收層 (Polyglutamic acid, PGA) ,所以本研究使用三種天然生醫材料建構多層型水膠敷材,並對不同組成之水膠AL-CaCl2、AL-PGA及AL-CS-PGA進行多項測試。為觀察多層型水膠結構分佈,在各組成高分子鏈接上螢光標記,於共軛聚焦顯微鏡下發現PGA和AL形成雙層結構,CS則分佈於PGA層及AL層界面,形成多層型結構。接著對多層型水膠進行保水率、膨潤度及水氣透過率等物理性質測試。在這些實驗結果發現,保水率、膨潤度及水氣透過率等,其由高至低之順序皆為AL-PGA > AL-CS-PGA > AL-CaCl2。AL-PGA因為結構成份含有大量高親水性的聚麩胺酸,故其具有最佳保溼能力 (以轉速為15000 rpm處理5分鐘後其保水率為84.6 ± 1.97 %),與較高之水氣透過率。AL-CaCl2的結構是三組中最緊密的,水膠行為 (如保水率、膨潤度及水氣透過率等) 則較AL-PGA和AL-CS-PGA來的低。AL-CS-PGA在各個測試結果的表現皆位於兩者之間,除了有良好的保水率 (轉速為15000 rpm處理5分鐘後其保水率為79.69 ± 1.05 %) 與膨潤度 (1044 ± 20 %) 外,其水氣透過率也較為緩慢可以保持傷口的濕潤。
    在水膠穩定度的評估中,運用奧氏黏度計評估多層型水膠在模擬正常生理環境下的穩定度,結果發現,在第五天時AL-PGA的黏度提高,為了了解是何種物質造成外在環境黏度的提升,因此,運用鈣離子釋放與螢光定量對多層型水膠做更深入的分析。將各組別放置在生理食鹽水環境下,其螢光定量試驗結果顯示,AL-PGA水膠在90分鐘後快速釋放出38 %的PGA,AL-CS-PGA水膠僅釋放出10 %的PGA。此外,將AL-CS-PGA水膠置於細胞培養液中觀察其釋放情形發現,水膠中各成份的釋放速度為PGA > AL > CS。生理食鹽水的鈣離子釋放結果顯示,鈣離子釋放的速度為AL-PGA > AL-CS-PGA > AL-CaCl2。三種水膠中,AL-PGA擁有最快的釋放速度 (3.8 ± 0.2 mg/g),而AL-CS-PGA則受到CS與AL和PGA結構的纏繞牽制使得釋放速度減緩 (2.2 ± 0.4 mg/g)。
    進一步以糖尿病大白鼠做為水膠之皮膚傷口癒合測試。結果發現傷口癒合程度為AL-CS-PGA > AL-PGA > AL-CaCl2。根據組織切片染色及膠原蛋白定量得知,AL-CS-PGA較其他兩組增加較多之膠原蛋白在新生組織中的含量。以免疫染色方式也發現AL-CS-PGA也比較其他兩組更促進表皮分化。綜合上述的實驗結果證明,此多層型水膠具有發展成先進傷口敷料的潛力。

    Diabetes mellitus wound is one of the medical problems, making the development of advanced wound dressings an important issue. In this study, alginate (Alginate, AL), chitosan (chitosan, CS), and PGA (polyglutamic acid, PGA) were employed to prepare multi-layered hydrogels. For comparison, AL-CaCl2 and AL-PGA were also prepared. To observe multi-layered structure, the constituents were labeled with different fluorescent molecules. The images from confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) revealed that the PGA and AL formed two layers, with CS distributed in PGA layer and the interface of the AL layer. The hydrogels were subject to characterization including water retention, hydrogels stability, swelling ratio and water vapor transmission rate. The results showed that these properties of AL-CS-PGA was lower than those of AL-PGA. Biocompatibility tests were performed including blood coagulation, hematological parameters, platelet adhesion and protein adsorption. The results of hematological parameters show that AL-CS-PGA hydrogel had no adverse reaction, at the same time to promote coagulation and platelet adhesion. In addition, AL-CS-PGA and AL-PGA can adsorb serum proteins such as HSA and HPF. Furthermore, cell compatibility evaluations of these hydrogels showed no cytotoxicity response, and were able to promote proliferation of fibroblasts. Electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) showed that AL-CS-PGA can promote cell migration.
    Effect of the hydrogels on wound healing was evaluated using diabetic mellitus rat model. The results showed that AL-CS-PGA exhibited higher rate of wound healing than conventional AL hydrogels. Tissue section staining and collagen quantification indicated that AL-CS-PGA can increase collagen regeneration without causing abnormal cells in the apoptotic response, thus helping epithelialization. These experimental results demonstrated that this multilayer hydrogel would be feasible as advanced wound dressings.

    中文摘要 I 英文摘要 (Abstract) III 誌謝 (Appreciation) V 符號索引 (Catalog of abbreviation) XII 圖索引 (Figures) XIV 表索引 (Tables) XVII 第一章 緒言 (Introduction) 1 第二章 文獻回顧 (Literature review) 4 2.1 皮膚的構造 (Skin structure) 4 2.2 傷口定義與種類 (Wound healing) 6 2.3 傷口癒合過程 (Wound healing process) 7 2.4 傷口癒合速度的影響因素 (Effect the wound healing factors) 10 2.5 糖尿病傷口 (Diabetic wounds) 10 2.6 傷口敷料條件與種類 (The conditions and types of wound dressings) 11 2.7 水膠特性 (Characteristics of hydrogel) 16 2.8 海藻酸 (Alginate) 17 2.9 幾丁聚醣 (Chitosan) 19 2.10 聚麩胺酸 (poly(γ-glutamic acid)) 20 2.11 海藻酸鈉、幾丁聚醣及聚麩胺酸研究文獻回顧 (Applications of alginate, chitosan and γ-glutamic acid) 21 第三章 以螢光觀察聚麩胺酸、海藻酸及幾丁聚醣製備之多層型水膠結構和細胞相容性探討 (Layered hydrogel of poly(γ-glutamic acid), sodium alginate, and chitosan: Fluorescence observation of structure and cytocompaibility) 24 3.1 實驗材料與設備 (Materials and equipments) 25 3.1.1實驗材料 (Materials) 25 3.1.2實驗設備 (Equipments) 25 3.2 實驗方法 (Methods) 25 3.2.1溶液製備 (Preparation of solutions) 25 3.2.2水膠製備 (Preparation of hydrogel) 25 3.2.3螢光標記固定化於高分子鏈段 (Fluorescence staining of polymers) 26 3.2.4螢光標記水膠之製備 (Preparation of fluorescence hydrogel) 29 3.2.5螢光顯微鏡觀察水膠成份分佈 (Fluorescence microscopic observation of hydrogels composition) 29 3.2.6水膠的保水性質 (Water retention capacity test) 29 3.2.7水膠穩定度評估 (Stability of hydrogel) 30 3.2.8細胞培養方法 (Cell culture study) 31 3.3 實驗結果與討論 (Results and discussion) 33 3.3.1 螢光觀察水膠成份分佈 (Fluorescence microscopic observation of hydrogels composition) 33 3.3.2保水性質評估 (Water retention capacity test) 36 3.3.3水膠穩定度評估 (Stability of hydrogel) 38 3.3.4水膠官能基與成份表 (Hydrogels composition) 44 3.3.5細胞相容性 (Biocompatibility of hydrogel) 45 3.4 結論 (Conclusion) 49 第四章 多層型水膠促進糖尿病傷口癒合之探討 (Acceleration of wound healing in diabetic rats by layered hydrogel dressing) 50 4.1 實驗材料與設備 (Materials and methods) 50 4.1.1實驗材料 (Materials) 50 4.1.2實驗設備 (Equipments) 51 4.2 實驗方法 (Methods) 51 4.2.1膨潤度試驗 (Determination of swelling ratio) 51 4.2.2水氣透過率試驗 (Water vapor transmission rate, WVTR) 52 4.2.3凝血試驗 (Determination of blood coagulation activity) 53 4.2.4血液常規測試 (Hematological parameters) 55 4.2.5蛋白質吸附試驗 (Adsorption of proteins) 56 4.2.6水膠穩定度分析 (Release of polymers from hydrogels in DMEM) 57 4.2.7細胞培養方法 (Cell culture) 58 4.2.8細胞行為分析系統 (Electric cell-substrate impedance sensing , ECISTM) 60 4.2.9動物實驗 (In vivo test) 63 4.2.10傷口癒合速度 (Wound healing rate) 65 4.2.11羫基脯胺酸定量 (Hydroxyproline analysis) 65 4.2.12馬松三色染色法 (Masson’s trichrome stain) 66 4.2.13細胞凋亡染色 (Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling, TUNEL assay) 66 4.2.14免疫組織化學染色 (Immunohistochemistry examination) 67 4.3 實驗結果與討論 (Results and discussion) 68 4.3.1膨潤度試驗 (Determination of swelling ratio) 68 4.3.2水氣透過率試驗 (Water vapor transmission rate, WVTR) 70 4.3.3凝血試驗 (Determination of blood coagulation activity) 72 4.3.4血液常規測試 (Hematological parameters) 74 4.3.5蛋白質吸附試驗 (Adsorption of proteins) 76 4.3.6水膠血小板吸附 (Adorption of platelet) 78 4.3.7水膠穩定度分析 (Release of polymers from hydrogels in DMEM) 79 4.3.8細胞行為分析系統 (Electric cell-substrate impedance sensing , ECISTM) 84 4.3.9 水膠成份通過大白鼠皮膚滲透 (Penetration of hydrogel components through rat skin) 87 4.3.10傷口癒合速度評估 (Wound healing rate) 89 4.3.11馬松三色染色 (Masson’s trichrome staining) 與羫基脯胺酸定量 (Hydroxyproline analysis) 90 4.3.12細胞凋亡染色 (Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling, TUNEL assay) 93 4.3.13免疫組織化學染色分析 (Immunohistochemical analysis/ IHC analysis) 95 4.4 結論 (Conclusion) 99 第五章 總結論 (Conclusion) 100 第六章 參考文獻 (References) 102

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