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Author: 陳衍儒
Yen-Ju Chen
Thesis Title: 以區塊鏈為基礎的以物易物平台之設計
On the Design of Blockchain-based Barter Trading Platform
Advisor: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Committee: 楊傳凱
Chuan-Kai Yang
Yuan-Cheng Lai
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2020
Graduation Academic Year: 109
Language: 中文
Pages: 52
Keywords (in Chinese): 區塊鏈以太坊智慧合約以物易物Quorum
Keywords (in other languages): blockchain technology, Ethereum, smart contract, barter trading, Quorum
Reference times: Clicks: 724Downloads: 9
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  • 由於科技的進步以及網購平台的盛行,使得現代消費者的生活周遭有太多誘因促使人們衝動購物。過度消費除了導致環境破壞,更容易影響消費者的心理健康,許多研究指出過度消費與社會環境的負面影響,進而提出「簡單生活」的理念,透過簡化生活所需,將生活中堆積不用的物品拿出來與他人交換。於是,以物易物的目的從早期換取生活必需品的手段逐漸轉變為一種現代人生活態度的體現。

    Due to the advancement of technology and the prevalence of online shopping platforms, there are too many incentives around the daily life of modern consumers to impulse consumption. Over-consumption not only leads to environmental damage but also affects consumers’ mental health. Several studies have pointed out the negative effects of over-consumption on the environment and society, also initiate the concept of "simple living", by simplifying the needs of daily life, and exchange unnecessary items with others. As a result, the purpose of bartering has gradually changed from an early means of exchanging life necessities to a manifestation of modern living attitudes.
    However, most of the common barter trading platforms have the following problems: non-transparent exchange conditions, time-consuming exchange process, fraud, server failure, and users are scattered on multiple platforms. Therefore, this thesis uses blockchain technology to design a barter trading platform, providing a smart contract design that can according to the wish list preset by users automatically search objects, and exchange with a suitable matched object to achieve bartering trading automation. Through automating the exchange process to provide a more efficient decentralized barter trading platform, we expect to encourage consumers who were scattered on various platforms in the past to concentrate on this platform and increase the possibility of successful exchange results. In the end, we provide the experiment to verify the feasibility of the platform design we proposed and perform performance analysis in various barter trading scenarios.

    摘要 I Abstract II Acknowledgement III Table of Contents IV List of Figures V List of Tables VI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objective and Contribution 5 Chapter 2 Preliminaries 6 Chapter 3 Literature Review 12 Chapter 4 Proposed Framework 15 4.1 Role and Architecture 15 4.2 Assumptions 17 4.3 Four-Phases Process in the Proposed Framework 18 4.4 Framework Functionalities 24 4.4.1 Main Functions in the Proposed Framework 24 4.4.2 Smart Contracts in the Proposed Framework 28 Chapter 5 Experiment and Analysis 34 5.1 Experimental Environment and Implementation 34 5.2 Performance Analysis 36 Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future work 41 Reference 42

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