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研究生: 林容宇
Jung-Yu - Lin
論文名稱: 社會影響力與認知適配影響力對消費者購買與分享意圖之影響-以LINE貼圖為例
The effect of social influence and cognitive fit influence on consumers' purchasing and sharing intention: An example of LINE-Sticker
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Sun-Jen Huang
口試委員: 游慧茹
Huei-Ju Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 47
中文關鍵詞: 社會影響認知適配社會印象適配自我印象適配
外文關鍵詞: Social influence, Cognitive fit, Social image fit, Self Image Fit
相關次數: 點閱:419下載:20
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在網路與行動裝置的普及之下,即時通訊軟體成為聯繫他人、維持互動的主要工具之一。LINE是亞洲目前最受歡迎的即時通訊軟體,其具有即時性、表達多樣性,能提高互動時的社會臨場感。人們經常在對話中使用LINE貼圖來表達自己的想法或心情,LINE貼圖的多樣性,亦讓訊息的溝通更富趣味性及快速,LINE 2015年的營收為9.18億,其中百分之24來自於通訊,包括貼圖和通話。

With the popularity of mobile devices and the ubiquity of Internet, instant messaging has became an essential tool for interpersonal communications nowadays. Among the instant messaging applications, LINE could be the most one in Asia. The instant communication and diversity ways of expression could enhance the social presence when people interact with each other. LINE-Sticker is a popular feature. People often use LINE-Sticker in their communication to express their thoughts or feelings. Using LINE-Stickers makes the communication of much fun and fast. LINE’s 2015 revenue was $918 million, among 24 percent were attributed to “communication” which includes stickers and Line Call.
Witnessing the growth of LINE-Stickers market, this study was to explore the factors that drive consumers’ intention to purchase LINE-Stickers and share them with their peers. In order to fill the literature gap that generally focused on the usage intention, this study incorporated the attractiveness of the LINE-stickers and social influence to a research framework for exploring the factors that. This study conceptualized the influences of purchasing and sharing intention of LINE-Stickers into two parts, namely the social influence (influence from others) and cognitive influence (evaluations of the stickers by oneself). Social influence is comprised of external influence and internal influences. External social influence represents the perception of critical mass (weak tie in terms of social networking) while the Internal social influence represents the peer influences (strong tie). On the other hand, Cognitive influence was conceptualized as the sticker-social image fit and sticker-self image fit. This research proposed a research model and hypotheses among the proposed influences and consumers’ purchasing and sharing intention of LINE-Stickers. A web survey was employed to collected data. A total 431 responses were collected and were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).
Results of this study showed that the perceived critical mass had stronger effect on consumers’ perceived value of stickers than friends’ usage or recommendation. One plausible explanation could be characteristic of LINE-Sticker. In specific, consumers might prefer using novel and popular sticker rather than follow their close friend. On the other hand, cognitive influence was also an important factor on consumers’ behavior. The result of this study supported the view that product image was significant affect consumers’ perceived value, which further leads to their purchasing and sharing intention with LINE-Sticker. Based on the results, this study proposed recommendations for practitioners of instant messaging.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V Table of Contents VI List of Tables VII List of Figures VIII 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Research background 1 1.2 Research purpose 2 1.3 Organization of the dissertation 3 2. Conceptual background 5 2.1 Social influence 5 2.2 Cognitive influence 9 2.3 Perceived value and Purchase intention and Sharing intention 10 3. Research methodology 13 3.1 Research model and hypotheses 13 3.2 Measures 14 3.3 Data collection 15 4. Results 19 4.1 Measurement model 19 4.2 Structural model 21 5. Conclusion 23 5.1 Contributions and implications of this dissertation 23 5.2 Research limitation and future research 25 Reference 26 Appendix 33

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