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研究生: 李健銘
Jian-Ming Li
論文名稱: 二硫化釕薄膜之雙極式電阻式記憶體
Ruthenium Disulfide Thin Film Based Bipolar Resistive Switching Memory
指導教授: 周賢鎧
Shyankay Jou
口試委員: 黃柏仁
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 162
中文關鍵詞: RuS2薄膜電阻式記憶體硫空缺界面型導電機構金屬燈絲
外文關鍵詞: RuS2 thin film, resistive memory, sulfur vacancy, interface-type conduction mechanism, metallic filament
相關次數: 點閱:108下載:0
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本研究以二硫化釕(Ruthenium disulfide, RuS2)薄膜為介電層應用於電阻式記憶體,製作Ti/RuS2/Ru和Ni/RuS2/Ru元件並比較其電性、切換機構與傳導機制等方面之差異。
Ti/RuS2/Ru元件在I-V量測時僅需0.75 V就可以切換至LRS,-0.85 V切換至HRS;Ni/RuS2/Ru元件則需要1.4 V切換才能至LRS,-1 V切換至HRS,代表界面型導電機構比起金屬導電燈絲機構僅需更小之電壓驅動元件,且只有在界面型導電機構中成功模擬神經元突觸的仿生特性,實現連續電導阻態特性。會有機構上的不同是取決於上電極有無與RuS2薄膜形成中間層,造成RuS2薄膜中的硫空缺增加,有足夠的硫空缺才可調整上電極與RuS2薄膜之間的界面能障高度並進行高低電阻態切換,達成界面型導電機構。

This study applies ruthenium disulfide (RuS2) thin film as the dielectric layer for resistive memory devices. Ti/RuS2/Ru and Ni/RuS2/Ru devices were fabricated, and their electrical characteristics, switching mechanisms, and conduction mechanisms were compared.
The Ti/RuS2/Ru device exhibited bipolar resistive switching behavior during electrical characterization and showed an on/off ratio of around 25 in endurance tests. The device's low resistance state (LRS) and high resistance state (HRS) both followed the Poole-Frenkel emission mechanism. In tests with different electrode areas, the resistance values of both LRS and HRS decreased as the electrode area increased, indicating an interface-type conduction mechanism. In temperature-dependent tests, the resistance values of both LRS and HRS decreased with increasing temperature, suggesting semiconductor-like behavior and implying that the device does not rely on filamentary conduction but rather on modulation of the interface barrier height to achieve resistive switching.
The Ni/RuS2/Ru device also exhibited bipolar resistive switching, with an on/off ratio of around 10 in endurance tests. The LRS followed an ohmic conduction mechanism, while the HRS followed the Poole-Frenkel emission mechanism. The resistance values of both LRS and HRS did not vary with electrode area, suggesting that the LRS is dominated by metallic filamentary conduction. In temperature-dependent tests, the HRS resistance decreased with increasing temperature (semiconductor-like), while the LRS resistance increased with temperature (metallic-like), with the extracted temperature coefficient (α) close to that of Ni, indicating that the main conductive filament in the LRS is likely a Ni metal filament.
Compared to the Ni/RuS2/Ru device, the Ti/RuS2/Ru device requires lower switching voltages (0.75 V to LRS, -0.85 V to HRS) than the Ni/RuS2/Ru device (1.4 V to LRS, -1 V to HRS), indicating that the interface-type conduction mechanism requires lower operating voltages than the metallic filament mechanism. Only the interface-type conduction mechanism successfully mimics the analog synaptic behavior of biological neurons. This difference in mechanism is determined by whether there is an interfacial layer formed between the top electrode and the RuS2 film, which can modulate the sulfur vacancy concentration in the RuS2 film and thus the interface barrier height, enabling the interface-type conduction mechanism.

摘要 ................................................................................................................................... I Abstract ............................................................................................................................. II 目錄 .................................................................................................................................. V 圖目錄 .............................................................................................................................. X 表目錄 ......................................................................................................................... XVI 第一章 前言 .................................................................................................................... 1 第二章 文獻回顧 ............................................................................................................ 2 2.1 記憶體簡介 ....................................................................................................... 2 2.1.1 鐵電式記憶體(Ferroelectric Memory) ............................................. 3 2.1.2 相變化式記憶體(Phase Change Memory) ....................................... 3 2.1.3 磁阻式記憶體(Magnetoresistive RAM) .......................................... 4 2.1.4 電阻式記憶體(Resistive RAM) ....................................................... 5 單極式電阻切換(Unipolar Resistive Switching) .................. 6 雙極式電阻切換(Bipolar Resistive Switching) .................... 6 2.2 電阻式記憶體切換機構 ................................................................................... 7 2.2.1 導電燈絲機構(Filamentary Conducting Path) ................................. 7 2.2.2 界面型導電機構(Interface-Type Path) ............................................. 8 2.3 漏電流導電機制 .............................................................................................. 11 2.3.1 普爾-法蘭克發射(Poole-Frenkel Emission) .......................... 12 2.3.2 空間電荷限制傳導(Space-Charge-Limited Conduction) ...... 13 2.3.3 歐姆傳導(Ohmic Conduction) ................................................ 14 2.3.4 跳躍傳導(Hopping Conduction) ............................................ 15 2.3.5蕭特基發射(Schottky Emission) ............................................. 16 2.3.6傅勒-諾德翰穿隧(Fowler-Nordheim Tunneling) .................... 17 2.4 電阻式記憶體應用於仿生技術 ..................................................................... 18 2.4.1電阻式記憶體元件的多重阻態特性(Multi-level Resistance Characteristics) .................................................................................... 19 2.4.2電阻式記憶體元件的連續電導阻態特性(Multi-level Consecutive Conductance Resistance Characteristics) ............................................ 20 2.5 二硫化釕之電阻切換相關研究 ..................................................................... 23 2.5.1 二硫化釕基本性質 ...................................................................... 24 2.5.2 二硫化釕薄膜製備以及材料分析 .............................................. 24 2.5.3 金屬硫化物電阻式記憶體之電極、傳導、切換機制 .............. 28 2.5.4 和本論文相同金屬導電燈絲機構、界面型導電機構之氧化物電阻式記憶體 ............................................................................................ 39 2.6 研究動機 ......................................................................................................... 43 第三章 實驗方法與實驗儀器 ...................................................................................... 44 3.1 電阻式記憶體實驗流程與製備 ..................................................................... 44 3.1.1 實驗耗材與藥品規格 .......................................................................... 44 3.1.2 實驗流程 .............................................................................................. 45 基板清洗 ................................................................................... 46 元件製備 ................................................................................... 47 3.2 實驗儀器與原理 ............................................................................................. 49 3.2.1 實驗儀器簡表 ...................................................................................... 49 3.2.2 磁控式濺鍍系統(Magnetic Sputtering) ......................................... 49 3.2.3 高溫管狀爐系統(Tube Furnace) .................................................... 50 3.2.4 微波電漿系統(Microwave Plasma System) ................................... 51 3.3 分析儀器與儀器原理 ..................................................................................... 52 3.3.1 分析儀器簡表 ...................................................................................... 52 3.3.2 X射線光電子能譜儀(X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer, XPS)….53 3.3.3 紫外光光電子能譜儀(Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectrometer, UPS) ........................................................................................................................ 55 3.3.4 紫外光-可見光分光光譜儀(UV-Vis Spectrometer) ...................... 56 3.3.5 高解析度共軛焦顯微拉曼光譜儀(Raman Spectrometer) ............ 57 3.3.6 X-Ray繞射分析儀(X-ray diffractometer, XRD) ............................ 58 3.3.7 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy, FESEM) .................................................................................. 59 3.3.8 直流電源供應器(DC power supply) .............................................. 60 3.3.9 波型產生器和示波器(Function Generators and Oscilloscope) ..... 61 第四章 結果與討論 ...................................................................................................... 62 4.1 RuS2薄膜之材料分析 ..................................................................................... 62 4.1.1 RuS2薄膜之FESEM結果分析 ........................................................... 62 4.1.2 RuS2薄膜之Raman結果分析 ............................................................. 63 4.1.3 RuS2薄膜之XRD結果分析 ................................................................ 64 4.1.4 RuS2薄膜之XPS結果分析 ................................................................. 65 4.1.5 RuS2薄膜之UPS結果分析 ................................................................. 68 4.1.6 RuS2薄膜之UV-vis結果分析 ............................................................. 70 4.1.7 RuS2薄膜之能帶結構 .......................................................................... 71 4.2 Ti/RuS2/Ru之電阻式記憶體元件分析 ........................................................... 72 4.2.1 Ti/RuS2/Ru元件之FESEM截面結果分析 ......................................... 72 4.2.2 Ti/RuS2/Ru元件之XPS縱深分析 ...................................................... 73 4.2.3 Ti/RuS2/Ru元件之電性分析 ................................................................ 84 Ti/RuS2/Ru元件之Forming Process ......................................... 84 Ti/RuS2/Ru元件之I-V曲線和Endurance測試 ...................... 84 Ti/RuS2/Ru元件之電荷傳導機制分析 ..................................... 85 Ti/RuS2/Ru元件之切換機構分析 ............................................. 88 Ti/RuS2/Ru元件之能帶結構及內部缺陷示意圖 ..................... 91 Ti/RuS2/Ru元件之模擬神經元突觸的仿生特性 ..................... 92 4.3 Ni/RuS2/Ru之電阻式記憶體元件分析 .......................................................... 94 4.3.1 Ni/RuS2/Ru元件之FESEM截面結果分析 ........................................ 94 4.3.2 Ni/RuS2/Ru元件之XPS縱深分析 ...................................................... 95 4.3.3 Ni/RuS2/Ru元件之電性分析 ............................................................. 106 Ni/RuS2/Ru元件之Forming Process ...................................... 106 Ni/RuS2/Ru元件之I-V曲線和Endurance測試 ................... 106 Ni/RuS2/Ru元件之電荷傳導機制分析 .................................. 107 Ni/RuS2/Ru元件之切換機構分析 .......................................... 109 Ni/RuS2/Ru元件之能帶結構及內部缺陷示意圖 ................... 114 Ni/RuS2/Ru元件之模擬神經元突觸的仿生特性 ................... 116 4.4 Ti/RuS2/Ru和Ni/RuS2/Ru之電阻式記憶體元件比較 ................................. 117 4.5 Ti/RuS2/Ru和Ni/RuS2/Ru之電阻式記憶體元件與參考文獻比較 ............. 118 第五章 結論 ................................................................................................................. 119 第六章 未來展望 ........................................................................................................ 120 第七章 參考文獻 ........................................................................................................ 121 第八章 附錄 ................................................................................................................ 131 附錄一 Ti/RuS2/Ru之蕭特基能障大小分析以及能帶示意圖 ......................... 131 附錄二 Ni/RuS2/Ru之蕭特基能障大小分析以及能帶示意圖 ........................ 133 附錄三 不同硫化溫度RuS2薄膜之XRD和Raman分析 .............................. 134 附錄四 Ti/RuS2/Ru之硫化溫度600°C之電性分析 ......................................... 134 附錄五 Ti/RuS2/Ru之硫化溫度700°C之電性分析 ......................................... 135 附錄六 Ti/RuS2/Ru之硫化溫度550°C之不同面積Forming、IV and Endurance .............................................................................................................................. 136 附錄七 Ni/RuS2/Ru之硫化溫度550°C之不同面積Forming、IV and Endurance .............................................................................................................................. 137 附錄八 Ti and Ni/RuS2/Ru之硫化溫度550°C之Retention ............................. 138 附錄九 Ti/RuS2/Ru之硫化溫度550°C之連續電導阻態特性測試 ................. 139 附錄十 RuS2和Ru之XRD圖譜與標準卡號對比數據 .................................. 140

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