簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 喻韜
Tao - Yu
論文名稱: 跨產業鏈方法之專利趨勢分析-以金屬氧化物型電阻式記憶體為例
Industry Chain based Patent Trend Analysis-Using Metal Oxide Resistive RAM as an Example
指導教授: 蔡鴻文
Hung-Wen Tsai
口試委員: 管中徽
Chung-Huei Kuan
C. H. Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 跨產業鏈專利分析金屬氧化物型電阻式記憶體
外文關鍵詞: cross industry chain, patent analysis, metal oxide resistive memory
相關次數: 點閱:1383下載:4
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  • 專利分析對於專利布局而言是相當重要的事前調查,原因在於分析特定技術領域的專利趨勢,企業可以審視欲申請專利的新穎性;而說明書撰稿人則可以衡量一發明是否符合進步性要求。對企業體每一項產品的研發都所費不貲,當然會利用專利保護自己的技術創意,更重要的是,一旦產品上市卻遭到專利侵權訴訟的延宕,對於企業的形象、經營都是極大的打擊,因此事前調查對於欲推出產品相關領域的專利概況尤其重要。

    For patent strategy, patent analysis is a very important pre-investigation. Based on the analysis to the trend of a specific field, the enterprise can examine the novelty of an invention to be applied for patent; the patent drafter can weigh the inventive steps of the application. The development of each product costs a lot to every enterprise, and therefore it is nature to seek patent protection. The most important, once the product of an enterprise involved in litigation, it is a serious damage to the enterprise regarding the enterprise image and operation. Thus pre-investigating to the circumstance of the field related to the product being marketed is necessary.
    In Taiwan electronics industry, patent litigation takes place all the time currently. That news highlights that the Taiwan enterprises neglect the aspect of patent in advance. However electronics industry varies circumstance every 3 month and most enterprises hold numerous patents. The necessity is doubtable to spend tremendous time and human resource to construct a patent map.
    The trend analysis of patent provides the preliminary information and facilitates the decision of whether it is necessary to construct a patent map. Combining the technology and market information, the trend analysis even can disclose the technical development profile and the tendency of competitors to provide the direction of research and marketing for enterprises.
    This study uses the metal oxide resistive random-access-memory as example and provides the investigation method suitable for electronics industry. It is convenient to estimate the patent tendency and the influence of a patent itself. This analysis method takes the point of view of industry chain. The result of this method is validated through comparing with the properties of the patents selected by citation. In the aspect of methodology, this study provides an analysis process for electronics patent tendency. Its characters are fast, simple and step-defined. More important, the analysis is based on patent classification number. That could dramatically decrease the technology requirement of human resource when proceeding to the patent tendency analysis.

    摘要I ABSTRACTII 致謝III 章節目錄IV 表目錄IX 圖目錄XI 第1章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景1 1.2 研究動機2 1.3 研究目的4 1.4 研究範圍5 第2章 技術探討7 2.1 RRAM背景7 2.1.1 RRAM歷史7 2.1.2 記憶體分類9 2.1.3 RRAM結構12 2.1.4 RRAM操作特性13 2.2 金屬氧化物型電阻式記憶體製程16 2.2.1 製程概述16 2.2.2 電容之標準CMOS製程17 2.2.3 MIM結構標準CMOS製程18 2.2.4 金屬氧化物型電阻式記憶體陣列結構19 2.2.5 小結20 2.3 未來挑戰21 第3章 市場現況23 3.1 DRAM產業分析24 3.2 NAND FLASH 逐漸取代DRAM26 3.3 快閃記憶體與DRAM市場變化趨勢29 3.4 次世代記憶體: RRAM33 第4章 分析研究方法36 4.1 專利權與專利說明書簡介36 4.1.1 專利權36 4.1.2 專利說明書36 4.2 專利資料檢索資料庫37 4.3 專利檢索流程39 4.3.1 決定分析母體39 4.3.2 細部分析41 4.3.3 分析產業之專利分類號42 4.3.4 決定具影響力的專利44 4.3.5 小結44 4.4 專利分析工具46 第5章 實證分析47 5.1 檢索結果47 5.1.1 決定分析母體47 5.1.2 專利細部分析48 5.1.3 分析產業之專利分類號49 5.1.4 決定具影響力專利51 5.2 分析母體概觀51 5.2.1 分析母體專利數分析52 5.2.2 分析母體申請人國別分析55 5.2.3 分析母體IPC趨勢58 5.2.4 分析母體IPC歷年趨勢59 5.2.5 分析母體公司研發強度61 5.3 細部分析63 5.3.1 細部分析專利數分析63 5.3.2 細部分析申請人國別分析64 5.3.3 細部分析IPC趨勢66 5.3.4 細部分析IPC歷年分析68 5.3.5 細部分析公司研發強度69 5.3.6 細部分析發明人分析72 5.4 引證分析72 5.5 產業鏈分析75 5.5.1 RAM IC設計(Design)78 5.5.2 EDA設計服務79 5.5.3 SIP供應商79 5.5.4 晶圓製造(Fab)80 5.5.5 封裝技術(Packing)81 5.5.6 記憶體模組技術(Module)81 5.6 決定優勢IPC82 5.6.1 由優勢IPC決定具有影響力專利83 5.7 比較具影響力專利與高引證專利85 第6章 結論與探討88 6.1 研究分析88 6.1.1 檢索策略分析88 6.1.2 跨產業環節專利檢索的特色89 6.2 結論89 參考文獻91

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