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研究生: 吳俞灃
Yu-Feng Wu
論文名稱: LED水族燈之相關專利分析研究
A study on related patents analysis of LED aquarium lamp
指導教授: 林榮慶
Zone-Ching Lin
口試委員: 傅光華
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: LED水族燈雲端運算改良之搜尋法散熱支架光源控制
外文關鍵詞: LED aquarium light, cloud computing, improved search method, heat dissipation, support frame, light source control
相關次數: 點閱:306下載:19
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  • 本文首先透過所建立之雲端運算專利檢索公有雲,以LED水族燈研究之載具,由創新性改良之搜尋法檢索出LED水族燈之繁體和簡體中文及英文專利文件,並進行LED水族燈繁體和簡體中文及英文專利的IPC分析。此外本文改良繁體和簡體中文專利之零組件元件字的搜尋及斷詞方法。由繁體和簡體中文專利的文件之內容,歸納出兩種創新零組件元件字搜尋法。本文由繁體和簡體中文及英文專利語意分析及斷詞斷字系統,由新增加第二層技術的技術詞句斷詞點半自動半人工歸納出相關繁體和簡體中文及英文專利之技術字群與功能字群。並應用所搜集的LED水族燈相關繁體和簡體中文及英文專利,收集同義字,建立繁體和簡體中文及英文同義字對照表。接著建立LED水族燈相關繁體和簡體中文及英文專利之第一層及第二層技術/功能矩陣,並進行以技術觀點為主的LED水族燈繁體和簡體中文及英文專利分析。本文並應用判斷一件專利所歸屬的技術或功能類別之方法。此方法為先利用上述建立的繁體和簡體中文及英文同義字表,配合元件字、技術字群及功能字群之關鍵字之出現次數,建立關鍵字相關的模糊值,進而應用次數常態化概念,建立相關公式,算出該繁體和簡體中文及英文專利可能歸屬之技術或功能類別的概率值。

    First of all, the paper retrieves public cloud through the established cloud computing of patents, takes the carrier of LED aquarium light research, uses the innovatively improved search method to retrieve the traditional and simplified Chinese and English patent documents of LED aquarium light, and carries out inter-process communication (IPC) analysis of the traditional and simplified Chinese and English patents of LED aquarium light. Besides, the paper improves the search and term segmentation methods of the words of parts and components of the traditional and simplified Chinese patents. From the contents of the traditional and simplified Chinese patent documents, the paper induces two innovative search methods of the words of parts and components. From the semantic analysis as well as term and word segmentation system of the traditional and simplified Chinese and English patents, and from the term segmentation points of the technical terms of the newly increased Level 2 techniques, the paper semi-automatically and semi-manually induces the technical word group and functional word group of the related traditional and simplified Chinese and English patents. The paper also applies the searched relevant traditional and simplified Chinese and English patents of LED aquarium light, and collected related synonyms to establish a List of Traditional and Simplified Chinese and English Synonyms. After that, the paper establishes Level 1 and Level 2 technical/functional matrices of the related traditional and simplified Chinese and English patents of LED aquarium light, and carries out analysis of the traditional and simplified Chinese and English patents of LED aquarium light that mainly take technical points of view. The paper also employs the method of judging of which technical or functional category a patent belongs to. This method firstly uses the List of Traditional and Simplified Chinese and English Synonyms established above, together with the appearance frequency of the keywords of component words, technical word group and functional word group to establish related fuzzy values of the keywords. Furthermore, applying the concept of frequency normalization, the paper establishes the related equations to calculate the probability value for a traditional or simplified Chinese or English patent to belong to which technical or functional category.
    After that, the paper conducts IPC analysis of the well-arranged traditional and simplified Chinese and English patents of LED aquarium light, analysis of inventors, analysis of company types, analysis of country types and analysis of the overall trend. From the related term and word segmentation analysis of the components, technical terms and functional terms of the traditional and simplified Chinese and English patents, the paper establishes the word group of technical and functional categories, and further produces Level 1 and Level technical/functional matrices. Furthermore, from Level 1 and Level 2 technical/functional matrices, the paper establishes Level 1 and Level 2 item techniques and company types, analysis diagram of core competitive companies, diagram of competitors’ research and development (R&D) energy trend, and diagram of technical-level energy. Finally, the paper practically puts in two documents of related patents and judges them to be of Level 1 and Level 2 technical categories, thus proving that the method developed by the study is feasible. The related traditional and simplified Chinese and English patents of LED aquarium light being searched above, as well as the results of abovementioned IPC analysis and technical analysis can provide corporates and engineers a reference for saving their R&D time, and a reference for invention of patents. Besides, with these analytical results, corporates are able to understand the core competitiveness of their competitors.

    摘要I AbstractIII 誌謝VI 目錄VII 圖目錄X 表目錄XI 第一章 緒論1 1.1研究背景1 1.2研究動機與目的2 1.3文獻回顧2 1.4論文架構7 第二章 LED水族燈介紹9 2.1 LED發光原理與基本特性介紹9 2.2 LED水族燈14 第三章 應用雲端運算概念建立專利檢索公有雲並由改良式專利搜尋法搜尋相關專利16 3.1雲端運算概念介紹17 3.2雲端運算專利檢索公有雲之建構19 3.3 由改良式專利搜尋法搜尋相關專利21 3.4繁體、簡體中文及英文專利之國際專利分析碼IPC分析23 第四章 建立繁體、簡體中文及英文之斷詞斷字系統25 4.1 繁體、簡體中文零組件元件字斷詞點25 4.2 英文零組件元件字斷詞點29 4.3 技術詞句之第一層及第二層斷詞點31 4.4 功能詞句之斷詞點35 第五章 建立第一層及第二層之技術功能矩陣且利用機率方法判斷專利所屬之技術或功能類別38 5.1建立相關專利之繁體、簡體中文及英文對照表38 5.2 建立第一層及第二層技術/功能字群38 5.3歸納分析相關專利開始分析並建立專利之載具相關第一層及第二層技術功能矩陣39 5.4 利用機率方法判斷專利所屬之技術或功能類別40 第六章 LED水族燈之繁體和簡體中文及英文專利分析結果與討論43 6.1雲端運算專利檢索公有雲之建構43 6.2由改良式專利搜尋法搜尋LED水族燈專利46 6.3 第一層及第二層技術/功能別之字群建立50 6.4 LED水族燈繁體和簡體中文及英文專利之IPC分析、發明人分析、公司別分析、所屬國別分析以及整體趨勢分析58 6.5 LED水族燈的第一層及第二層技術/功能矩陣建立66 6.6 LED水族燈第一層及第二層各分項技術與公司別、核心競爭力公司分析圖、競爭者研發活動力趨勢圖及技術層活動力趨勢圖。69 6.7利用機率方法來驗證所屬專利之第一層與第二層技術類別80 6.7.1 模糊值的設定80 6.7.2 驗証專利所屬之第一層及第二層技術技術類別82 第七章 結論與建議84 7.1 結論84 7.2 建議85 參考文獻86 作者簡介88

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