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研究生: 楊文亞
Wen-Ya Yang
論文名稱: 應用於室內人體呼吸與心跳感測器之超寬頻天線設計
Ultra-Wideband Antenna Design for Applications in Indoor Human Breath and Heartbeat Sensor
指導教授: 楊成發
Chang-Fa Yang
口試委員: 廖文照
Wen-Jiao Liao
Chun-Yi Chai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 超寬頻脈衝群延遲單極天線領結型天線陣列天線
外文關鍵詞: ultra-wideband, pulse, group delay, monopole, bow-tie, array antenna
相關次數: 點閱:466下載:0
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In this thesis, the antennas to be applied in an ultra-wideband indoor human breathing and heartbeat sensor are proposed. In consideration of the application environments, antenna characteristics must have wide bandwidth, high gain,good radiation efficiency and directional radiation patterns. Also, since the ultra-wideband wireless communication system transmits pulse signals, the group delay of the antennas needs to be evaluated to avoid signal transmission distortions.
First, an ultra-wideband three-dimensional coupled antenna is proposed.Coupling effects between monopole antenna and parasitic elements are used to obtain wide operating bandwidth.Also, three-dimensional antenna architecture with air between the elements is applied to have good antenna radiation efficiency.Besides,a ground behind the antenna further enhances the antenna gain and achieve directional radiation patterns.
Secondly,a bow-tie 2 × 1 array antenna is proposed for cost effective solution. The broadband bow-tie dipole antenna and T-type power divider are designed to obtain good impedance matching, gain and radiated efficiency in the operating frequency band.Also, a metal reflector behind the antenna is used to obtain the higher gain and directional patterns.

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 目錄 VII 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第一章緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 章節概述 3 第二章超寬頻無線通訊概述 4 2.1 超寬頻基本原理 4 2.2 超寬頻通訊系統之特點 6 2.3 超寬頻之群延遲(Group Delay) 8 第三章超寬頻立體式耦合貼片天線設計 10 3.1 前言 10 3.2 超寬頻立體式耦合貼片天線 11 3.2.1天線架構及其工作原理 11 3.2.2倒L激發單極天線結構變化之參數分析 16 3.2.3橢圓形耦合貼片之長短半徑參數分析 19 3.2.4倒L激發單極天線與橢圓形耦合貼片之間距參數分析 22 3.3 立體式耦合貼片天線之模擬與量測結果 25 3.4 小結 35 第四章超寬頻領結型2×1陣列天線設計 36 4.1 前言 36 4.2 超寬頻領結型2×1陣列天線設計 36 4.2.1天線架構及其工作原理 36 4.2.2領結型偶極天線結構變化之參數分析 43 4.2.3天線測試版與金屬反射面之垂直距離參數分析 46 4.3 超寬頻領結型2×1陣列天線模擬與量測結果 48 4.4 小結 58 第五章結論 59 參考文獻 61

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