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研究生: 林鈺益
Yu-Yi Lin
論文名稱: 鎢摻雜錳基MOF衍生碳材料用於太陽光驅動之氣態甲醛降解
Tungsten-doped Mn Based MOF Derived Carbon Material for Solar-Driven Gaseous Formaldehyde Degradation
指導教授: 胡哲嘉
Che-Chia Hu
口試委員: 胡哲嘉
Che-Chia Hu
Yu-Cheng Chiu
Szu-Chia Chien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 二氧化錳MOF衍生碳材金屬摻雜光熱催化
外文關鍵詞: Manganese dioxide, MOF derived carbon, Metal doping, Photothermal catalysis
相關次數: 點閱:106下載:0
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近來,受到地球暖化加劇的影響,室外溫度動輒超過36攝氏度,人們大多傾向待在室內活動,因此室內空氣的品質越來越受到人們的重視,而甲醛是一種具代表性的室內空氣污染物,如何有效降低甲醛濃度便成為科學家們關注的議題。而金屬有機框架(Metal Organic Frameworks, MOFs)作為前驅物具有較大比表面積,較多孔隙以及可調性的孔洞分布等優點,衍生自MOFs的碳材料則同時具有高化學穩定性、高導電率且承襲MOFs中出色的高孔隙率。本研究選用豐度高、成本低且具有高效降解能力的二氧化錳作為觸媒使用,不過可見光使用率低以及低電子遷移率仍限制其應用,鎢金屬摻雜可以調節二氧化錳的特性(如形貌、比表面積、表面缺陷、電子結構、表面氧物種等),可使活性位點的數目增多並有效提高光熱偕同效應性能,進而改善甲醛催化活性。而新興的光熱催化法結合了光催化和熱催化的優點,其主要利用紫外-可見光驅動光催化反應,並利用紅外光產生熱催化所需的熱能。除此之外,含碳材料在太陽光譜中具有強大的光吸收能力及優異光熱轉換能力,可以通過光熱協同效應提高全光譜太陽光的利用率,從而提高催化活性並表現出顯著的效果。結果顯示,在不同比例鎢摻雜量下,0.5% W-MnO2具有最好的催化活性,經過兩小時的太陽光模擬器照射後,可以達到超過90%的移除率。而在同時照光且控制60攝氏度的光熱催化下,一小時內能快速達到大約95%的移除率。我們所合成出的觸媒展現優異的甲醛移除效率,除了可歸因於材料中奈米石墨碳貢獻的光熱效應外,摻雜後的二氧化錳產生更多氧空位也是效率提升的主要原因。本實驗利用太陽光模擬器提供反應所需光能及熱能來取代外加設備的需求,可大幅降低設備所需之消耗,具備未來發展的潛能。

Recently, due to the exacerbation of global warming, outdoor temperatures often exceed 36 degrees Celsius, leading most people to prefer indoor activities. Therefore, indoor air quality has become increasingly important. Formaldehyde, a representative indoor air pollutant, has become a focal point for scientists aiming to effectively reduce its concentration. Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) serve as precursors with advantages such as larger specific surface area, more porous structure, and adjustable pore distribution. Derived carbon materials from MOFs inherit high chemical stability, conductivity, and excellent porosity from MOFs. This study employs manganese dioxide, which is abundant, low-cost, and highly efficient in degradation, as a catalyst. However, its low visible light utilization rate and low electron migration rate still limit its application. Tungsten doping can adjust the properties of manganese dioxide such as morphology, specific surface area, surface defects, electronic structure, surface oxygen species, increase the number of active sites, and effectively enhance the photocatalytic performance, thus improving formaldehyde catalytic activity. The novel photothermal catalysis method combines the advantages of photo catalysis and thermal catalysis. It mainly utilizes UV-visible light to drive photocatalytic reactions and uses infrared light to generate the heat energy required for thermal catalysis. In addition, carbon-containing materials have strong light absorption capability and excellent photothermal conversion ability in the solar spectrum. They can improve the utilization of full-spectrum solar energy through photothermal synergistic effects, thereby enhancing catalytic activity and demonstrating significant effects. The results show that, among different ratio of tungsten doping, 0.5% W-MnO2 exhibits the best catalytic activity. After two hours of simulated sunlight exposure, it can achieve more than 90% removal rate. Moreover, under simultaneous irradiation and temperature controlled at 60 degrees Celsius, a rapid removal rate of approximately 95% can be achieved within one hour. The catalyst synthesized in this study demonstrates excellent formaldehyde removal efficiency. In addition to the photothermal effect contributed by nano-graphite carbon in the material, the increased number of oxygen vacancies produced by manganese dioxide doping is also a major reason for the efficiency improvement. This experiment uses a solar simulator to provide the required light and heat energy for the reaction, replacing the need for additional equipment, thus significantly reducing energy consumption and holding potential for future development.

中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 甲醛特性及危害 4 2.2 常見甲醛移除方法 6 2.4 光熱效應與應用 11 2.4.1 光熱協同效應模式 11 2.4.2 光熱觸媒應用於VOCs移除 13 2.5 觸媒特性 15 2.5.1 金屬有機框架衍生碳材料 15 2.5.2 過渡金屬氧化物 17 2.5.3 金屬摻雜 20 第三章 實驗方法與使用儀器 24 3.1 實驗藥品與設備 24 3.2 觸媒製備 25 3.2.1 錳基MOF之製備 25 3.2.2 錳基MOF衍生碳材之製備 26 3.2.3 鎢摻雜於含碳二氧化錳之製備 26 3.3 甲醛移除實驗 26 3.4 分析儀器及原理 27 第四章 結果與討論 32 4.1 晶體結構分析 32 4.2 表面形貌分析 33 4.3 化學結構分析 36 4.4 光學特性分析 40 4.5 甲醛移除活性測試 41 4.6 甲醛光熱催化移除機制 44 第五章 結論 49 參考文獻 50 附錄一 58 附錄二 62

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