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研究生: 陳冠宇
Kuan-Yu Chen
論文名稱: 結合實體的行銷共享分潤平台–以手搖飲為例
Integrated Marketing Revenue Sharing Platform with Physical Stores - A Case Study of Handmade Beverage
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Yeh, Ying-Jung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 35
中文關鍵詞: 服務創新網路行銷人力管理網紅行銷共創平台手搖飲個人化
外文關鍵詞: service innovation, online marketing, human resources management, Internet celebrity marketing, co-creation platform, handmade beverage, personalization
相關次數: 點閱:388下載:4
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  • 本研究採用哈佛個案教學方式進行撰寫,個案內容為實際創業過程,內容探討無人手搖飲店的服務創新過程,由主角帶出單純的想喝到一杯一致性的手搖飲而觸發出來的想法,開始招集團隊的過程,從一個單純的原料控制機器,而自動化要解決人力問題的同時,也因為沒有與人之間的互動而缺少溫度的副作用,兩個不同面向的問題衝撞下,如何透過創新的思考,導入網紅合作的行銷方式,以及可自行調配而達到個人化的共享分潤機制,試著將所有的問題融合在一起,找出可行的方案。

    This research is written in the way of Harvard case teaching. The content of the case is the actual entrepreneurial process. The content explores the service innovation process of the unmanned hand-shake drink shop. The main character brings out the idea triggered by simply wanting to drink a consistent handmade beverage, began the process of recruiting a team, starting from a simple raw material control machine, and while automation has to solve the human problem, it also lacks the side effect of not close because there is no interaction with people. Under the collision of two different problems, how to pass Innovative thinking, introducing the marketing method of Internet celebrity cooperation, and the sharing mechanism that can be deployed to achieve personalization, try to integrate all the problems together to find a feasible solution.
    This case is divided into two parts: this article and the teaching manual. The first chapter describes the entrepreneur's initial idea, how to implement it, how to find ways to solve the problem step by step when encountering problems, and change the nature of the service to challenge the market Acceptance. The teaching topic in the second chapter will guide everyone to discuss the methods used in the process and the results obtained, and to think about different possibilities.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 壹、個案本文 1 一、 序幕 1 二、 單純的起心動念 1 三、 飲料自動化市場 2 四、 人力資源問題及租金成本 4 五、 挑戰 6 六、 那些待解決的難題 7 七、 型態轉換 9 八、 下一步 10 貳、教學指引 12 一、 個案總覽 12 二、 教學目標 14 三、 教學策略 15 四、 問題討論 16 五、 板書規劃 23 參、參考文獻 26 一、 中文文獻 26 二、 網站部份 26

    一、 中文文獻
    1.臺灣服務科學學會(2015),「服務科學 : 服務系統觀與價值共創論」,新北市三重區,前程文化
    二、 網站部份
    1.國家發展委員會人口查詢 (https://pop-proj.ndc.gov.tw/chart.aspx?c=9&uid=65&pid=60
    2.台灣趨勢研究 (https://www.twtrend.com/trend-detail/food-and-beverage-service-activities-2022/)
    3.經濟部 批發、零售及餐飲業經營實況調查報告(111年電子書) https://www.moea.gov.tw/Mns/DOS/bulletin/wHandBulletin_File.ashx?file_id=36921
    4.SocialPilot,Why Are Micro-Influencers The New Gods Of Influencer Marketing? https://www.socialpilot.co/blog/micro-influencers
    5.Wiki,Free Style https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca-Cola_Freestyle#:~:text=The%20Freestyle's%20beverage%20dispensing%20technology,technology%20and%20proprietary%20PurePour%20technology

    全文公開日期 2033/06/11 (校外網路)
    全文公開日期 2033/06/11 (國家圖書館:臺灣博碩士論文系統)