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研究生: 何蔡杰
Tsai-Jie He
論文名稱: 探討金融業資訊委外的夥伴關係-以某金控為例
IS Outsourcing Partnership for the Financial industry
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
口試委員: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Chia-Fen Chi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 資訊委外社會交換理論社會資本理論夥伴關係
外文關鍵詞: IS Outsourcing, Social Exchange Theory, Social Capital Theory, Partnership
相關次數: 點閱:443下載:10
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資訊系統委外作業的歷史由來已久,美國在 1970 至1980 年代,資訊系統委外作業便有逐漸增加的趨勢,台灣在1990 年代開始也有不少企業將部分非核心的業務轉交由委外開發商承包維護。然而,很多企業低估了這些衡量及確認委外資訊廠商的能力及合約履行時的監控成本,過度樂觀地預期委外開發後能節省的企業資源,反而未能預估到這些隱藏成本將大幅降低企業將資訊委外的預期效益。其中又以未能與委外資訊廠商保持良好關係影響最為顯著。本研究希望針對此議題進行探討,以個案公司為例,研究是否能以良好的雙方關係維持來降低金融業中資訊委外時的風險。並提出研究架構,建議企業在資訊系統的不同領域均可挑選合作過的優良委外供應商,培養為長期合作的關係模式,建立以企業為中心點的夥伴關係網絡。不僅可以降低企業搜尋未知合作對象的交易成本與風險,也因雙方願意基於互信互惠的基礎,發展共同的目標,進而成為共享利益,共擔責任的事業夥伴關係。
1. 利用本研究建構夥伴關係四個階段的發展模式,供企業委外決策之評估及運用。
2. 發展不同領域合作夥伴,以多元關係網絡避免過度依賴單一對象。
3. 透過拓展企業內部不同平台的支援延伸,讓合作夥伴產生微妙競合關係。

From the business point of view, nothing more than the cost savings and operational automation can be able to increase their core competition. Due to the rapid development of information technology, both the hardware and software continues to introduce new equipment and technology. So the Information technology induction becomes very important. How the information system of the enterprise can fit the needs of continuously updated. It is necessary to rely on the professional supplier of IS outsourcing to provide the faster and more correct solutions.

In Taiwan, many companies outsourced their information system by the outside suppliers. However, some of them underestimate the risks of IS outsourcing . Optimistic to expect the IS outsourcing will reduced the largest enterprise cost. Departing from the social viewpoint, such as "Social Exchange Theory" and "Social Capital Theory" to explain the impact of outsourcing relationship factors.We can find the good relationship between cooperation and IS outsourcing suppliers will be the key successful factor. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to maintaining a good relationship with the supplier to reduce the risks when IS outsourcing. In each various areas of the IS outsourcing, corporations need to carefully choose a good supplier and maintaining the long-term cooperative relations with each other. Corporation construct the partnerships as the central point of the network hierarchy becomes a very important issue.

The main contribution of this study to academia is to provide a development model of the IS outsourcing partnerships in the financial industry to the future researchers who are interested in this domain. The cooperation, in terms of its variable process, can be divided into four stages.such as Dependence,Mutually beneficial,Reciprocal trust,Sharing benefits and risks.

The results obtained from this study point to several conclusions:
1. Constructed the four stages of partnership developing model for corporations to reference when IS outsourcing.
2. When developing up the partnership in various areas of the IS outsourcing, corporations need to be the central point of the network hierarchy.
3. Different platform suppliers within the enterprise will allow partners to produce the delicate relationship between competing.

中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 一、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究目的 3 1.4 研究架構 4 二、 文獻探討 5 2.1資訊委外 5 2.1.1 資訊委外的定義 5 2.1.2 資訊委外之相關研究 7 2.2資源依賴理論 8 2.2.1 資源依賴理論的要素 8 2.3夥伴關係 9 2.3.1 夥伴關係的定義 9 2.3.2 夥伴關係的類型 11 2.3.3 建構夥伴關係的要素 12 2.3.4 企業選擇夥伴關係的原因 14 2.4社會交換理論 15 2.4.1 社會交換行為主義(Exchange Behaviorism) 15 2.4.2 社會交換結構主義(Exchange Structuralism) 15 2.4.3 社會交換網絡理論(Exchange Network) 16 2.5社會資本理論 19 2.5.1 結構構面(structural dimension) 19 2.5.2 認知構面 (Cognitive dimension) 22 2.5.3 關係構面 (Relational dimension) 23 三、 研究方法 25 3.1研究架構 25 3.2研究流程 27 3.3研究方法---質化研究 28 3.4 研究設計---個案研究 30 3.5 資料來源與收集 31 3.6 資料分析方法與驗證 32 四、 金融業資訊委外個案研究 34 4.1 公司簡介 34 4.1.1 DYS 公司 34 4.1.2 CBK公司 34 4.1.3 SFI公司 34 4.1.4 EXM公司 35 4.2 建置過程 38 4.2.1 建置需求 38 4.2.2 規劃架構 40 4.2.3 導入問題發生: 42 4.3 CITRIX專案的質變 44 4.3.1 EXM建議架構考量 44 4.3.2 建置結果 45 4.4 CITRIX專案結束後的委外供應商關係 47 4.5 資訊委外夥伴關係發展模式 48 4.5.1 長期合作的夥伴關係發展歷程 49 4.6 個案分析 50 五、 研究結論與建議 53 5.1 研究結論 53 5.2 研究貢獻與建議 54 5.3 實務上的管理意涵 55 5.4 研究限制 55 參考文獻 56 一、 中文部分 56 二、 英文部份 57 附錄、個案深度訪談紀錄 59  訪談紀錄一 59  訪談紀錄二 60

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