簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳泰安
tai-an chen
論文名稱: 五分割導體用壓輪模具之開發
Development of rolling wheels for five-segment conductor
指導教授: 向四海
Su-Hai Hsiang
口試委員: 黃佑民
You-Min Huang
Fang-Jung Shiou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 分割導體氧化鋯碳化矽鑽石鍍膜
外文關鍵詞: segment conductor, ZrO2, SiC, Physical Vapor Deposition PVD
相關次數: 點閱:419下載:0
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本研究之內容為針對高壓電纜的五分割導體,進行模具開發及電纜之試生產,主要利用壓縮率法,以不同的壓縮率進行壓輪模具的設計,生產測試的方式則使用試誤法。共進行三次的試生產,第一次試生產只進行18 B (Bobbin)及 24 B之壓輪設計,壓縮率為83%及93%。第二次試生產則改為進行4段壓輪模具6 B、12 B、18 B及24 B之設計,壓縮率為96%、88.6%、91%、93.7%。第三次試生產將4段壓輪模具之壓縮率皆定於約95%,才順利完成開發。
基於原使用之壓輪材料為SKD11之模具鋼,其壽命不佳,整體而言模具費用較高。如何降低模具的磨耗程度,延長模具之使用壽命,為業界降低成本的重要課題。此外,本文亦探討如何利用陶瓷材料碳化矽(SiC)、氧化鋯(ZrO2)及在原SKD11模具鋼上施加鑽石鍍膜(Physical Vapor Deposition PVD)方式進行壓輪模具之開發,其評估方法主要是由表面粗糙度的量測,來判斷壓輪模具使用狀況之變化,評估結果顯示由於碳化矽之材質硬脆,無法作為壓輪模具之材料。鑽石鍍膜方式之模具因使用之PVD鍍膜厚度不足,無法有效延長壓輪模具之使用壽命。而氧化鋯壓輪初步的測試結果顯示,其模具使用壽命優於SKD11模具,且磨耗量也較低。透過本研究,除了開拓該陶瓷材料的新用途外,也提供業者在壓輪模具材質上選擇之參考。

The main purpose of this study is to look for a new material and a new design of rolling wheel for the five-segment conductor production. During fabricating process of high voltage electrical cables, how to increase the rolling wheel’s lifetime and reliability are important in reducing machine operation time and minimizing manufacturing cost.
Before searching for new materials, the rolling wheels were designed and tested by different compression ratios, to find out the best quality of final product. Three combinations of rolling wheels design were carried out in this study:

1. 18 B(Bobbin) and 24 B with 83% and 93% compression ratio, respectively.
2. 7 B, 12 B, 18 B, and 24 B with 96%, 88.6%, 91% and 93.7% compression ratio, respectively.
3. 7 B, 12 B, 18 B and 24 B with 95% compression ratio in all rolling wheels.

The results show that the third combination of compression ratio can smoothly fabricating the conductor.

Usually, the SKD11 alloy steel was the material using for the rolling wheels of the five-segment conductor in this industry. In the operation of replacing rolling wheels, it takes at least 4 hours stop the whole production time. Therefore, how to increase the lifetime of rolling wheels and productivity are the important goal of this study. In searching for new materials of rolling wheels, two kinds of ceramic materials (SiC, ZrO2) and Physical Vapor Deposition of diamond on SKD11 alloy steel are considered. Through a series of tests about roughness and lifetime, we can conclude that ZrO2 was the best material for rolling wheels.

摘要........................Ⅰ ABSTRACT......................Ⅱ 誌謝........................Ⅲ 目錄........................Ⅳ 符號索引......................Ⅶ 圖目錄.......................Ⅷ 表目錄.......................Xll 第一章 緒論.....................1 1-1 前言....................1 1-2 研究動機..................3 1-3 研究步驟..................3 第二章161 kV電纜製程................5 2-1 161 kV高壓電纜製程 ............5 2-2 伸線製程..................6 2-2-1 伸線機種類及技術...........8 2-2-2 銅線品質...............13 2-3 銅絞線製程.................15 2-3-1 導體結構...............15 2-3-2 分割導體(Segment conductor)及壓縮導體 (Compact conductor)............ 16 2-3-3 生產設備...............17 2-3-4 品質要求...............23 第三章 壓輪之材質..................27 3-1 結構陶瓷..................27 3-2 氧化鋯( ZrO2 ) ............... 32 3-3 碳化矽(SiC)................35 3-4 鑽石鍍膜(Physical Vapor Deposition PVD) ..38 第四章 分割導體之壓輪模具設計............42 4-1 分割導體概述................42 4-2 壓縮率法..................42 4-3 幾何計算法.................45 第五章 五分割壓輪模具及耐磨耗材料之開發測試.....47 5-1 五分割壓輪模具之生產測試..........47 5-1-1 第一次五分割壓輪模具之設計及試產...47 5-1-2 第二次五分割壓輪模具之設計及試產...51 5-1-3 第三次五分割壓輪模具之設計及試產...54 5-2 耐磨耗材料開發...............57 5-2-1 鑽石鍍膜壓輪測試......... ..61 5-2-2 碳化矽(SiC)壓輪測試..........66 5-2-3 氧化鋯(ZrO2)壓輪測試..........69 5-2-3-1 全氧化鋯陶磁試生產.......69 5-2-3-2 複合型氧化鋯壓輪........78 5-2-3-3 複合型氧化鋯壓輪第一次試生產..80 5-2-3-4 複合型氧化鋯壓輪第二次試生產..84 5-2-3-5 複合型氧化鋯壓輪第三次試生產..87 第六章 結論......................96 參考文獻.......................99

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