簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 張爾雅
Er-ya Chang
論文名稱: 誰是接班人?引雅珠寶
Who is the successor? City Diamond
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 吳宗成
Tzong-chen Wu
Cheng-kang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: 鑽石扁平化實虛整合衝突變革管理接班人
外文關鍵詞: Diamond, flat organization, Click-and-Mortar Business Model, Conflict, Change Management, successor
相關次數: 點閱:402下載:22
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  • 過去分析型的個案,多以平鋪直敘的方式來呈現企業問題、分析的過程與解決方案,使沒有管理經驗的學生無法體會管理理論應用在實務上的意義,而有實務經驗的學生則無法理解教科書上的理論內涵,在理論和實務無法結合的情況下,個案教學往往變的事倍功半。
    本個案為接班人的抉擇,描述現今引雅珠寶(City Diamond)的創辦人張智超(Hanson)先生,從2005年開始培養自己的女兒張爾雅(Karina),讓她協助公司經營網路市場,從無到有發展出網路購物的經營模式,讓City Diamond的網站創下單月超過百萬業績的榮景。為了增加Karina的能力,Hanson讓她接受更多的雜務,舉凡ERP系統的更新、認養需求較高的銷售小姐、甚至在Hanson不在台灣時,也都要由Karina協助進行決策的制定,讓公司維持順暢的營運。

    In cases analyzed in the past, most narrate a corporation’s problem, the analysis process, and the solutions in simple and direct ways, so many students without management experience cannot understand the significance of management theories being applied in practice, and students with practical experience are unable to understand the theoretical content of the textbooks. When theory and practice cannot be combined, case-based teaching is less effective.
    Beginning in 2005, the Harvard Business School has promoted case-based teaching in Asia. What is different about the writing style in Harvard cases compared to traditional cases is, the stories in Harvard cases help students learn management content and theory through practical application scenarios. Students can also experience management decision making and the analysis process through pre-class reading, dividing into groups, and class discussions.
    This case is regarding the choice of a successor and describes the founder of City Diamond, Mr. Hanson Chang and how he started training his daughter Karina Chang since 2005 and allowed her to help manage the company’s online market. At its height, the newly created online shopping business model allowed City Diamond to achieve over NTD1 million in monthly sales. In order to further develop Karina’s abilities, Hanson Chang allowed her to take over more miscellaneous tasks such as ERP system upgrades, catering to sales staff with higher demands, and to allow the company to continue running smoothly, Karina even took part in decision making when Hanson was abroad.
    After 7 years of training, in 2012, Hanson discovered that company performance was not meeting expectations and the future included many obstacles such as increasing shop locations, price wars with competitors, and the conflicts between brick and mortar stores and virtual channels. With the numerous challenges facing Karina, will Hanson allow her to become the successor or hire a professional manager to take over the business?
    This thesis includes case content and teacher’s manuals so that this thesis can help readers understand the concepts of organizational design, the Click-and-Mortar business model, change management, and successors, so that when the same situations occur in the future, they know a method for response.

    目錄 I 表目錄 II 圖目錄 III 摘要 IV Abstract V 致謝 VI 誰是接班人?—引雅珠寶 1 一、 產業與公司簡介 1 (一). 鑽石的簡介 1 (二). 鑽石的生產鏈 3 (三). 引雅珠寶簡介 4 二、 企業創立 5 三、 從實到虛 7 四、 企業家二代的磨練 9 (一). ERP系統的更新 10 (二). 認養制度的推行 11 (三). 接班的培養 12 五、 誰是接班人? 13 教師手冊 15 一、 個案總覽 15 (一)、 教學目標 15 (二)、 適用課程與對象 16 二、 問題與參考答案 16 (一)、 思考City Diamond採用扁平化組織設計的原因? 17 (二)、 為何實體與虛擬通路會造成衝突? 24 (三)、 如何解決推行ERP系統時造成的反彈? 33 (四)、 企業該如何培養接班人? 38 三、 教學建議(Teaching Suggestions) 43 參考文獻 44

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