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研究生: 羅婉甄
Wan-Jhen Lou
論文名稱: 愛在東方時:析論《愛情,不用翻譯》與《愛在遙遠的附近》之東方世界形象
Love in Distance: Representations of the Orient in Lost in Translation & The Painted Veil
指導教授: 鍾玉玲
Yu-Ling Chung
Chi-Chung Chia
口試委員: 李永安
Yung-An Li
Huei-Chun Teng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 東方主義謎樣訊息文化翻譯凝視電影
外文關鍵詞: Orientalism, enigmatic signifiers, cultural translation, gaze, cinema
相關次數: 點閱:399下載:0
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  • 翻譯研究蓬勃發展迄今,許多研究不遺餘力探求翻譯的多種形式。有別於過去翻譯被侷限於討論原「文」和譯「文」之間忠實與否、對等與否之困境,諸多學者表示當今翻譯須以跨領域的面向切入,而非僅把文字與語言當作研究翻譯轉換的唯一準則。透過揉合不同理論、領域和研究,方能豐富我們對翻譯的想像和理解,擴大翻譯的定義。本論文以電影作為探討媒介,聚焦於兩部當代電影:蘇菲亞卡波拉 (Sofia Coppola) 執導的《愛情,不用翻譯》(Lost in Translation) 與約翰卡蘭 (John Curran) 執導的《愛在遙遠的附近》(The Painted Veil),意圖剖析電影文本中東方和西方世界的文化翻譯與互動。

    With the active development in domain of translation, recent studies have made plenty of efforts to fumble over translation in diverse forms. To this day, the study of translation should no longer exclusively be concerned with the issue of fidelity and equivalence between the source “texts” and the target “texts”. To dismantle the benchmark of only utilizing texts and linguistic paradigm to discuss translation, several scholars have proposed to locate translation in an interdisciplinary light, coupled with different theories, fields and studies, to enrich the perception and imagination to translation and expand its definitions. In view of cinema as the media, the thesis centers on the exploration of two contemporary films: Sofia Coppola’s Lost in Translation and John Curran’s The Painted Veil, aiming to investigate cultural translation and interactions between the East and the West represented in cinematic narratives.
    The thesis is greatly inspired by Edward Said’s Orientalism, combing through its ramifications in Hollywood cinema and attempting to combine the idea of Orientalism with Laplanche’s enigmatic signifiers. The purpose is to take a glimpse at how the Oriental signifiers, including the Asian cities’ landscapes, people, languages and mise-en-scenes cause discomfort and negative feel to the Western subjects after their observation and translation of the Orient. It is found both films tend to widen the gap between Eastern and Western cultures, but still develop a more complicated and eclectic milieu of them. Employing gaze to unfold the power structure between two cultures, ethnicities and genders, the thesis discovers the East is relegated in a relatively inferior position by the Western directors. In terms of gender, two directors either tend to empower the female characters or vice versa. Through their respective representations of the Orient and the gender roles, an ongoing drama of dialectic between culture and gender is staged.

    Table of Contents 致謝 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii Table of Contents iv Chapter One Introduction 1 1.1 Why the issue 1 1.2 Trajectory of Cultural Translation 3 1.3 Cinema as Cultural Translation 6 1.4 An Encounter of Heart in Distance: Lost in Translation & The Painted Veil 10 1.5 Definitions of Terms 14 1.6 Organization 15 Chapter Two A Review of Orientalism, Hollywood and Psychoanalysis 17 2.1 Orientalism and Hollywood 17 2.1.1 Mysterious Oriental Other 17 2.1.2 Representations of Asian Male in Hollywood 19 2.1.3 Representations of Asian Female in Hollywood 21 2.1.4 Yellowface and Whitewashing 23 2.2 Orientalism and Psychoanalysis 24 2.2.1 On Laplanchean Alterity 24 2.2.2 The Enigmatic Oriental Fantasy in Cinema 30 2.2.3 Whose Pleasure: Gaze and Power 35 Chapter Three Lost in Translation: Sofia Coppola’s Japan 39 3.1 Lost in Palimpsest Tokyo: The Fading Star’s Japanese Art House 39 3.2 Lost in Original Tokyo: The Lost Girl’s Soul Searching 46 3.3 Seeing Tokyo: Through the lens from Bob and Charlotte 52 Chapter Four The Painted Veil: John Curran’s China 59 4.1 The Veil of Shanghai: Tomb of Marriage, Womb of Betrayal 59 4.2 The Veil of Mei Tan Fu: Fleeting Happiness, Permanent Pain 66 4.3 Seeing Shanghai and Mei Tan Fu: Through the lens from Walter and Kitty 73 Chapter Five Conclusion 81 5.1 Research Results 81 5.2 Research Limitations and Future Suggestions 86 Bibliography 87

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