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Author: 陳錦瑜
Chin-yu Chen
Thesis Title: 網路與實境混成式英語自學法概念架構之研究
The Pilot Study of Mix-Mode Self-Regulated English-Learning Model
Advisor: 廖文志
Wen-Chih Liao
Committee: 盧希鵬
H. P. Lu
Chin E. Lin
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2009
Graduation Academic Year: 97
Language: 英文
Pages: 98
Keywords (in Chinese): 情境式學習自主式學習電腦輔助合作學習建構式學習
Keywords (in other languages): Constructivist, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Self-regulated Learning, Contextual learning
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  • 英語的學習可以經由建構式自主學習來達成目的,而英語學習的建構步驟應從大的主題到必要的文法或聽說讀寫技法,而非支離片段的學習文法或句型。學習者在充分理解且融入所必須學習的主體情境後,才能合理地產生學習動機和持續的自主學習狀態;再者,由於語言學習的目的在傳遞訊息和與人溝通,因此合作學習社群與有意義的主題情境的設計具有攸關性。大部份的傳統英語教學方式往往直接提供學習內容與測驗,極易誤導學習者漠視學習策略與自我學習管理能力的發展,學習者也較沒有機會與時間融入情境,建構語言技能,發展自我學習管理技能。大部分的學習者仍採取被動式的學習,導致無法自主地學習與自信地溝通。電腦科技與設備及網際網路日益普及,學習者可以透過電腦網路、影像、圖形、聲音、視訊等建構學習者專屬的學習模組;全球資訊網(WWW)、電子郵件(E-mail)、即時通訊服務軟體(Skype)等提供資料傳輸及訊息溝通的功能,學習科技已漸成趨勢。電腦輔助合作學習透過合作社群的群體智慧解決問題,並產生穩定的學習動能,將是二十一世紀的學習科技的重要議題。
    然而,英語學習者仍然須要透過體驗式的學習,融入真實的主題環境中,再根據個人的學習背景與能力,配合網路環境建構個人專屬的學習管理系統。本研究之目的為研究網路與實境混成式英語自學法之概念。期能協助學習者進行英語的自主學習的建構及群體互動,改良現今之工廠式學習模式,並更有效率地達成語言學習之目的。本研究以三組不同學習模組之學生為研究對象:電腦輔助學習組、實境體驗學習組、與自我建構學習組三組,進行實驗觀察;並透過文獻探討及個案觀察對三組個案進行深度訪談,探討英語學習者在體驗與網路建構式英語學習混合環境中的相關因素如學習者態度、網路與實境建構式學習環境、先備知識及學習管理技能等因素。本研究結果發現:(1) 先備知識如電腦技巧、網路蒐尋技巧、簡報技巧。(2) 學習管理如主題式學習資源管理、自我學習技能管理及學習群組管理等。(3) 建構式學習歷程創新。(4) 網路與實境混成式學習環境等能提升英語學習動機並增進溝通表達的效能。

    The main purpose of language learning is to communicate and exchange information. It can be approached from contextual involvement into constructive self regulatory learning to develop individual language skills. Learners may get motivated in collaborative study easily and develop their scaffoldings in self-regulated learning after being involved in the contexts. Web-based instructional designs and learning management should be provided by experienced teachers and learning platform. However, most of the conventional English teaching models provide contents and assessments directly to the learners whom have little chances in developing scaffoldings and self-regulated learning management skills. As a result, most of learners stay in passive learning status which leads to unconfident and shallow performance.
    For many second and foreign language learners, experience of the target language has traditionally been limited to opportunities created by the teacher in the classroom, drawing on such resources as textbooks, tapes or CDs, and videos. ICT environments such as World Wide Web、Email、 instant message、 and mobile phones are getting more popular nowadays which might offer chances for learner-centeredness and self-regulated learning. Language learners can easily get the approaches to develop their scaffoldings in language learning. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) receives more attentions in contemporary learning trends. Nowadays English learners may use computers as supportive tools to set up collaborative networks and search learning contents on the websites to construct their learning skills and take the self-regulated learning. Web-based Constructivist Environment provides rich resources for English learning constructivist to construct an extended CSCL environment. 90% of websites are in English. However, English language learners still need contextual environments to enhance and communicate skills. The research presents a framework that addresses the innovative English learning model based on mix-mode CSCL English learning environments, which contains two categories: learning environments and learning management. Data were collected from three different learning groups and identified four results from this study. (1) prior knowledge such as computer skills,web-searching skills, presentation skills (2) Learning management skills such as theme resources management, learning network community and self-regulated learning management skills. (3) Constructivist learning process (4) Mix-mode learning environment are the key successful factors in English learning. This research has conducted a field experiment creating a mix-mode self-regulated English learning model. Literature review and observational interview are applied to investigate the results of the research.

    中文摘要 I Abstract III LIST OF TABLES VIII LIST OF FIGURES XI CHAPTER I 15 INTRODUCTION 15 1.1 Motivation 15 1. 2 Objective 16 1.3 Argument on the Conventional English Learning Model…………16 1.4 Overcome the Defeats…………………………………………….21 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 23 2.1 Learning Environments 23 2.1.1 Mix-Mode Learning Environments 23 2.1.2 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 30 2.2 Learning Management 34 2.2.1Task-based Learning…………………………………………. 35 2.2.2 Self-Regulated Learning…………………………………….. 37 2.3.3 Constructivist Learning Process……………………………...38 CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN 41 3.1 Suggested English Learning Constructs 41 3.2 Research Process 43 CHAPTER IV THE MIX-MODE SELF-REGULATED ENGLISH LEARNING MODEL (MSEM) 48 4.1 The Mix-Mode Self-Regulated English Learning Model 48 4.2 Learning Strategies 51 4.3 Learning Management 56 CHAPTER V CASE STUDY AND SIGNIFICANT RESULS……59 5.1 Case Study 59 5.2 Significant Result…………………………………………………………64 CHAPTER VI DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION……………..66 REFERENCES 69 APPENDIX 77

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