簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 屈薇
Wei - Chu
論文名稱: 電腦斷層影像與核磁共振影像之影像融合與三維重建
Image Fusion and Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Computed Tomography Images and Magnetic Resonance Images
指導教授: 郭中豐
Chung-Feng Kuo
口試委員: 朱永祥
Yueng-Hsiang Chu
Yi-Shing Leu
Te-Li Su
H.W. Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 三角網格法立體描繪法三維重建反覆疊代法共同資訊法
外文關鍵詞: Marching cubes, Volume Rendering, Three dimensional Reconstruction, ICP, Mutual information
相關次數: 點閱:440下載:9
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本研究是針對頭部兩種不同特性的醫學影像: 電腦斷層影像(Computed Tomography, CT)與核磁共振影像(Magnetic resonance images, MRI)做影像處理。首先,將電腦斷層利用三角網格法(Marching Cubes)重建而核磁共振影像則是利用實體描繪法(Volume Rendering)重建,接著利用反覆疊代法(Iterative Closest Point)進行影像對位(Registration)接著利用共同資訊法(Mutual Information)進行兩種立體影像之融合(Fusion),利用模擬軟體將最後融合後之立體圖進行軸向(Axial)切片、矢向(Sagittal)切片與冠向(Coronal)切片之距離的量測,提供醫生在術前能更精確地知道病灶的空間位置,也可輔助醫生在手術前之規劃,提升手術之成功率。

With the development of digital medical images, after special analysis and appropriate processing of medical images based on computer technology, the specific tissues or foci can be reserved or highlighted. As a result, the doctors can make correct diagnosis and plan surgical approach before operation, and an image interface for surgical positioning is provided in operation. However, a single type of image cannot provide adequate information, thus it is important to fuse diversified medical images.
This study processed two kinds of medical images with different characteristics of head, computed tomography and magnetic resonance images. First, the computed tomography was reconstructed by using Marching Cubes, and the magnetic resonance image was reconstructed by using magnetic resonance image. Afterwards, the Iterative Closest Point was used for image registration, and then the Mutual Information was used to fuse the two kinds of 3D images. The distances of axial slice, sagittal slice and coronal slice of the fused 3D image were measured by using simulation software, so that the doctors could know the spatial location of foci accurately before operation. The proposed method can assist the doctors in pre-operational planning, thus increasing the success rate of operation.

第1章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 7 1.3 文獻回顧 9 1.4 本文架構 13 第2章 系統架構 15 2.1 系統流程 15 2.2 AVIZO之介紹 17 2.3 軟硬體需求 18 第3章 研究相關理論與架構 19 3.1 影像檔案格式 19 3.2 醫學影像介紹 23 3.3 三維重建 29 3.4 影像對位 (Image Registration) 34 3.5 影像融合(Fusion) 44 第4章 實驗流程與結果 52 4.1 DICOM檔之處理 54 4.2 電腦斷層影像之三維重建 56 4.3 核磁共振影像之三維重建 57 4.4 電腦斷層影像與核磁共振影像之影像融合 60 4.5 距離量測 61 4.6 三維重建之驗證 65 第5章 結論 67 5.1 結論 67 5.2 未來發展 68 參考文獻………………………………………………………………..70

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