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Author: 吳悅萍
Yueh-Ping Wu
Thesis Title: 共同供應契約限制下大型經銷商之營運策略及因應之道
A Study on the Operation Strategies and Responses for the Large Distributors under Inter-Entity Supply Contracts
Advisor: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Committee: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Tzong-chen Wu
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2011
Graduation Academic Year: 99
Language: 中文
Pages: 52
Keywords (in Chinese): 政府採購法共同供應契約賽局理論完全資訊賽局獨買理論
Keywords (in other languages): Government Procurement Law, inter-entity supply contract, game theory, complete information game, monopsony theory
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  • 我國政府,為了落實公平、公開的原則,透明政府採購程序,提升各部門採購效率,也確保採購品質,特於民國87年5月27日制定公布「政府採購法」,該法條第93條文中明訂:各機關得就具有共通需求特性之財物或勞務,與廠商簽訂共同供應契約。並透過此契約之簽訂與成立,彙總政府各部門之需求,並將其系統化、集中化,達到以量制價的效益,因而形成台灣共同供應契約市場的形成。

    On May 27, 1998, the “Government Procurement Law” was enacted and promulgated to implement the principles of fairness, openness, transparency of government procurement procedures. The act stipulates in Article 93 that each government agency has to sign inter-entity supply contracts with manufactures for their commonly demanded goods and services; and through the establishment of the contracts, the government must gather, systematize and centralize the needs from its departments to benefit from the price reduction by purchasing in bulk. Hence a market of inter-entity supply contract is formed in Taiwan.

    Through the discussion on company A’s experiences of success, such as how A continuously attempted to introduce new products and techniques, and adjust its organizational structure to face the challenges from other competitors, and how A attempted to reform its sales channels and lock the large-customer market, this paper concludes that the energy company A accumulated for changes comes mainly from three major transformations, which are financial structure enhancement, organization transformation and personnel cultivation.

    It is also found in the research, that the changes of company A were partly from its own experiences, but more of them were from the changes in external environment and market, especially the enactment of Government Procurement Law, which had accelerated the growth of the scale and system of Taiwan’s inter-entity supply contract market. In addition, because of the perfection of the related regulations, large private enterprises began to follow the regulations and became the potential customers of the inter-entity supply contract, and expanded the size of the market.

    摘要I AbstractII 目錄III 圖 目 錄IV 第一章、緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2研究目的2 1.3研究流程3 1.4論文架構4 第二章、文獻探討6 2.1賽局理論6 2.2經濟學之經濟契約理論8 2.34P行銷理論10 第三章、共同供應契約形成與相關法令限制 之探討14 3.1共同供應契約之採購制度14 3.1.1.我國政府採購法之立法精神16 3.1.2.我國政府採購法之立法過程18 3.2共同供應契約之採購流程23 第四章、大型經銷商營運策略與因應之道 -A公司案例分析26 4.1A公司的發展概述26 4.1.1A公司之總部及與公司分布26 4.1.2A公司沿革27 4.2A公司對自有經銷定位與相對競合關係35 4.2.1.A公司對於經銷商的類型分類36 4.2.2.A公司對經銷商及代理商之關係概述37 4.3與客戶間的賽局布置37 4.4與共同供應契約客戶擴大合作40 第五章、結論42 5.1研究貢獻43 5.2後續研究方向建議44 參考文獻45 網站45 中文部分46 英文部分47

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