簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳韻如
Yun-Ju Chen
論文名稱: 睡袋使用者的需求探討
A Study on the Need of Sleeping Bag Users
指導教授: 張文智
Wen-chih Chang
Chien-Hsiun Chen
口試委員: 張文智
Wen-chih Chang
Chien-Hsiun Chen
Chih-Hsiang Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 睡袋保暖露營
外文關鍵詞: Sleeping bag, Keep warm, Camping
相關次數: 點閱:102下載:8
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本研究透過訪談法後歸納分析,得到31個問卷設計的需求項目,再透過問卷調查的方式,使用網站surveycake 製作線上問卷,以便利抽樣的方式透過網路社群分享投放問卷,調查時間從2022年2月中至2月底為止,問卷回收共計416份。研究結果發現:

Sleeping bags are not only used for camping, but also for mountaineering and home use. However, these three purposes have different needs for sleeping bags. It is not easy to design a sleeping bag that can satisfy all three. Therefore, it is important to design sleeping bags according to different purposes to meet the needs of the niche as much as possible. Nonetheless, in order to achieve the economic scale, the common important needs of the three can also be considered, and a three-in-one sleeping bag can be designed to meet the mass market. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the importance of sleeping bag users' needs and the differences in needs for different purposes, as well as the differences in needs among different gender groups and different age groups. Therefore, this research study uses the interview method and the questionnaire survey to investigate and analyze the needs that users pay attention to.
In this study, through the interview method and post-inductive analysis, a total of 31 demand items for questionnaire design were generated, and then through the method of questionnaire survey, the website surveycake was used to help create online questionnaires, and the questionnaires were shared and distributed through the online community in the way of convenience sampling. The survey time was in 2022. More specifically, from mid-February to the end of February, and a total of 416 questionnaires were collected. The results of the study revealed that:
(1) There are 8 items of needs in terms of importance (1-7) with an average value (M) of more than 6. Among them, the highest priority is that the sleeping bag can keep warm and cold when used, and the second is that the sleeping bag can be easily carried and stored after storage. The volume can be reduced to a very small size. Potential needs higher than the median 4 can be found in the analysis data: sleeping bags should be moisture-proof, sleeping bags can be multi-purpose (including home, mountaineering and camping), sleeping bags can be adjusted for warmth when used, sleeping bags will not emit friction when used, no loud sound when using the sleeping bag, it should be anti-static when using the sleeping bag, the length of the sleeping bag is retractable, the sleeping bag can be inflated so that it can be used on uneven surfaces, and the sleeping bag can have an electric heating device.
(2) When the purpose of use is disguised, there is a significant difference in the importance of the demand. The sleeping bag should be felt very comfortable. The camping and home users pay more attention to this demand than the mountaineering users. Sleeping bags can be easily stored, and the mountaineering and camping users pay more attention to this need than the home users. Sleeping bags can be used by two people at the same time, and the camping users pay more attention to this need than the mountaineering users.
(3) When gender is disguised, there is a significant difference in the importance of demand. Women felt more important than that of men regarding they can easily spread the sleeping bag into a flat surface, they can easily get up from the sleeping bag, the sleeping bag is breathable when used, and the sleeping bag should be very comfortable. Men pay more attention than women to the needs of sleeping bags that can exude the fragrance of cotton and can play music when using sleeping bags.
(4) There are significant differences in the demand for sleeping bags among the participants who have used sleeping bags before regarding the sleeping bag should be able to prevent dirt, the color of the sleeping bag should be bright and lively, and the appearance of the sleeping bag should be patterned.
(5) From the analysis of users of different age groups, it is found that young people pay more attention to the needs of inflatable sleeping bags so that they can be used on uneven surfaces than the middle-aged users.
According to the research and analysis, the designer of the sleeping bag provides the following suggestions: (1) The requirements of the sleeping bag are: warmth retention, easy storage and portability, and reduced volume after storage. (2) There are a total of 8 potential demand items with an average value (M) of more than 4, which can meet their niche target demand customers. (3) According to the needs of users with different purposes of use, to meet the needs of the three that are considered important (the average M value of the three is above 6): the sleeping bag can be easily carried after storage, and the storage volume of the sleeping bag can be reduced to a small size, the sleeping bag can keep warm and cold when used, the sleeping bag should be easy to clean, and the sleeping bag should be able to prevent dirt and all the above five requirements can help strengthen the sleeping bag design.

摘要 ii ABSTRACT iv 誌謝 vii 目錄 viii 圖目錄 xi 表目錄 xii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 需求層級理論 5 2.2 產品分析 7 2.2.1 產品特性 7 2.2.2 產品形象 8 2.2.3 市售睡袋種類 9 2.2.4 各類睡袋功能 10 2.2.5 各類市售睡袋介紹 11 2.3 消費者的行為模式 17 2.3.1 消費者購買決策 17 2.3.2 消費者涉入程度 17 2.4 消費者的需求與產品定位 18 2.4.1 確認消費者的需求 18 2.4.2 產品定位 19 2.5 消費者喜好 21 2.6 消費者群體分類 22 第三章 研究方法 23 3.1研究架構 23 3.2研究範圍與限制 25 3.3第一階段:資料收集 25 3.3.1 文獻探討 25 3.3.2 市場資料收集 25 3.3.3 訪談大綱設定 25 3.3.4 訪談內容整理分析 26 3.3.5 詮釋分析後的潛在需求 30 3.3.6 問卷題目設計 31 3.3.7 問卷目的 32 3.3.8 問卷對象選擇 33 3.4第二階段:問卷調查 33 3.4.1性別 34 3.4.2年齡 34 3.4.3教育程度 35 3.4.4使用睡袋經驗 35 3.4.5睡袋使用目的 36 第四章 問卷調查結果與分析 37 4.1睡袋需求重視程度敘述性統計分析 37 4.2 不同使用目的的睡袋使用者需求的重視度差異分析 39 4.3不同性別對於睡袋使用需求的重視度差異分析 46 4.4使用經驗與否對於睡袋使用需求的重視程度 51 4.5 不同年齡層的睡袋使用者需求的重視度差異分析 54 第五章 研究結果與建議 59 5.1研究結論 59 5.1.1 睡袋需求重視度之分析結果 59 5.1.2 睡袋潛在需求重視度分析結果 60 5.1.3 睡袋需求與不同使用目的之分析結果 61 5.1.4 睡袋需求與不同性別使用者之分析結果 61 5.1.5 睡袋需求與不同年齡層使用者之分析結果 61 5.2設計建議 62 參考文獻 63 中文文獻 63 英文文獻 64 網絡資料 65 附錄A:消費者睡袋需求調查_訪談內容彙整列表 67 附錄B:睡袋使用者的需求調查問卷 69

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