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研究生: 吳宣鋒
Hsuan-Feng Wu
論文名稱: 以零階共振器實現低成本圓極化自振式主動集成天線
Low Cost Circularly Polarized Self-Oscillating Active Integrated Antennas by Using Zeroth Order Resonators
指導教授: 馬自莊
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma
Huy-Nam Chu
口試委員: 廖文照
Wen-Jiao Liao
Hsiao-Chin Chen
Yen-Sheng Chen
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma
Huy-Nam Chu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 超穎物質複合式左右手傳輸線零階共振器圓極化自振式主動集成天線交錯耦合對
外文關鍵詞: self-oscillating active antenna, circularly polarized antenna, cross-coupled pair, metamaterial, composite right/left handed transmission line, zeroth-order resonator
相關次數: 點閱:595下載:2
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第一款圓極化自振式主動集成天線透過耦合方式來實現;第二款圓極化自振式主動集成天線則是透過差動形式直接激發接地平面實現。第一款和第二款直流與輻射轉換效率分別為53.4% 和39%,等效全向輻射功率分別為 7 dBm和5.5 dBm,3dB 軸向比可使用之角度在xz平面分別為145度與160度,在yz平面上分別為75度與100度。

The main subject of this thesis is trying to design a metamaterial resonator and making the resonator operate at zeroth order mode. Then integrate the zeroth order mode resonator with a cross-coupled pair (XCP) circuit, and make the whole oscillator oscillate at the zeroth order mode frequency. Last, combine the oscillator with an antenna to complete the self-oscillating active integrated antenna (AIA).
There are two versions of circularly polarized self-oscillating active integrated antenna (CP−AIA) are proposed and demonstrated, and the innovation of the designs is integrating the zeroth order mode self-oscillating AIA with a circularly polarized antenna. Using the zeroth order mode resonator provides the higher DC−RF conversion efficiency. There is a linearly polarized self-oscillating AIA proposed in this thesis first, and then use it as the base to develop two versions of CP−AIA.
The first CP−AIA proposed is using coupling concept to achieve, and the second one is using differential feed concept to directly excite the ground plane to realize. The EIRP of the first one and second one are 7 dBm and 5.5 dBm, respectively. The DC−RF conversion efficiency of the first one and second one are 53.4 % and 39 %, respectively. The effective circularly polarized region of the xz cut and yz cut of the first one are 145 degrees and 75 degrees under a standard of 3−dB axial ratio (AR), respectively. The effective circularly polarized region of the xz cut and yz cut of the second one are 160 degrees and 100 degrees under a standard of 3−dB axial ratio (AR), respectively.

摘要 I Abstract III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 文獻探討 2 1.3 研究貢獻 4 1.4 論文組織 5 第二章 圓極化自振式主動集成天線之設計流程與理論 6 2.1 前言 6 2.2 自振式主動集成天線之設計與分析流程 8 2.3 超穎物質共振器之理論 10 2.4 以交錯耦合對整合零階共振器實現壓控振盪器 16 2.5 圓極化定義 17 2.6 零階模態主動天線設計[24] 20 2.6.1 零階共振器設計 20 2.6.2 交叉耦合對整合零階共振器 25 2.6.1 模擬與量測結果 31 2.7 結語 37 第三章 圓極化自振式主動集成天線設計 38 3.1 前言 38 3.2 以耦合方式實現零階模態之圓極化主動天線 38 3.2.1 圓極化天線設計與分析 38 3.2.2 量測與模擬之比較 48 3.3 以直接激發接地面方式實現零階模態之圓極化主動天線 54 3.3.1 圓極化天線設計與分析 54 3.3.2 模擬與量測之比較 63 3.4 文獻效力比較 69 3.5 結語 70 第四章 結論 71 4.1 總結 71 4.2 未來可行之研究方向 72 參考文獻 73

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