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研究生: 蘇義雄
Yi-Hsiung Su
論文名稱: 由瀑布式開發轉變至敏捷式開發對專案管理的影響–以TDC個案研究為例
The impact of transition from waterfall to agile development on project management – A case study of TDC
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
Cheng-Kang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 敏捷式瀑布式Scrum專案管理軟體開發伺服器
外文關鍵詞: Agile, Waterfall, Scrum, Project management, Software development, Server
相關次數: 點閱:517下載:51
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  • 摘要
    對企業而言,除了俱備競爭力,也需加強對市場快速變化的敏捷力,以期減少企業的潛在損失。有些軟體公司開始從傳統瀑布式開發導入敏捷式開發與流程,以因應市場需求變化與客戶變更的要求。雖然敏捷式開發有很多成功的案例與優點,但大多屬於應用軟體。以硬體為主的伺服器系統軟體,因有很多硬體的相依性,在導入敏捷式開發會遇到很大的挑戰,而本研究以TDC (Taiwan Development Center) 伺服器研發中心為研究的對象。
    在文獻探討中,首先介紹傳統瀑布式,敏捷式與混合式三種軟體開發方法。其次詳細介紹TDC採用的敏捷式方法Scrum。根據2013年VersionOne的調查報告,Scrum是目前最流行的敏捷式方法,Scrum與其類似的方法在敏捷式方法採用的比率中占了72% (VersionOne, 2013)。
    本研究係透過深度訪談的方式與使用兩種不同的訪談工具來收集資料。第一種是Scrum 專案自我評估工具,從6個構面 (組織、基礎設施、團隊、技術、流程與商業) 來評估執行Scrum準備的情形。第二種是專案關鍵成功因素工具,使用10個專案關鍵成功因素來了解Scrum 與專案成功的關係,進而發現在系統開發中使用敏捷式方法的問題以及發現從傳統瀑布式開發轉變為敏捷式開發對專案管理的影響。

    關鍵字: 敏捷式、瀑布式、Scrum、專案管理、軟體開發、伺服器

    Despite the increasing competitiveness of firms, enhancing the organizational agility for reflecting any market changes to reduce the potential loss in the business is crucial as well. Some software companies begin phasing in the agile methods and processes from traditional waterfall development for market requirements and customer request changes. In the past, there were many success stories and benefits in agile methods; however, most of them were on application software developments. For hardware-based server system software, there are many hardware dependencies, and the agile methods have encountered enormous challenges. This study targets on TDC (Taiwan Development Center) server research and development center.
    Literature review describes three kinds of software development methods: the traditional waterfall methods, agile methods and hybrid methods. Secondly, this study introduces Scrum process TDC adopted. According to the state of agile development survey, Scrum is the most popular agile methods. Scrum and Scrum variants account for 72% of all the agile methods (VersionOne, 2013).
    This study uses in-depth interview technique and tools to conduct in-depth interviews for collecting research data. The study uses two interview tools; one is “Scrum Project Readiness Self-Assessment Tool” to get the results from six dimensions: Organization, Infrastructure, Team, Technology, Process and Business for assessing the readiness of running Scrum. The other one is “Project Critical Success Factors“ to get the results from 10 factors for figuring out the relationship between Scrum and project success. The study illustrates the problems while using agile methods in systems development, and the impact of transition from traditional development methods to agile development methods on project management.

    Keywords: Agile, Waterfall, Scrum, Project management, Software development, Server

    Contents 摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III Contents IV List of Figures VI List of Tables VII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background and motivation 1 1.2 Research objectives 2 1.3 Research subject and scope 3 1.4 Research process 4 Chapter 2 Literature review 5 2.1 Waterfall, agile and hybrid methodologies 5 2.1.1 Waterfall methods 5 2.1.2 Agile methods 6 2.1.3 Hybrid methods 9 2.2 Scrum development process 10 2.2.1 Roles 10 2.2.2 Sprint process 12 2.2.3 Key meetings 13 2.2.4 Key artifacts 14 2.3 Agile project managements tool - RTC 15 2.4 Interview tools 16 Chapter 3 Method 20 3.1 Research framework 20 3.2 Research design 21 3.3 Data collection 22 3.3.1 Historical method 23 3.3.2 In-depth interview method 23 Chapter 4 Results and analysis 25 4.1 Researched case – TDC 25 4.2 Results and analysis in Scrum 30 4.3 Results and analysis of CSF 34 4.4 Agile lessons learned 40 Chapter 5 Conclusions and suggestions 44 5.1 Conclusions 44 5.2 Implications 49 5.3 Limitations and suggestions 50 References 52 Appendix A. Interview with Wang, S., software architect as Product Owner 54 Appendix B. Interview with Hsu, L., test architect as the test leader 58 Appendix C. Interview with Lee, H.J., software project manager as Scrum Master 61 Appendix D. Results of Scrum project readiness self-assessment 65 Appendix E. Interview questions 67 Appendix F. Other Scrum terminologies 72 List of Figures Figure 1 Diagram of the research process 4 Figure 2 Waterfall model 6 Figure 3 The duration of sprints 8 Figure 4 Agile methodology used 9 Figure 5 Sprint status in RTC 16 Figure 6 Critical success factors: a ten factor model 19 Figure 7 Research framework 21 Figure 8 Major businesses in company A 27 Figure 9 TDC organizations 28 Figure 10 Agile method adopted in company A 29 Figure 11 WW 3Q2012 x86 server quarterly share 30 Figure 12 Comparison of scrum project readiness matrix 32 Figure 13 Multiple data collection 44 Figure 14 Defects backlog 46 List of Tables Table 1 Terminology of roles 11 Table 2 Summary of questions in 6 dimensions 17 Table 3 Background of respondents 24 Table 4 Information of interviews 24 Table 5 2012 Annual report in company A 26 Table 6 Results of Scrum project readiness self-assessment by dimensions 31 Table 7 Summary of 10 CSFs 35 Table 8 Lessons learned from test teams 42 Table 9 Lessons learned from software development teams 43

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