簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 曾瑢予
Jung-Yu Tseng
論文名稱: 道路銑鋪排程決策支援模式
Decision supporting model for pavement maintenance scheduling
指導教授: 楊亦東
I-Tung Yang
口試委員: 呂守陞
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 195
中文關鍵詞: 分支界限法預算分配最佳化決策支援模式背包問題道路養護
外文關鍵詞: Branch and bound method, Budget allocation, Optimization, Decision supporting model, Knapsack problem, Roadway maintenance
相關次數: 點閱:270下載:3
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  • 隨著台灣經濟和觀光的發展、交通運輸需求量以及人口數的與日俱增,對於鋪面造成的破壞亦日趨嚴重,除影響行車品質外也可能因為不好的路況導致用路者之傷害。為了減少鋪面破壞對用路者的負面影響、並達到用路者對公路服務品質之要求,最直接的感受即為提昇道路鋪面的服務年限及用路人行車舒適度,因若是道路舒適度不良,民眾投訴及陳情的接踵而來,對地方行政機關的行政效率也將有最直接的影響。

    The damage of pavement becomes much more serious with the rapid development of Taiwan's economy and tourism and the increasing demand for transportation. Damaged and degraded pavement increases accidents and affects the quality of driving. In order to reduce the negative impact of pavement damage on road users and to meet the requirements of road service quality, it is essential to extend the service life of pavements and to enhance the comfort of road users. This is because the poor experience of road users would lead to complaints and settlements, thus influences the administrative efficiency of government authorities.
    As maintenance budget is always limited, it is almost impossible to reconstruct every road region when their conditions are unacceptable. This study interviews government authorities to address practical considerations in allocating budget to road surface milling renewal constructions. The pavement condition index PCI has been adopted to indicate the general condition of pavements while certain road regions are classified with higher priority. The budget allocation process is defined as a knapsack problem, which is solved by the branch-and-bound method. The optimization objective function is to maximize the overall benefit, defined as the sum of the product of the increased PCI value and region area for the road regions being reconstructed. The study develops a decision supporting model to help government authorities allocate budget to improve the overall road service quality. In this study, the performance of the proposed decision supporting model is confirmed by comparisons with the commercial software LINDO, using real-life data from government authorities. A series of case studies are carried out to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed decision supporting model both in single administrative district and multiple administrative districts, involved with more than 1000 road regions. The results show that the proposed system is of effectiveness and efficiency to allocate limited budget to pavement maintenance.

    目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 1 1.3 研究範圍 2 1.4 研究流程與架構 2 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1 公路養護 5 2.1.1 柔性鋪面設計方法 8 2.1.2 柔性鋪面養護方法 17 2.1.3 鋪面損壞型態 24 2.1.4 鋪面狀況指標(PCI,Pavement Condition Index) 26 2.2 預算分配 35 2.2.1 政府預算政策的形成與編製原則 35 2.2.2 地方政府預算編製原則 36 2.2.3 我國公務機關單位預算編製-以養護工程處為例之相關文獻 37 2.3 最佳化決策方法應用於工程管理之相關研究 39 2.4 養護決策模式 41 2.4.1 鋪面養護管理系統概述 41 2.4.2 養護作業優先排序 48 2.4.3 養護作業優先排序方法 49 2.5 小結 52 第三章 研究方法理論介紹 53 3.1 整數規劃 53 3.1.1 整數規劃介紹 53 3.2 背包問題 57 3.2.1 背包問題定義 58 3.2.2 搜索的剪枝法則及搜索順序 60 3.3 分支界限法 60 3.3.1 分支界限法概念 61 3.3.2 分支法則 62 3.3.3 搜索策略 63 3.4 小結 65 第四章 模式建構 66 4.1 模式介紹 66 4.1.1 問題定義 67 4.1.2 鋪面劣化折減因子 67 4.1.3 研究基本假設 68 4.1.4 目標函數與限制式 69 4.2 程式架構與分析 70 4.2.1 銑鋪區塊排序 74 4.2.2 分支及搜索解空間 76 4.3 小型範例說明 79 4.4 程式確效 92 4.4.1 Lingo作業軟體 92 4.4.2 演算法邏輯確效 93 第五章 案例案例演示 96 5.1 系統輸入及輸出說明 97 5.2 案例一: 單一行政區 100 5.2.1 情況1說明 100 5.2.2 情況2說明 104 5.2.3 案例一小結 108 5.3 案例二: 單一行政區 109 5.3.1 情況1說明 109 5.3.2 情況2說明 113 5.3.3 案例二小結 117 5.4 案例三: 所有行政區 118 5.4.1 情況說明 118 5.4.2 案例三小結 126 第六章 結論與建議 127 6.1 結論 127 6.2 未來建議 128 參考文獻 130 附錄A 136

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