簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王勝禾
Sheng-He Wang
論文名稱: 高效率低成本太陽能節能窗之開發與節能效益研究
Development and Energy Efficiency Assessment of High Efficiency and Low-Cost Solar Windows
指導教授: 楊錦懷
Chin-Huai Young
口試委員: 陳振川
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 148
中文關鍵詞: 太陽能透光模組建物一體太陽能光電節能反射型隔熱窗簾
外文關鍵詞: transparent photovoltaic module, building-integrated solar photovoltaic, energy-saving, reflective thermal insulation curtains
相關次數: 點閱:398下載:6
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報


This research is mainly to increase the power used outside the module and install reflective thermal insulation curtains on the inside of the transparent photovoltaic module, which not only increases the power generation of the module but also prevents more radiant heat from entering the room. This study mainly discusses two goals, one is the power generation benefit and energy-saving benefit of installing reflective thermal insulation curtains on transparent photovoltaic modules, and the second is discussing the indoor light, thermal environment, and energy-saving benefits of installing reflective thermal insulation curtains on the transparent photovoltaic module and ordinary glass installing common curtains.
In this research, two test houses with the same specifications were built at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, with transparent photovoltaic modules and ordinary glass installed on the facade and top surface, and the rest were constructed with calcium silicate board, polystyrene board, and concrete, and monitor the power generation, energy consumption, and indoor light environment throughout the day.
This research is mainly divided into seven parts, which are the basic property test of glass, outdoor standard power test, power monitoring test, light environment test, thermal environment test, airtight test, air-conditioning system monitoring test, and transparent photovoltaic module installation of reflective thermal insulation curtains compared with ordinary glass installation of ordinary curtains to carry out building design simulation analysis and environmental benefit analysis. The research results show that installing reflective thermal insulation curtains on the indoor side of the transparent photovoltaic module can increase power generation by 20% and save power consumption by 8~20%. In addition to providing power generation, it can also have light suitable for indoors and can achieve the purpose of energy-saving, carbon reduction, and environmental sustainability.
Taking Taichung as an example for architectural simulation, when the transparent photovoltaic module is installed with reflective thermal insulation curtains on the indoor side, the power generation can be increased by 20% and the power consumption can be saved by 10%; replacing the ordinary glass with ordinary curtains and installing reflective thermal insulation curtains with the transparent photovoltaic module will increase about 110,000 kWh of electricity and save 6% of the air-conditioning energy consumption of about 10,000 kWh of electricity.

總目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 總目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究方法 4 1.4研究流程 6 第二章 文獻回顧 7 2.1太陽能能源及太陽能模組相關理論 7 2.1.1太陽能能源 7 2.1.2太陽能電池 8 2.1.3結晶矽太陽能電池 8 2.1.4非晶矽薄膜太陽能電池 9 2.2建物一體太陽能光電 11 2.3建築環境相關理論 12 2.3.1建築熱環境相關理論 12 2.3.2建築光環境相關理論 14 2.3.3建築環境舒適度 16 2.4各式窗簾種類及特性 17 2.5節能玻璃基本性質計算理論 18 2.5.1光熱性質計算理論 19 2.5.2熱學性質計算理論 23 第三章 試驗設計與實施 26 3.1概要 26 3.2試驗參數與設備 28 3.2.1試驗參數 28 3.2.2試驗設備 31 3.3玻璃基本性質試驗 43 3.3.1光學試驗 43 3.3.2熱學試驗 44 3.4可行性評估試驗 45 3.5電力監測試驗 46 3.6光環境試驗 47 3.6.1照明強度試驗 47 3.6.2紫外光隔絕試驗 48 3.7熱環境試驗 49 3.7.1熱輻射隔絕試驗 49 3.8密閉試驗 50 3.9空調系統節能試驗 51 3.10軟體模擬分析 52 第四章 試驗結果與分析 54 4.1玻璃基本性質試驗結果分析 54 4.1.1 光學試驗結果與分析 54 4.1.2 熱學試驗結果與分析 60 4.2可行性評估試驗結果分析 64 4.3太陽能透光模組有無裝設反射型隔熱窗簾結果分析 66 4.3.1光環境試驗結果分析 66 4.3.2熱環境試驗結果分析 70 4.3.3電力監測試驗結果分析 71 4.3.4空調系統監測試驗結果分析 75 4.3.5節能試驗分析 78 4.3.6密閉試驗結果分析 81 4.3.7模擬分析 85 4.4太陽能節能玻璃試驗屋裝設反射型隔熱窗簾與一般玻璃屋裝設一般窗簾之比較結果 98 4.4.1光環境試驗結果分析 98 4.4.2熱環境試驗結果分析 102 4.4.3電力監測試驗結果分析 103 4.4.4空調系統監測試驗結果分析 104 4.4.5節能試驗分析 106 4.4.6密閉試驗結果分析 108 4.4.7模擬分析 110 第五章 結論與建議 123 5.1結論 123 5.2建議 125 參考文獻 126 附錄 128

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