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研究生: 游鎮安
Chen-an Yu
論文名稱: 基於ARM-9實現無線網路廣播接收器
Implementation of ARM-9 Based Wireless Internet Radio
指導教授: 吳傳嘉
Chwan-chia Wu
口試委員: 黎碧煌
Bih-hwang Lee
Yen-tseng Hsu
Ming-shing Young
Chun-ming Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 嵌入式系統ARM-9無線網路Internet Radio
外文關鍵詞: Embedded System, ARM-9, Wireless, Internet Radio
相關次數: 點閱:198下載:0
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  • 資訊時代的來臨,網際網路技術快速的發展、網路頻寬的增加、無線網路日漸普及,在網際網路上傳輸多媒體的應用越來越廣泛且受到重視。科技的進步,數位逐漸取代了類比,生活週遭的電器用品也漸漸的走向數位化,同時造就了影音市場的革命。在以往只能透過音響、收音機來收聽傳統廣播的年代,到現在只要透過電腦及網路也能同步收聽網路廣播,廣播系統也隨著人們的生活水平的提升而要求更高的收聽品質,網路廣播的出現突破了傳統廣播的諸多限制,經由網際網路的無遠弗界服務更遠、更多的聽眾,選擇性也更為多元化。
    本論文提出結合有線與無線網路在嵌入式系統中實現網路廣播接收器,打破只能在電腦中收聽網路廣播的限制,保有傳統收音機的可攜性,提供優越的廣播音質。本系統基於ARM-9 平台的開發板與嵌入式Linux作業系統,移植MPlayer多媒體播程式,搭配嵌入式資料庫,設計將眾多的網路電台作一整合及分類,並提供線上更新網路電台資料庫的服務,免除使用者須上網找尋網路電台的不便,讓使用者透過本系統可輕易的選擇喜愛的網路電台。 本論文因應網路廣播未來的發展,提出一個與網路電台之間雙向互動的延伸應用機制。

    With the arrival of the information age, the development of internet technologies, expansion of bandwidth and growth in popularity of wireless networking, more and more attention have been paid to the transmission of multimedia via the internet. The progress of science and technology has led to a digital age, where traditional analog applications are being replaced, or digitized. This trend covers electric appliances of our daily usage and brings up a revolution of the audio-visual market. In the past, one can only listen to radio from a stereo, when today's technological development makes it possible to catch your favorite program via a computer and the internet. The expectation of the quality of broadcasting systems has also risen along with the standard of living. And as a result, internet broadcast has broken many barriers and limitations of traditional radios, pushing its influence and services further to cover a much wider audience, at the same time providing many more alternatives.
    This thesis proposes a combine wired and wireless device to realize a network broadcast player base on embedded system. Not only is it able to break the restrictions of listening to broadcasts from computers but maintains the mobility of traditional radio, offering a superior broadcast tone quality. This system is based on the ARM-9 development platform with embedded Linux operating system. The porting MPlayer multimedia player comes with an embedded database; our design combines and classifies numerous internet radio stations and offer online update of network services from the database of radio stations, thus avoiding the inconvenience of users searching for online stations. Also, this platform enables users to choose their favorite broadcast stations, allowing the development of a two-way mechanism for extensive interactions with these network stations.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究背景 2 1.3 研究動機 5 1.4 論文架構 7 第二章 嵌入式系統平台介紹 8 2.1 嵌入式系統發展 8 2.2 嵌入式系統的特點 9 2.3 嵌入式作業系統 10 2.4 嵌入式 Linux 作業系統簡介 13 2.5 ARM-9處理器概述 15 2.6 S3C2410處理器介紹 17 2.7 ARM-9開發板規格 19 2.8 系統開發環境之建立 21 第三章 系統軟體架構 24 3.1 軟體架構介紹 24 3.2 MPlayer 25 3.2.1 MPlayer簡介 25 3.2.2 MPlayer移植 28 3.2.3 MPlayer啟動及操作方法 29 3.3 MAD 30 3.3.1 MAD簡介 30 3.3.2 MAD移植 30 3.4 FFmpeg 31 3.5 SQLite 32 3.5.1 SQLite簡介 32 3.5.2 SQLite移植 33 3.5.3 SQLite資料庫建立 35 第四章 系統設計 37 4.1 系統規劃 37 4.2 系統設計 40 4.3 資料庫設計 47 4.4 資料庫延伸應用之設計 50 第五章 系統測試與討論 52 5.1 系統實作成品 52 5.2 系統測試流程 53 5.3 系統測試 54 5.4 討論 63 第六章 結論 64 參考文獻 65 附錄一 Bootloader之建立 69 附錄二 Embedded Linux Kernel之安裝 71

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