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研究生: 顏苙峯
Li-Phen Yen
論文名稱: 基於上下文詞嵌入模型之神經檢索模型於語音文件檢索
Neural Retrieval Models using Contextualized Word Embedding Model for Spoken Document Retrieval
指導教授: 陳冠宇
Kuan-Yu Chen
口試委員: 王新民
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 資訊檢索語音文件檢索機器學習偽相關反饋生成對抗網路語言模型基於預訓練深層雙向模型
外文關鍵詞: Information Retrieval, Spoken Document Retrieval, Machine Learning, Pseudo-Relevance Feedback, Generative Adversarial Network, Language Model, bidirectional encoder representations from transformers
相關次數: 點閱:297下載:0
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由於多媒體數據和許多語音應用的問世,像是語音助理Alexa、Siri,這些應用已經充斥在我們的日常生活,檢索多媒體內容以滿足用戶查詢的語音文件檢索任務已經越來越受到重視。目前基於預訓練深層雙向模型(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, BERT)的檢索模型,多半是利用預訓練模型微調(Fine-tune)模型,取得查詢(Query)和文件(Document)各自的表示法後進行計分。在本論文中,我們基於預訓練模型的檢索模型架構提出兩個方法:一個是基於監督式(Supervised)學習上的模型另外一個是基於無監督(Unsupervised)學習的模型。首先,我們提出一套使用生成對抗網路產生偽向量加強表示的模型,此模型利用生成對抗網路生成偽向量。另外我們提出一套基於預訓練深層雙向模型新穎監督式模型,效果和效率上都有卓越的成效,本論文另外利用語音的音節(Syllable)作為特徵,減緩在語音文件檢索上可能會造成的問題,一系列的實驗亦證明本研究提出方法之成效。

Due to the multimedia data and many speech applications coming out, such as Alexa and Siri, lots of applications with speech have been flooded into our daily lives. Spoken document retrieval (SDR) retrieves multimedia content to satisfy user’s queries has gradually become an important task. At present, the retrieval models based on the bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) mostly obtain the final models by fine-tuning the pre-trained model. After that, the final models can be used to infer representations for queries and documents. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised and a supervised retrieval methods. First, we propose a model that uses generative adversarial networks (GAN) to generate pseudo-vector-enhanced representations. Besides, we propose a novel supervised retrieval model based on BERT, which can achieve excellent results in both efficiency and performance. Moreover, we also explore some ways to leverage the syllable features for enhancing the SDR performance. A series of experiments have proven the effective and efficient of our proposed retrieval methods.

致謝 摘要 Abstract 本論文使用之符號意義 第1章 緒論 第2章 相關研究 第3章 使用生成對抗網路產生之偽相關表示(Generating Pseudo-relevant Representations) 第4章 神經文件語言模型網路(Neural Document Language Model Framework,NDLM) 第5章 實驗 第6章 結論 第7章 論文引用 附錄

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