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論文名稱: 高性能鋰離子電池用聚合物刷和自組裝層改性和表徵納米矽表面
Modification and Characterization of Nano Silicon Surface with Polymer Brush and Self-Assembled Layer for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries
指導教授: 王復民
Fu-Ming Wang
口試委員: 張仍奎
Jeng-Kuei Chang
Jeng-Yu Lin
Chia-Chin Chang
Fu-Ming Wang
Wu Nae-Lih Wu
Chi-Chang Hu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 238
中文關鍵詞: 分子內氫鍵聚合物刷高導電陽極人工SEI有機矽烷自組裝聯劑鋰離子電池
外文關鍵詞: Si, intramolecular hydrogen bonding, polymer brush, high conductive, anode, artificial SEI, Organosilane, Self-assembled, coupling agent, lithium-ion battery
相關次數: 點閱:523下載:1
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  • Currently, the lithium-ion battery (LIB) is one of the best choices for portable electronic devices and electric vehicles. The energy density of LIBs is only 200-300 Wh kg-1, which is limited by the electrode active materials' capacities. The existing graphite anode, which has low capacity of 372mAh g-1 in commercial LIBs, will need to be replaced in order to reach higher energy densities. Si-based anodes are promising for enhancing the energy density of LIBs because of their high capacity (>4000 mAh g-1), low operating voltages, low cost, and environmental friendliness. However, Si-anodes suffer from large volume expansion (300–400%), thick solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer, low conductivity and electrode swelling. For further practical application, it is vital to solve the above issues for improving the performance of Si anodes in LIB. This thesis aims to achieve the above goals by using different organic functionalizing materials to modify the surface of nano Si anode. Firstly, a polymer brush modified core-shell (PBCS) on the Si surface was developed by hydrosilylation reaction. The results indicate that the PBCS structure improves dispersion in slurry, provides mechanical protection during cycling, and enhances electrochemical performance due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding with it and the binder. The Si-PBCS electrode shows the ICE is 87.1%, the retentions are 92.5% (0.1C/ 0.1C) for 200 cycles and 86.2% (0.5C/ 0.5C) for 400 cycles, respectively. Generally, the PBCS structure significantly protects Si from cracking, inhibits gas evolution and non-crystalline formation for improved cycling performance Si anode without FEC additives or carbon coating. Secondly, in-situ polymerization using polymer brush acid and emeraldine base was used to develop a super electrically conductive (SEC) structure on the Si surface for improving the electrochemical stability of Si anode. The results revealed that compared with bare Si electrode, the Si-SEC electrode enhanced electrical conductivity by 104 times, reduced 75% of charge transfer resistance, prevented volume changes with high mechanical properties, and supported high diffusivity of the interfacial layer. The capacity of the Si-SEC electrode remained 1850 mAh g-1 with a 70% retention capacity at 300 cycles without requiring carbon/graphite composites and electrolyte additives. The SEC layer also provides an auto-switch which significantly increases the interfacial impedance to terminate current. Thirdly, an artificial SEI with self-assembled alkyl sulfonic acid (SAASA) structure reinforced is tailored onto the surface of Si through organosilane approach (obtained Si-SAASA anode). A coupling agent, 3-mercaptopropyl trimethoxysilane (MPTMS) was tailored onto the surface of Si producing strong siloxane (Si-O-Si) bond. The thiol group (-SH) in the MPTMS oxidized to sulfonic acid (-SO3H), resulting in a sulfonated artificial SEI reinforcement at the Si surface. With sulfonated MPTMS, the Si anode has been improved by forming -SO3Li, which enhances Li+ diffusion. The Si-SAASA electrode delivers a capacity of 1507.1 mAh g-1 at 0.5 C at 400 cycles with a retention capacity of 74.3%. TThe SAASA structures show good mechanical properties to suppress volume changes, shelters against parasitic reactions, prevent gas evolution, inhibit the formation of thick and high impedance SEI during lithiation/delithiation. A SAASA-based surface modification may extend the life of Si anodes, making the ultimate goal of developing practical LIB based on silicon potential. In conclusion, this thesis developed the need for surface modification of Nano Si to alleviate the causes of large volume change, low electronic conductivity, and instability of SEI layer, which are the key challenges for the performance of Si-based anodes. The study is expected to contribute to the development of a cost effective Si anode for higher-energy LIBs used in electric vehicles.

    中文摘要 i Abstract iii Acknowledgment v Table of contents vii List of Figures xii List of Tables xx List of Schemes xxi List of Abbreviations and Units xxii Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1. Background of the Study 1 1.2. Principle of lithium-ion batteries 3 1.2.1. Cathode material in LIB 4 1.2.2. Anode material in LIB 5 1.2.3. Electrolytes of LIB 7 1.2.4. Separators and current collectors of LIB 8 1.3. Performance Standards in Lithium-ion Batteries 9 Chapter 2: Literature Review 11 2.1. Silicon-Based Anode Materials 11 2.2. The Chemistry of Silicon Anode 12 2.3. Challenges of Silicon anode in lithium-ion Batteries 14 2.4. Strategies to Enhance Silicon anode for Lithium-ion Batteries 16 2.4.1. Nanostructured Silicon Anodes 16 2.4.2. Designing SiNP/C Composites 22 2.4.3. Designing Binders to Si anodes 24 2.4.4. Electrolyte additives 28 2.4.5. Artificial SEI through Surface Functionalization and Coating of Silicon 28 2.5. Surface Functionalization of Silicon Nanoparticles with Small Organic Molecule 35 2.6. Polymer Brush-Grafted Nanoparticles 37 2.7. Motivations and Objectives of the Study 40 2.7.1. Motivation 40 2.7.2. Objectives 42 2.8. Outline of the thesis 43 Chapter 3: Experimental Section and Characterization 45 3.1. Research Design 45 3.2. Chemicals and Reagents 46 3.3. Equipment and Instruments 47 3.4. Experimental Procedures 48 3.4.1. Synthesis of polymer brush core-shell structured Si 48 3.4.2. Synthesis of super-electrical-conductive Si (Si-SEC) 49 3.4.3. Synthesis of Self-assembly alkyl sulfonic acid structured Silicon (Si-SAASA) 50 3.5. Electrochemical Measurements 51 3.5.1. Electrode Preparation and Coin Cell Assembly 51 3.5.2. Galvanostatic Charge/Discharge Procedure 52 3.5.3. Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) 54 3.5.4. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) 55 3.6. Material Characterization techniques 57 3.6.1. Attenuated Total Reflection– Fourier Transform Infra-Red (ATR-FTIR) 57 3.6.2. Thermogravimetric Analysis 57 3.6.3. Conductivity Measurements 58 3.6.4. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) 58 3.6.5. Differential Scanning Calorimetry Analysis (DSC) 60 3.6.6. BET Surface area and porosity Analysis 60 3.6.7. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 61 3.6.8. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 62 3.6.9. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 63 3.6.10. Transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) 64 3.6.11. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) 65 Chapter Four: Investigations of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding Effect of a Polymer Brush Modified Silicon in Lithium-Ion Batteries 67 4.1. Introduction 67 4.2. Results and Discussion 69 4.2.1. Material characterization of the prepared powder samples 69 4.2.2. Electrochemical Characterization 73 4.2.3. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis 81 4.2.4. Effect of PBCS on the electrochemical Properties of Commercial SiOx 84 4.2.5. Morphological Analysis 86 4.2.6. Operando TXM, XRD, and GC-MS Analysis 90 4.2.7. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) Analysis 95 4.2.8. Ex Situ ATR-FTIR Analysis 98 4.3. Summary 100 Chapter 5: The Development of Super Electrically Conductive Si Material with a Polymer Brush Acid and Emeraldine Base and its Auto-Switch Design for High-Safety and High-Performance Lithium-Ion Battery 101 5.1. Introduction 101 5.2. Results and Discussion 104 5.2.1. Material Characterization of the Prepared Powder Samples 104 5.2.2. Electrochemical Characterization 114 5.2.3. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis 123 5.2.4. Morphological Analysis 125 5.2.5. Operando TXM, and XRD Analysis 127 5.2.6. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) Analysis 129 5.2.7. EIS Analysis of Si-SEC electrode for auto-switch operation 133 5.2.8. Full cell (Si-SEC-20 /LNMO) Electrochemical performance 135 5.3. Summary 136 Chapter 6: Tailoring of a Reinforcing and Artificial Self-Assembled Alkyl Sulfonic Acid Layer Electrolyte Interphase on Silicon as Anode for High-Energy-Density Lithium-Ion Batteries 137 6.1. Introduction 137 6.2. Results and Discussions 139 6.2.1. Material Characterization of the Prepared Powder Samples 139 6.2.2. Electrochemical Characterization 146 6.2.3. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis 153 6.2.4. Morphological Analysis 155 6.2.5. Operando TXM, and GC-MS Analysis 159 6.2.6. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) Analysis 162 6.3. Summary 166 Chapter 7: Conclusions and Future outlooks 167 7.1. Conclusion 167 7.2. Future outlooks 169 References 171 Appendices 202 A. Supporting data for Approach-I (Chapter 4) 202 B. Supporting data for Approach-II (Chapter 5) 203 C. Supporting data for Approach-I (Chapter 6) 207 List of research papers 209 Conference presentations 210

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