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Author: 陳淑敏
Catherine - Chen
Thesis Title: 從雙卡效應論銀行經營之內部控制、風險管理與市場策略之規劃
A Study on Bank’s Market Strategy Planning, Internal Control and Risk Management, Based on Default Card Affection.
Advisor: 余尚武
Shang-Wu Yu
Committee: 盧瑞山
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2007
Graduation Academic Year: 95
Language: 中文
Pages: 75
Keywords (in Chinese): 銀行業雙卡效應內部控制風險管理市場策略
Keywords (in other languages): Bank industry, Internal control, Risk Management, market strategy, Default Card Affection
Reference times: Clicks: 471Downloads: 3
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  • 國際經濟景氣陸續復甦之際,惟獨台灣市況恢復遲緩。台灣政治環境的不穩定,加上台海政策不明朗,許多外資大廠接二連三搬遷大陸設廠,台商亦遠走大陸,求取廉價成本,以提高盈餘。政府政策卻背道而馳採鎖國政策,銀行業無法提供直接資金服務,致資金寬鬆,同業競爭加劇。為消化資金,朝向消費金融發展。浮濫的發行現金卡及信用卡以搶攻市場占有率,民眾有信用擴張的危機,連帶產生雙卡風暴,而其效應影響到各行各業,各發卡銀行增提呆帳準備及打銷呆帳,致銀行業普遍盈餘不佳。

    Under the impact of over fund situation in recent Taiwan financial market, we concern about the competitive environment caused by some worldwide famous brand companies relocated their factories or suppliers to cheaper labor cost area mainly in mainland China, which resulted a declining business growth rate of banks. In addition, conservative government regulations restricted Taiwanese investment activities. The most banks are not able to promote business directly to enterprises who have put major investment in China; therefore bank market policy is tend to diversify the product lines into consumer loan market, especially in individual credit line, such as cash-advance card and credit card in order to maintain business growth.
    The motive of this study is based on the reality that a tremendous amount of default card events occurred in late 2005 till now. As a result, Taiwan domestic economic environment deteriorated which cannot catch up with an upward world economy growth trend. A lot of banks suffered a burden of bad debt allowance and the expenses associated, which caused a miserable performance in terms of profitability. The findings stated below:
    (1)The protectionism in banking business industry is still valid instead of liberalization.
    (2)Risk management capability is weak, so that supervisory executive power of government is inexperienced to handle the current financial environment. Most of banks, adopted a market-follower strategies instead of creation.
    (3)An ethic basis for education was not well attended to.
    (4)Risk management and internal control concept have been neglected.
    Suggestions are given as follows,
    (1)For government aspect, to activate the financial market by lifting ban liberally, in order to grab the valuable supervisory experience in financial business.
    (2)For banks aspect, an emphasis on the bank motto, that is Ethics, Integrity and Reputation for both staff members and the management level. Additionally, to inject risk management scheme and internal control mechanism into market strategy planning.

    第1章緒論1 1.1研究背景1 1.2研究動機3 1.3研究目的3 第2章文獻探討4 2.1雙卡效應的定義4 2.2國內銀行業發展回顧8 2.2.1基本立法8 2.2.2金融自由化風潮9 2.2.3國內競爭9 2.2.4新競爭者進入10 2.2.5金融改革11 2.2.6消費金融呆帳突起14 2.2.7繁榮假象15 2.3市場策略16 2.3.1市場區隔(Segmenting)16 2.3.2目標市場(Targeting)17 2.3.3市場定位(Positioning)17 2.3.4服務業的特徵及策略運用18 2.3.5競爭策略運用19 2.4風險控管與內部控制20 2.4.1風險管理20 2.4.2內部控制及公司治理24 第3章研究方法27 3.1觀念性架構27 3.2研究流程28 第4章資料分析31 4.1金融保護主義無實益31 4.2風險管理能力薄弱34 4.2.1政府監理能力受考驗35 4.2.2銀行業欠缺創新能力36 4.3道德規範教育應加強39 4.3.1政府層面40 4.3.2銀行從業人員層面41 4.3.3民眾層面43 4.4控管觀念待加強44 4.4.1風險管理剛起步45 4.4.2內部控制未落實48 第5章結論與建議50 5.1研究結論50 5.2研究建議50 參考文獻52 附錄54


    [1]Cynthia Glassman (2000), "Evolution in Risk Strategy", RMA Journal, Available at
    [2]Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane keller (1970), "Marketing Management", 3rd edition,Chapter 7, pp.116–132, Chapter 9, pp.167 - 173, Chapter 11, pp. 200 - 210.