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研究生: 韋秉均
Ping-Chun Wei
論文名稱: 基於KNN演算法之數位身分證射頻指紋認證研究
Research on RF Fingerprint Authentication of eID Card Based on KNN Algorithm
指導教授: 劉馨勤
Hsin-Chin Liu
口試委員: 查士朝
Shi-Cho Cha
Hsing-Kuo Pao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 射頻指紋辨識卡片辨識分類降維
外文關鍵詞: RF fingerprint, card recognition, classification, dimension reduction
相關次數: 點閱:311下載:0
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本論文透過結合K近鄰模型(K Nearest Neighbours Model, KNNM)以及支援向量機(Support Vector Machine, SVM)兩種演算法以辨識出真偽卡,進行K近鄰模型前先經由線性判別分析(Linear Discriminant Analysis, LDA)做降維,將資料做好事先的分類,使相同類別的資料盡可能靠近,不同類別資料盡可能遠離,以提升K近鄰模型的準確率,K近鄰模型會將相鄰的同類別的資料視為一個群集,從群集中找出一個代表點並畫出該群集的範圍,只要新資料落在某群集範圍內,該資料便視為某群集的類別,如果沒落在任何一個群集的類別將視為偽卡,過程中可以透過放大群集的範圍以提升真卡落在群集範圍的機率,降低真卡誤辨識成偽卡的機率,但也可能造就真卡被誤辨識成其他真卡的情況,此時可以透過支援向量機提升真卡的準確率,以解決此問題。

Radio frequency fingerprint is used in many fields, including the identification of cards. In recent years, people with bad intentions have forged cards. In order to distinguish the identification of cards, the unique radio frequency fingerprint of each card can be extracted. Due to the difference of manufacturers, it is hard to counterfeit the radio frequency fingerprint. It reduces the chance of being counterfeited.
In this paper, we combine the KNNM with SVM to identify the cards. We use LDA to implement the dimensionality reduction before KNNM. It can make the data of the same class as close as possible to improve the accuracy of KNNM, which will regard adjacent data of the same class as a cluster. Finding a representative point in the cluster and circle the range of the cluster. If the testing data falls in the range of a cluster, the testing data is classified as the cluster. If it does not fall into any cluster, it will be regarded as a fake card. In the process, we can increase the probability of the real card falling into the cluster by enlarging the range of clusters. It can reduce the mistake of the real card being misidentified as a fake card. However, it may also cause the real card to be misidentified as another real card. In this case, the accuracy of the real card can be improved through SVM.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 縮寫索引 VIII 符號索引 IX 第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 論文貢獻 1 1.3 章節概要 2 第2章 文獻探討與背景介紹 3 2.1 ISO 14443 TypeA 3 2.2 射頻指紋特徵提取 4 2.3 機器學習預處理 4 2.3.1 三西格馬法則(three-sigma rule of thumb) 4 2.3.2 標準化(Normalization) 4 2.3.3 降維(Dimension Reduction) 5 2.4 常用於指紋特徵之機器學習 8 2.4.1 K近鄰 9 2.4.2 支援向量機 10 第3章 射頻指紋辨識之機器學習辨識方法 12 3.1 提取訊號特徵之模型 12 3.1.1 moment特徵 12 3.2 訓練集實驗架構 15 3.2.1 線性判別分析 18 3.2.2 K近鄰模型 19 3.3 測試集實驗架構 22 第4章 實驗結果分析 25 4.1 不同廠牌之卡片辨識 25 4.2 同廠牌之卡片辨識 32 第5章 結論與未來研究方向 37 附錄A 38 參考文獻 39

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