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研究生: 蕭宗閔
Tsung-Min Hsiao
論文名稱: 應用數據增強於卷積神經網路之馬達故障診斷之研究
Applying data augmentation for CNN-based motor faults diagnosis
指導教授: 張宏展
Hong-Chan Chang
口試委員: 吳瑞南
Ruay-Nan Wu
Jiann-Fuh Chen
Tsair-Rong Chen
Hung-Cheng Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: 故障診斷數據增強技術卷積神經網路
外文關鍵詞: Fault Diagnosis, Data Augmentation, Convolutional Neural Network
相關次數: 點閱:296下載:0
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  • 故障診斷在現今工業中扮演重要的角色,若能對設備及早檢測和診斷便可提高系統的穩定度及可靠度,甚至可以避免突發事件的發生以省下維修所帶來的成本損失,因此故障診斷已廣泛應用於各領域,但要實現故障診斷通常需要大量的設備運轉數據來建立一個高準確率且通用於不同任務的故障診斷模型,若訓練數據不足以因應高複雜度的模型則會造成過擬合的現象影響模型的準確率,尤其馬達長期運轉於健康狀態下,使得健康狀態及故障狀態的數據失衡。

    Fault diagnosis plays a major role in modern industry. If faults are detected early in facilities, system stability and reliability can be improved and emergency occurrences can be prevented, thereby decreasing maintenance costs. Fault diagnosis has been practiced in a broad range of disciplines. However, much facility operation data are required to establish a fault diagnosis model that is highly accurate and applicable in different tasks. Insufficient training data sets can result in overfitting for a highly complex model, which decreases model accuracy. Motors, in particular, have long been operated in a normal state, leading to an imbalance between normal and faulty state data.
    This study employed data augmentation to mitigate the adverse effects of insufficiency and imbalance in training data. Models on four common types of motor faults were established, and the performance of these modeled faulty motors were compared against that of a normal-functioning motor. The vibration acceleration signals of the five motors at full load, half load, and no load were measured and converted to 3D images. A fault diagnosis model was then constructed using a convolutional neural network, which performs well in image recognition. Finally, two cases were devised to simulate an insufficient and unbalanced training data set, respectively. In Case 1, where the training data set was only 20% the size of the original data set, the fault diagnosis accuracy decreased by at least 40% for each of the aforementioned load conditions; in Case 2, when the training data had an unbalanced number of data points, the fault diagnosis accuracy at each load condition was <90%. When this study’s data augmentation technique was applied to resolve these problems of insufficiency and imbalance, the diagnosis accuracy for both cases increased to >90%. These results confirmed that this study’s data enhancement technology can be effectively employed in a CNN-based model for motor fault diagnosis.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究方法與架構 4 1.3 文獻探討 6 1.4 章節概述 7 第二章 馬達故障模型設計與數據量測 8 2.1 前言 8 2.2 馬達常見之故障類型 8 2.3 馬達故障模型設計 10 2.3.1 定子故障模型 10 2.3.2 轉子故障模型 11 2.3.3 軸承故障模型 12 2.3.4 對心故障模型 12 2.4 數據量測方法 13 2.4.1 量測平台系統架構 13 2.4.2 數據量測流程 14 第三章 CNN-based故障診斷方法與數據對準確率影響之介紹 18 3.1 前言 18 3.2 CNN-based故障診斷方法 19 3.2.1 卷積神經網路概述 19 3.2.2 卷積層 21 3.2.3 池化層 24 3.2.4 平坦層 26 3.2.5 全連接層 26 3.3 數據及模型複雜度對準確率之影響 27 3.4 數據增強技術 32 第四章 實驗案例分析與討論 39 4.1 數據前處理 40 4.2 實驗案例設計 47 4.3 實驗結果與比較 49 4.3.1 數據不足實驗結果 49 4.3.2 數據不平衡實驗結果 57 4.4 實驗結果討論 64 第五章 結論與未來展望 66 5.1 結論 66 5.2 未來展望 67 參考文獻 68

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