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研究生: 劉廷亮
Ting-liang Liu
論文名稱: 網路商店品牌聯想與消費者忠誠度之關係研究
A Study on the Relationship between the Brand Association of Network Stores and the Loyalty of Consumer
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-chen Wu
口試委員: 楊維寧
Wei-ning Yang
Wei-shong Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 品牌印象品牌聯想忠誠度消費者行為網路商店
外文關鍵詞: Brand image, Brand association, Loyalty, Consumer behavior, Network store.
相關次數: 點閱:305下載:2
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網路行銷是一種市場的典範轉移,它將漸漸取代傳統市場的行銷模式,研究者紛紛從各個比較深入角度探討消費者行為,然筆者認為『網路商店』將會接近我們日常生活,但因目前網際網路只有演進一、二十年的光陰,雖然技術進步非常快速但行銷模式也變化無窮,因此本研究就從基礎上探討『網路商店品牌聯想與消費者忠誠度之關係』。本研究利用Keller(1998) 及 Aaker(1991) 兩位學者的品牌聯想概念,採用問卷去調查分析消費者對網路商店的聯想與忠誠度及消費者行為的關係。雖然目前網路商店仍處於不成熟的虛擬環境中,但消費者對網路商店的信任、情感、態度及忠誠度,將會是影響消費者行為的重要因素,且這些因素也會隨著市場趨勢及品牌聯想的差異,而不斷的變化及改善。
1. 研究消費者對網路商店品牌聯想的解讀方式及思考架構。
2. 由此研究中,驗證或建立網路商店品牌聯想與消費者忠誠度之關鍵因素。
本研究由研究架構等發展15項研究假設,研究方法利用問卷調查統計分析方法,實際問卷調查標的族群,以上班族群及學校同學為主。回收有效問卷261份,係採用SPSS 及 SAS 進行統計分析。研究結果發現預設15項假設有8項不成立,其中有4項假設,品牌聯想屬性、利益及消費者信任、情感皆無法與忠誠度呈現正向關係;另外3項假設,從品牌聯想屬性、態度、忠誠度等因素和消費者行為也皆無法呈現正向關係。筆者由此研究結果,印證網路商店仍是處於一個不成熟的市場環境,故目前網路商店消費著的品牌聯想模式,比較無法產生正向關係的忠誠度及消費者行為。
最後,本研究於管理上建議,網路商店經營仍須加強消費者的環境輔助服務及客製化服務,不斷的以此兩種服務為輔導消費者,讓消費者依賴個人化品牌聯想屬性及利益,而會產生良好的態度但未必會有忠誠度。後續研究,筆者建議應於網路商店經營流程研究,探討研究目前網路商店的環境輔助服務流程及如何以 IT(Information Technology) 建立有效的客製化服務。

The network marketing is the typical market paradigm shift that it will gradually substitute the traditional marketing pattern. A lot of researchers study on the consumer behavior in various aspects in connection with the marketing model. Nonetheless, the author in this research believes that "the network store" will be able to approach our daily life even though the Internet so far has only 10 to 20 years history from its first evolution. Whereas the development of technology is extremely fast, the marketing pattern changes in various ways either. This research will focus on the ground in discussing "the relationship between the brand association of network stores and the loyalty of consumer". This research uses Keller (1998) and the Aaker’s (1991) theory in brand association, discussing consumer’s behavior and loyalty with respect to network stores by statistical surveys. Currently, the network store is still in an infant stage. The consumer’s trust, sentiment, attitude and loyalty will be the key factors to affect consumer’s behavior. Also these factors could also be changed and improved along with the difference between market tendency and the brand association.
The goal of this research discussion:
1. Studies on consumer’s ideation and conception to the network store brand association.
2. To confirm or establish the key factor of the connection between the brand association of network stores and the loyalty of consumer.
The structure of this research develops 15 hypothetical assumptions by the analysis of statistical questionnaire surveys. The composition in the questionnaire surveys focuses on students and people with jobs primarily. The volume of valid survey is 261 using SPSS and SAS statistical analysis. The findings in surveys discover that in 15 assumptions; 8 assumptions are untenable and 4 assumptions are positive in proving the attribute and benefit of the brand association and the consumer’s trust and sentiment can not be positive linked with consumer’s loyalty; the rest of 3 assumptions can not present the positive connection in between the attribute, attitude and loyalty of the brand association and the consumer’s behavior either. The author from these findings verifies that the network store is still in an immature marketing environment. In conclusion, the current model of consumer’s association to network store is unable to produce the positive relationship in consumers’ loyalty and behavior.
Finally, based on the management point of view, this research proposes that in running a network store, the management team should still have kept strengthening the customer service and assistance. In result, the customer service and assistance provided by the management team could generate more positive attitude but not loyalty from customers and reliance on personal brand association. On the following research, the author discusses the management team of network store should focus on managing procedure, in discussion of the procedure of current customer assistance of the network store and how to establish an effective IT service.

中文摘要 1 ABSTRACT 2 誌 謝 4 目錄 5 圖目錄 9 表目錄 10 第1章 緒論 12 1.1研究背景與動機 12 1.2研究目的 17 1.3研究標的 17 1.4研究流程 20 第2章 文獻探討 22 2.1網際網路行銷 22  2.1.1 網際網路的商業應用 22  2.1.2 網路購物 23  2.1.3網路品牌 24 2.2品牌印象與聯想 25  2.2.1 品牌印象的概念---(KELLER, 1998) 25  2.2.2 品牌知覺 26  2.2.3 品牌印象 27  2.2.4 品牌聯想的概念--- (AAKER, 1991) 28 2.3消費者的行為 31  2.3.1消費者行為模式 31  2.3.2 HOWARD (1994) 消費者決策 37  2.3.3信任 37  2.3.4情感 39  2.3.5忠誠度 40 2.4探討 42 第3章 研究方法 44 3.1研究架構 44 3.2研究假設 45  3.2.1品牌聯想之要素關係 45  3.2.2品牌聯想的屬性、利益及消費者的信任、情感與忠誠度之關係 46  3.2.3品牌聯想的屬性及忠誠度與消費者行為之關係 47  3.2.4人口統計變數的影響 47 3.3問卷設計 49 3.4問卷調查及資料蒐集 50 3.5分析方法 50 第4章 實證結果分析 52 4.1受訪者基本資料分析 52 4.2基本敘述統計 56  4.2.1上網實際狀況 56  4.2.2品牌聯想 58 4.3信度效度與因素分析 60  4.3.1信度與效度 60  4.3.2因素分析 61 4.4假說驗證分析 65  4.4.1假說一產品相關屬性及非產品相關屬性間,彼此相關。 65  4.4.2假說二功能性利益、象徵性利益及經驗性利益間,彼此相關。 65  4.4.3假說三象徵性及經驗性利益,會與抽象屬性有較強烈的正向關係;而功能性利益,會與產品相關屬性有較強烈的正向關係 66  4.4.4假說四網路商店屬性和信任呈現正相關 67  4.4.5假說五網路商店屬性和情感呈現正相關 68  4.4.6假說六網路商店利益和信任呈現正相關 69  4.4.7假說七網路商店利益和情感呈現正相關 70  4.4.8假說八網路商店屬性和忠誠度呈現正相關 71  4.4.9假說九網路商店利益和忠誠度呈現正相關 72  4.4.10假說十使用者對網站的信任和忠誠度呈現正相關 73  4.4.11假說十一使用者對網站的情感與忠誠度有顯著的正向關係 74  4.4.12假說十二產品相關屬性、非產品相關屬性與消費行為有顯著且正向的關係 75  4.4.13假說十三態度與消費行為呈正相關 76  4.4.14假說十四忠誠度與消費行為有顯著且正向的關係 77  4.4.15假說十五不同人口統計變數下,消費行為有顯著差異。 78 第5章 結論與管理上的建議 79 5.1結論 79  5.1.1敘述統計中的發現 79  5.1.2假說驗證的發現 81 5.2管理上的建議與未來研究 82  5.2.1管理上的建議 82  5.2.2未來研究的建議 84  5.2.3研究限制 85 參考文獻 87 作者簡介 91

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