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研究生: 劉永健
Yong-Jian Liu
論文名稱: 實作第五代行動通訊非獨立組網之容器化平台
An Experimental Platform of 5G Non­Standalone Using Containerization
指導教授: 鄭欣明
Shin-Ming Cheng
口試委員: 鄭欣明
Shin-Ming Cheng
Shih-Hao Chang
Chin-Ya Huang
Shan-Hsiang Shen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 39
中文關鍵詞: 5G非獨立組網虛擬化容器化軟體定義無線電Docker
外文關鍵詞: 5G NSA, Virtualization, Containerization, SDR, Docker
相關次數: 點閱:282下載:1
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中文摘要為了提升使用者的體驗,當前電信業者正在大力推廣5G行動網路。電信業者通過建設以長期演進技術LTE(Long Term Evolution)核心網路為基礎的5G非獨立組網NSA(Non­Standalone),能夠更快更低成本的普及和部署5G行動網路,也為最終過渡到5G獨立組網SA(Standalone)建立好基礎。本論文針對5G NSA,使用USRP(Universal Software Radio Peripheral)及OAI(OpenAirInterface)構建的開源實驗平台,通過開源容器Docker進行虛擬化,實作5G NSA行動網路的實驗環境。在此實驗平台中,我們將5G NSA的演進版分封核心EPC(Evolved Packet Core)中的HSS(HomeSubscriberServer)、MME(MobilityManagementEntity)、SPGW­C、SPGW­U等幾個部分分散式地部署在不同的Docker容器中,從而實作出一個可以靈活管理的5G NSA的容器化實驗平台,讓建置5G實驗平台的不再侷限在特定的硬體設備,可以實讓實驗平台具備動態調度、輕量化、靈活的特性,給5G行動網路新技術的研究提供了一個低成本的實驗環境。

To enhance the user experience, carrier are currently promoting 5G mobile networks.By building 5G NSA(Non-Standalone)based on LTE (Long Term Evolution) core network, carrier are able to spread and deploy 5G mobile networks faster and at lower cost, and build a foundation for the eventual transition to 5G SA(Standalone).This paper implement an open source experimental platform for 5G NSA using USRP(Universal Software Radio Peripheral) and OAI(OpenAirInterface). The experimental environment of 5G NSA mobile network is virtualized through open source containers Docker. In this experimental platform, the HSS (Home Subscriber Server)、MME (Mobility Management Entity)、 SPGW-C and SPGW-U components of the EPC (Evolved Packet Core) of the 5G NSA are deployed in different containers in a decentralized manner. A containerised experimental platform for 5G NSA that can be managed flexibly. The 5G experimental platform can no longer be limited to specific hardware devices. The experiment platform can be dynamically scaled, lightweight and flexible. It provides a low cost experimental environment for the research of new 5G mobile network technologies.

I 論文摘要 II Abstract III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 1 緒論 2 相關研究 2.1 5G NSA非獨立組網(Non­Standalone) 2.2 虛擬化技術Virtualization 2.3 容器Container 2.4 OpenAirInterface(OAI) 2.5 Universal Software Radio Peripheral(USRP) 3 系統架構. 3.1 EPC核心網 3.2 基地台 4 實驗環境 5 實驗分析與結果 5.1 驗證方式 5.2 測試場景 5.3 效能分析 5.4 實驗介面 5.5 信令分析 6 結論 參考文獻 授權書

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