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研究生: 羅堅榮
Jain-Rung Lo
論文名稱: 工業4.0帶動電子產業轉型與管理之個案研究
Transformation and management of the electronics industry driven by Industry 4.0 case study
指導教授: 葉瑞徽
Ruey-Huei Yeh
口試委員: 林義貴
Yi-Kuei Lin
Tsung-Shin Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 工業4.0PESTSWOTSWOT-TOWS分析資源拼湊商業經營模式複雜理論產業轉型企業轉型
外文關鍵詞: Industry 4.0, PEST, SWOT, SWOT-TOWS Analysis, Resource Bricolage, Business operation model, Complexity Theory, Industrial Transformation, Enterprise Transformation
相關次數: 點閱:865下載:4
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  • 個案公司為台灣本土電子專業研發與製造業科技公司,在EMS(Electronic Manufacturing Services﹚領域佔有一部分比例,以豐厚的產品發展經驗及生產的垂直整合能力,提供客戶從創意設計到系統化的生產製造等一貫流程,結合ODM與EMS轉型成為新興之DMS (Design and Manufacturing Service / 設計整合服務製造 ) 企業,也因此能提供最先進的產品與商機給合作夥伴。個案公司近年面臨全球政經局勢快速變動、英國脫歐、美國總統大選結果影響,積極進行產業與企業轉型之經營策略,配合著美國AMP、德國工業4.0的建置,中國製造2025智能工廠的規劃,應用成熟的網路、物聯網(Internet of Things-IoT﹚、大數據(Big data﹚的分析、雲端服務的應用,帶動產業轉型之際進一步推動企業轉型,讓企業經營決策團隊能更有效率地因應未來的變動與挑戰。

    This business case is originated from a domestic technology company specialized in R&D and manufacturing of electronics. This firm holds a proportion of market in the Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) field. With substantial product development experience and vertical integrative production, the company offers its customers a total solution from innovative design to systematic manufacturing. Combining ODM and EMS allows the company to transform to a newly DMS, i.e. design, integration, service and production. Therefore, the company is able provide the most high-end product and business opportunity to its business partners. In recent years, the company has faced fast change of global political and economic situation, such as Brexit and impact of new American president. Therefore, the company has aggressively begun to undertake business strategy of industry and enterprise transformation. The case company has operated in coordination with AMP, German Industry 4.0, made in China Intellectual Factory in 2025, internet application, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Cloud service application to drive enterprise transformation while undergone industrial transformation to make the business decision making management team to be more efficient to tackle future changes and challenges.

    This case study has adopted Harvard case based teaching method, which includes two parts: case study and teaching guide. Case contents illustrated the recent challenges the company faced internally and externally and used actual case sharing to guide students into the case scenario, using PEST、SWOT、SWOT-TOWS to analyze the situation of the case company and use Resource Bricolage, analysis of business operation model to discuss suitable operation model for the case company. By using complex adaptive system of the Complexity Theory to discuss the business strategy of industrial and enterprise transformation and execution ability of the business decision making management team in the future.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VII 第一章 個案本文 1 1.1 開場白 1 1.2 個案公司簡介 2 1.3 個案公司所面臨的棘手問題 8 1.4 個案公司各單位如何面對與處理問題 17 第二章 教師教學指導手冊 29 2.1 個案總覽 29 2.2 教學目標與適用課程 30 2.3 課前準備與學員課前討論 33 2.4 教學總覽 34 2.5 教學建議與時間分配 55 2.6 板書規劃 58 參考文獻 61

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    三、 網頁部分
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    拓墣產業研究所 http://www.topology.com.tw
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    聯合報系 http://www.udngroup.com

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