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研究生: 李青峯
Chin-Fong Lee
論文名稱: 虛擬主機雲端化與異地備援機制知識管理平台建置之研究
A Study on Building a Knowledge Management Platform of Virtual Cloud System and Disaster Recovery Mechanism
指導教授: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Tzu-Chuan Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 103
中文關鍵詞: 雲端運算虛擬化異地備援概念構圖知識管理平台
外文關鍵詞: Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Disaster Recovery, Concept Map, Knowledge Management Platform
相關次數: 點閱:579下載:1
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  • 在本研究中,設計和發展出一個整合服務導向架構,合乎企業需求的雲端運算服務。雲端運算服務的核心技術就是伺服器虛擬化,也是雲端應用架構的根基。

    In the present study, design and development of an integrated service-oriented architecture, aligned with the business needs of cloud computing services. The core technology of cloud computing services is server virtualization which is the foundation of cloud application architecture.
    In connection with case company, which has improved the design of data storage center facilities and implementation of data recovery equipment at remote site. Enhance the stability and resilience of the storage systems and providing services, by means of construct a best solutions just suitable for the needs of case company.
    Through the implementation and demonstration of knowledge management platform, which represent knowledge by using concept mapping tool. The knowledge management platform to be confirmed for the feasibility of the concept of composition construction. Look forward to build this knowledge management platform can be effectively reduce the period of company projects build process, good for knowledge transfer and experience sharing. Thereby, colleagues within the organization can enjoy and take advantage of the self-learning knowledge platform.

    論文摘要I AbstractII 誌 謝III 表目錄VII 圖目錄VIII 第 一 章緒論1 1.1研究動機1 1.2研究背景3 1.3研究目的4 1.4研究流程5 第 二 章文獻探討7 2.1雲端運算7 2.2異地備援計畫13 2.3BCP 方法論18 2.4知識管理21 2.4.1知識的定義21 2.4.2知識管理學說22 2.5概念構圖25 2.5.1概念圖的構成要素25 2.5.2概念圖的特質26 2.5.3概念圖的繪製工具CampTools27 第 三 章研究方法30 3.1研究架構30 3.2研究方法及範圍31 第 四 章個案分析研究33 4.1緣起33 4.2個案公司沿革35 4.3面對問題及挑戰36 4.3.1Unix系統雲端化服務36 4.3.2資訊系統異地備援機制探討37 4.3.3Unix Virtual Machine虛擬主機38 4.4個案公司考量39 4.4.1Unix相關系統雲端化39 4.4.2建置異地備援系統40 4.4.3hp-uxix虛擬主機41 4.5Unix系統雲端化服務43 4.5.1Cloud Automation專業術語說明44 4.5.2HPOO 自動化虛擬機產生作業流程說明45 4.5.3HPOO虛擬機自動化產生步驟說明45 4.5.4Portal 申請46 4.5.5步驟摘要46 4.6建置資訊服務異地備援系統49 4.6.1資料保護解決方案49 4.6.2資料複寫頻寬需求之討論51 4.6.3異地備援系統XP20000 CA 介紹53 第 五 章知識管理平台實作59 5.1知識管理平台內容規劃59 5.2知識管理平台展示60 5-3知識平台學習量表問卷69 5.3.1問卷架構69 5.3.2Google線上問卷70 5.3.3問卷資料彙整75 5.3.4第二部份 個人使用感受分析討論78 5.3.5第三部份 知識平台應用分析討論79 第 六 章結論與建議82 6.1研究結論及貢獻83 6.2未來研究及建議84 參考文獻85 附錄一HPOO ( Operation Orchestration ) 詳細步驟88 附錄二XP20000 CA 標準作業程序94 附錄三XP20000 CA horcm file configuration100

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