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研究生: 葉奇典
Chi-tien Yeh
論文名稱: 基於程式紀錄與文件分類之虛擬機使用者行為監測機制
Virtual Machine Usage Monitoring via Process Log and Text Mining
指導教授: 李育杰
Yuh-Jye Lee
口試委員: 鮑興國
Hsing-Kuo Pao
Yi-Ren Yeh
Shan-Hung Wu
Sheng-Wei Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 43
中文關鍵詞: 應用程式紀錄持續性驗證機制虛擬機器安全文件分類單類別支撐向量機異常偵測
外文關鍵詞: process log, anomaly detection, one-class SVM, virtual machine, account security, continuous monitoring
相關次數: 點閱:378下載:0
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  • 近年來,雲端運算技術在資訊科技產業間蓬勃發展,其中虛擬化在雲端運算技術中扮演重要的角色。雲端服務提供者可藉由虛擬化其實體機器資源,來提供各式虛擬化服務,讓有需求的使用者能隨租即用,並以用多少資源付多少的方式計價。但同時帳號盜用、內部攻擊與惡意程式等威脅也由實體主機蔓延到虛擬主機。而且許多雲端業者的安全認證都是採用認證不認人的單一登入授權機制,這樣的機制並不能確保虛擬機器是否為合法使用者所操作。有鑑於此,持續性驗證機制在虛擬機器上便扮演重要的角色。本論文提出一以應用程式使用紀錄為基礎之持續性虛擬機使用者驗證框架。透過重複取樣、文件分類與機器學習技術,建立使用者應用程式行為之側寫。我們實作此框架,並設計兩種實驗情境來蒐集資料,藉此驗證我們提出的框架是否能夠正確的偵測出惡意軟體的行為與其他使用者的行為。實驗結果顯示,我們在兩者實驗中,皆保持高警報率 (True Positive Rate)與低誤報率 (False Positive Rate),故我們提出的框架具有持續識別虛擬機器使用者的能力。

    In recent years, cloud computing has become a popular technique in the IT industry, and virtualization technique is an important part of cloud computing. One of the cloud service is providing infrastructures that user can rent virtual machines (VMs) when they have requirement immediately and only need to pay for the amount of resource consumed. At the same time, some security issues become more threatening in this situation, such as account theft, insider threat, and malicious applications. Although those threads can be protected by the one-time authorization, there is no guard after logging in the system. In order to address this shortcoming, continuous monitoring mechanisms have become popular. In this thesis, we propose a continuous monitoring framework that utilize text mining, re-sampling and machine learning techniques for profiling user's behaviors with system process log that extracted from user's VM. We implemented this framework as a prototype system for evaluating its performance. We used VM to collect log performed by malicious tools for verifying the ability of our system on detecting malicious activities. We also collect real world data for verifying if our system can detect different user's behaviors. The experimental results showed that our framework has high true positive rate (TPR) to detect malicious behaviors with low false positive rate (FPR). Our results also showed that our proposed framework is preferable for detecting malicious behaviors continuously.

    摘要 Abstract Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Motivation and Goal Setting 4 1.3 Organization of Thesis 7 Chapter 2 Related Work 8 Chapter 3 System Framework 10 3.1 Architecture 10 3.2 Training Procedure 10 3.3 Continuous Monitoring Procedure 11 Chapter 4 Representing the System Process Log as a Document 13 4.1 Transforming the System Log to Document 13 4.1.1 Definitions of Term and Dictionary 14 4.1.2 Time Period Separation 14 4.2 Re-Sampling 16 Chapter 5 Text Mining Technique 18 5.1 Stop Words 18 5.2 Bag-of-words Model 19 5.3 Term Weighting 20 5.4 Latent Semantic Indexing 21 5.4.1 Singular Value Decomposition 22 5.4.2 Low-Rank Approximations and Term-Concept Matrix 22 Chapter 6 One-Class Support Vector Machine 25 Chapter 7 Experiments 28 7.1 Data Collection Tool and Data Format 28 7.2 Experimental Setting 29 7.2.1 Virtual Machine Environment Testing 30 7.2.2 Real World Machine Testing 30 7.3 Evaluation Methods 31 7.4 Experimental Result 32 7.4.1 Malicious Behavior Detection Experiment 32 7.4.2 User by User Experiment 33 7.5 Discussion 35 7.5.1 The LSI k Value Selection 35 7.5.2 Daily Update Experiment 35 7.5.3 The Comparison of Term Definition 36 Chapter 8 Conclusion and Future Works 39

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