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研究生: 吳修禎
Hsiu-Chen Wu
論文名稱: 網紅經濟下關鍵字搜尋意圖影響因素之研究
Research on Factors Influencing Keyword Search Intention Under the Internet Celebrity Economy
指導教授: 黃世禎
Shih-Chen Huang
口試委員: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tien-Yi Lo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 179
中文關鍵詞: 網紅經濟網路紅人社群媒體直播關鍵字資訊搜尋意圖
外文關鍵詞: Internet Celebrity Economy, Internet Celebrity, Social Media, Live Broadcast, Keywords, Information Search Intention
相關次數: 點閱:595下載:0
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本研究使用問卷調查法進行研究與分析,經過研究結果分析證實,對於廣告有越高的涉入度,會有更高的關鍵字知覺,而有較高的關鍵字知覺,會有更高的關鍵字搜尋意圖。除此之外,對於網路紅人代言有正向的影響,不僅網路紅人代言的吸引度、喜好度、熟悉度、可靠度、專業度等都能有效的提升。然而網路紅人直播代言使用情境下,人們更重視對於網路紅人代言的喜好感受,不要求吸引人或熟悉感的網紅、不需要完全聽懂專業或可靠的資訊,就進而擁有較高的關鍵字知覺。另外,相對於社群媒體直播下之使用時間、行為表現,虛擬社群更能有效幫助閱聽人知覺關鍵字。透過虛擬社群的討論,能夠增加閱聽人對於網路紅人代言的吸引度,卻不會影響對原有網路紅人代言的熟悉感與喜好度 ; 不僅如此,這樣的討論串更能夠增加網路紅人代言訊息的可靠性。如果網紅代言已有相當的專業性,相對降低了閱聽人對於產品的不確定性,就會導致缺乏資訊搜尋意圖。

In recent years, the rise of a unique form of social media has been recognized as a "live video platform" with the popularization of the Internet, mobile devices and changes in consumption patterns. Internet users are more likely to gain popularity through social platforms. And that created a prosperity of internet celebrity, even formed the "Internet Celebrity Economy", as "Fan economy". The appearance of self-media has impacted the traditional-media ecology, but it is a new sales- opportunity for some stores or businesses. It is a sales-action that can interact with consumers and can be promoted with the most widely used marketing tactics of "Keyword Marketing". It is the most popular marketing method for new e-commerce in recent days. Since the "Live Broadcast" and "Internet Celebrity Economy" have only emerged in the recent two years, the expansion of the Asian region has begun, and even the foreign community has not yet popularized the Internet Celebrity Economy Culture. Therefore, the relevant research literature has been extremely few in the past. This research based on the degree of advertisement involvement to information search behavior, and adds variable factors such as Internet Celebrity Endorsements of the latest trend topics and Social Media Broadcast variable factors as the variables of usage scenarios. To explore the factors Influencing keyword search intention under the Internet Celebrity Economy.
This study used questionnaires to conduct research and analysis. After analysis of the research results, it was confirmed that the higher the degree of involvement in advertising, the higher the awareness of keywords, and the higher the awareness of keywords, the higher the keyword search intention. In addition, there is a positive impact on the endorsement of the Internet Celebrity, and not only the attractiveness, preference, familiarity, reliability, and professionalism of the Internet Celebrity Endorsement can be effectively improved. However, in the context of the use of the live-endorsement of the Internet Celebrity, people pay more attention to the feelings of favor for Internet Celebrity, do not require attractive or familiar, do not need to fully understand professional or reliable information, and then have to have Higher keyword awareness. In addition, the virtual community is more effective in helping people to aware keywords than the passing time and behavior of the social media live broadcast. Through the discussion of the virtual community, we can increase the audience's attractiveness for Internet Celebrity Endorsements, but it will not affect the familiarity and preference of the existing online Internet Celebrity Endorsement. Not only that, such discussions can be more effective. Increase the reliability and professionalism of Internet Celebrity Endorsement's messages. If the Internet Celebrity Endorsement has been quite professional, it will relatively reduce the audience's uncertainty about the product, which will lead to a lack of information search intentions.
In addition, this study found that through grouping, there are people who have watched the Internet Celebrity Endorsement experience, in the case of a higher degree of advertising involvement, will be more concerned about the degree of attraction and familiarity of Internet Celebrity Endorsement. Under the regulation of the virtual community, feedback will be given because of the more attractive, reliable Internet Celebrity Endorsement, and even higher keyword awareness. In terms of gender, Men are more concerned about the familiarity of Internet Celebrity Endorsement than Women and have a higher degree of keyword awareness than women. According to the research results of this study, it is hoped that it will contribute more to academics, and in practice, it is hoped that it will be helpful to operators of Internet Celebrity Economy, keyword marketing, and search engine optimization.

目錄 摘要...............................I Abstract...........................II 致謝...............................III 目錄...............................IV 圖目錄.............................VI 表目錄.............................VII 第一章、緒論........................1 1.1 研究背景........................1 1.2 研究動機........................2 1.3 研究目的........................3 1.4 研究流程........................4 第二章、文獻探討.....................5 2.1 廣告涉入度.......................5 2.2 資訊搜尋行為.....................13 2.2.1 關鍵字知覺.....................16 2.2.2 關鍵字搜尋意圖..................23 2.3 社群媒體.........................26 2.4 自媒體...........................33 2.5 網紅經濟.........................41 2.5.1 代言人/推薦人...................47 2.5.2 口碑行銷.......................57 2.5.3 業配...........................60 第三章、研究架構與方法.................62 3.1 研究架構..........................62 3.2 研究假說.........................64 3.3 變數衡量.........................80 3.4 研究設計 3.4.1 研究樣本........................84 3.4.2 分析方法........................86 3.5 前測........................87 第四章、資料分析與討論.................90 4.1 指標適切性檢驗...................90 4.1.1 反映性指標信效度檢驗.............90 4.1.2 形成性指標共線性檢驗.............94 4.2 敘述性統計.......................97 4.2.1 基本資料分析...................98 4.2.2 使用經驗分析...................100 4.3 研究假說與結構模型檢定............103 4.4 樣本分群之研究假說與結構模型檢定...110 4.5 研究結果討論.....................123 4.5.1 廣告涉入度 與 關鍵字知覺 與 關鍵字搜尋意圖..123 4.5.2 網路紅人代言 與 廣告涉入度、資料搜尋行為....124 4.5.3 社群媒體直播 與 網路紅人代言、資訊搜尋行為..125 第五章、結論與建議........................127 5.1 學術上的貢獻........................129 5.2 實務上的貢獻........................130 5.3 研究限制........................135 5.4 未來研究方向.....................136 參考文獻.............................137 附錄、正式問卷.......................165  

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