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研究生: 洪寧利
Ning-Li Hung
論文名稱: 密室逃脫遊戲應用於公民科對國中八年級學生學習動機、學習成效、批判思考與心流經驗的影響
The Effects of Applying the Escape Room Game in the Civic Education on the Junior High School Eighth Grade Students’ Learning Motivation, Learning Achievement, Critical Thinking and Flow Experience
指導教授: 陳秀玲
Hsiu-Ling Chen
口試委員: 侯惠澤
Huei-Tse Hou
Po-Sheng Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 密室逃脫數位遊戲式學習學習動機學習成效批判思考心流經驗
外文關鍵詞: Escape room game, Digital game based learning, Learning Motivation, Learning Achievement, Critical thinking, Flow experience
相關次數: 點閱:656下載:0
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of applying the escape room game in the civic education on the junior high school eighth grade students’ learning motivation, learning achievement, critical thinking and flow experience. In this study, quasi-experimental research method was used to study the eighth graders of junior high school for nine weeks. The subjects were divided into an escape room game learning experiment group of 38 people and a digital platform learning control group of 38 people. They were used the "learning motivation scale", "learning achievement test" , "critical thinking test" and"critical thinking disposition scale" before and after the class, and the implementation of the "flow experience scale" after experimental teaching to explore the effect of the two groups of students.
The results of this study show that:
(1) The use of escape room game in the civic education has improved the "learning motivation" of the eighth grade students in junior high school, and is significantly better than the control group.
(2) In the "learning achievement", the experimental group and the control group have no significant difference.
(3) In the sub-items of "identify the hypothesis " and "deduction" of critical thinking test, the experimental group is significantly better than the control group.
(4)In the "critical thinking disposition", the experimental group and the control group have no significant difference.
(5)In the "flow experience", the experimental group is significantly better than the control group.
In summary, based on the research results, suggestions are made for future escape room game for teaching and future research.

第一章 緒論-1 第一節 研究背景與動機-1 第二節 研究目的-3 第三節 待答問題-3 第四節 名詞釋義-4 第二章 文獻探討-6 第一節 數位遊戲式學習之理論與研究-6 第二節 密室逃脫的發展與相關研究-15 第三節 學習動機-20 第四節 學習成效-24 第五節 批判思考理論與相關研究-26 第三章 研究方法-30 第一節 研究對象-30 第二節 研究設計與架構-30 第三節 課程設計-32 第四節 研究工具-36 第五節 資料蒐集分析-45 第四章 研究結果和討論-47 第一節 密室逃脫遊戲應用於公民科對國中八年級學生「學習動機」的影響-47 第二節 密室逃脫遊戲應用於公民科對國中八年級學生「學習成效」的影響-52 第三節 密室逃脫遊戲應用於公民科對國中八年級學生「批判思考能力」的影響-54 第四節 密室逃脫遊戲應用於公民科對國中八年級學生「批判思考意向」的影響-60 第五節 密室逃脫遊戲應用於公民科對國中八年級學生「心流經驗」的影響-66 第六節 綜合討論-67 第五章 結論和建議-71 第一節 結論-71 第二節 建議-72 參考文獻-75 附錄-85

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