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研究生: 蔡佳吟
Jia-Yin Cai
論文名稱: 結合錯誤級別分析與注意力機制的即時人臉深度偽造影片檢測
A Real Time Face Deepfake Detection Based on Error Level Analysis and Attention Mechanism
指導教授: 洪西進
口試委員: 謝仁偉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 偽造影片辨識深度學習圖像分類注意力機制錯誤級別分析
外文關鍵詞: DeepFake Detection, Attention, Error Level Analysis, Deep Learning, Image Classification
相關次數: 點閱:308下載:8
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近年,DeepFake技術於影視、藝術產業帶來重要的貢獻,但相對的也越來越多使用DeepFake技術引起的各式假新聞、假資訊漫天飛舞,使得人們在資訊爆炸的時代無法冷靜判斷消息的真假,因此這也是為什麼能否準確地區分透過DeepFake製作的偽造影片變得非常重要的原因。無論是學術界還是業界皆有提出考慮不同面向的DeepFake Detection方法,也取得還不錯的效果,但隨著人工智慧和深度學習的飛速發展,DeepFake技術也不間歇地繼續發展,使得製作偽造影片的新方法層出不窮,導致以前的DeepFake Detection模型變得效果不好。DeepFake技術越來越多,檢測模型於單一資料集上取得良好準確率已不稀奇,能否獲得良好的魯棒性與泛化性更應關注。

在本研究中,通過組合多個現有的DeepFake資料集與自行生成的資料集,建立一個包含12種不同DeepFake技術的專屬資料集;其中專屬資料集將實現真偽資料數量平衡及來自各資料集之數量不可相差甚多,防止檢測模型過度擬合於真偽其中一個類別、特定人臉或特定DeepFake技術,用以實現高魯棒性及高泛化性。此外,本研究還提出了一種新的DeepFake Detection模型,即ElaEfficentNetV2Att,它是基於EfficentNetV2架構,結合錯誤級別分析(Error Level Analysis, ELA)與注意力機制(Attention Mechanism)所建立之模型;其中先使用ELA來為EfficentNetV2模型指出哪些特徵區域可區分出真實或偽造至關重要,因為每種DeepFake技術能用來區分的特徵區域可能有所不同,接著再使用Attention特別關注這些特徵區域用以提升準確度。實驗結果顯示,於四個不同的測試資料集上的平均準確率為74.52%,而ElaEfficentNetV2Att相比其他檢測模型為最穩健的模型;雖然ElaEfficentNetV2Att無法超越使用特定單一資料集訓練之模型的準確性,盡管如此ElaEfficentNetV2Att仍為目前實際應用上最好的模型,因為無論是於Jetson Xavier NX邊緣運算設備上計算一張照片只需花費0.08秒,其泛化能力相較過往十幾個檢測模型為最好的,都說明了ElaEfficentNetV2Att能同時兼顧良好的準確率、即時性、泛化性。

In recent years, DeepFake technology has made important contributions to the movie and art industries, but relatively more and more fake news and fake information caused by DeepFake technology. However, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence and deep learning, DeepFake technology continues to develop intermittently, making it easy to make fake videos. As a result, the previous DeepFake Detection model has become ineffective, and there are more and more DeepFake technologies, so that it is hackneyed for the detection model to achieve good accuracy on a single data set, but we must pay more attention to the detection model in good robustness and generalization.

In this research, by combining multiple existing DeepFake datasets and self-generated datasets, an exclusive dataset containing 12 different DeepFake technologies is established. However, the exclusive data set needs to be pre-processed to prevent the model from overfitting. In addition, this research also proposes a new DeepFake Detection model, namely ElaEfficentNetV2Att. ElaEfficentNetV2Att is a model based on the EfficentNetV2 architecture, combining Error Level Analysis (ELA) and Attention Mechanism. ELA is used to indicate which feature areas can distinguish real or fake for the EfficentNetV2 model, because the feature regions that each DeepFake technique can use to distinguish may be different, and then use Attention to pay special attention to these feature regions to improve accuracy. Experimental results show that ElaEfficentNetV2Att is the most robust model compared to other detection models with an average accuracy of 74.52% in four different test datasets. Although ElaEfficentNetV2Att cannot surpass the accuracy of models trained with a specific single dataset, but it still is currently the best model in practical applications. It only takes 0.08 seconds to calculate a frame on the Jetson Xavier NX edge computing device, and the generalization ability is the best compared to more than a dozen detection models in the past. Overall, ElaEfficentNetV2Att can take into account good accuracy, immediacy and generalization at the same time.

致 謝 辭 i 摘 要 ii ABSTRACT iii 目 錄 iv 圖 目 錄 vi 表 目 錄 vii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究架構 2 第二章 文獻探討 3 2.1 Video Manipulation Methods 3 2.2 Manipulated Video Detection Methods 6 2.3 DeepFake Video Datasets 7 2.4 Convolution Neural Networks 10 2.5 Error Level Analysis 12 2.6 Attention Mechanism 15 2.7 Facenet-Pytorch MTCNN 16 第三章 研究方法 18 3.1 軟硬體環境 18 3.2 DataSet 18 3.2.1 生成新資料集 18 3.2.2 訓練集與測試集 19 3.2.3 資料前處理 21 3.3 ELAEfficientNetV2Att 22 第四章 研究結果 25 4.1 Experimental Results 25 4.2 Performance 25 4.3 Generalization Ability 26 4.4 Real Time 27 4.5 Ablation Study 27 第五章 結論與建議 29 參考文獻 30

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