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研究生: 陳冠滔
Kuan-tao Chen
論文名稱: 住宅價值創造策略模型
Real estate value creation strategy model
指導教授: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
口試委員: 阮怡凱
Yi-Kai Juan
Chin-Chung Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 住宅開發Kano二維品質價值創造
外文關鍵詞: real estate development, Kano model, value crea
相關次數: 點閱:328下載:8
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報




Based on the experience of the residential market in Japan and Europe, the overpriced market will cause the housing market bubbling and the economic downturn. Housing prices in Taiwan hit record highs in recent years, the government has implemented many housing policies to drive down the marketing prices, but there was no specific results. This research infers that focus on buildings function could rebuild the house value and eliminating the over-expansion of the selling price of residence thus make the residential price to be actual and rational.

Most of the existing references explored on housing location and selling price, many residences with good location and market competition, but did not really meet users demand on quality and benefit, this is a important issue worth to investigate in residence designing and planning.

This study is divided into fiv stages:
1. Collection of references of housing marketing to comprehend the
overview of the housing market in Taiwan and explore the internal
conditions of residences.
2. Surveying on the indicative residences for the analysis of residential
demand trends.
3. Interviewing with experts to analyze residential function value.
4. Using the Kano two-dimensional quality model to understand users' needs
and transforming them into quality improvement indicators.

The purpose of this study is to enhance the overall performance of residences and expect to be able to obtain the best residential function combination. In the future, after receiving confirmation of the land development and product positioning, developers could gain residence scheme with the largest benefit and improve residence quality and customer satisfaction through using indicators built in this research.

中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 III 目 錄 IV 圖索引 VI 表索引 VII 1 第一章緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 4 1.3 研究範圍與限制 5 1.4 研究流程 6 2 第二章 高級住宅概況 7 2.1 住宅產品定位起點 7 2.2 住宅區位差異競爭 8 2.3 創新住宅 10 2.3.1 高級住宅之認定方式 10 2.3.2 高級住宅與一般住宅差異性 11 3 第三章 住宅指標彙整 13 3.1 現有文獻指標 13 3.2 市場調查 15 3.3 專家訪談 18 3.3.1 開發商-建設公司趙總經理 18 3.3.2 住宅設計規劃建築師-吳富登建築師 19 3.3.3 住宅設計規劃建築師-楊國隆建築師 19 3.3.4 廣告企劃-海悅廣告陳彥璋專案經理人 19 3.3.5 廣告企劃-新聯陽開發市場研究開發部林孟澤經理 20 4 第四章 Kano二維品質模式與問卷設計 21 4.1 Kano二維品質模式文獻回顧 21 4.1.1 激勵-保健理論(Motivator-Hygiene Theory) 21 4.1.2 Kano二維品質模式 (Kano’s Model) 22 4.1.3 Kano品質屬性 25 4.2 問卷設計 27 4.3 Kano問卷操作 28 4.3.1 問卷範例: 28 4.3.2 問卷回收: 28 5 第五章 研究成果 29 5.1 問卷基本資料分析 29 5.2 受訪者Kano品質屬性分析 30 5.3 Kano品質改善指標 39 6 第六章 結論 48 6.1 結論 48 6.2 建議 49 6.3 未來研究方向 49

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