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研究生: 鍾宇哲
Yu-Jhe Jhong
論文名稱: 具有基於可再生能源接受機率之充放電站研究
A Study on the Charging and Discharging Public Station with Acceptance Probability Based on Renewable Energy
指導教授: 鍾順平
Shun-Ping Chung
口試委員: 林永松
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 充放電站電動車充電放電再生能源接受機率近似方法
外文關鍵詞: charging, discharging, acceptance probability
相關次數: 點閱:517下載:0
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From ancient times to the present, the human being keep improving transportation in order to save time. Traditionally, automobiles operate on fossil fuel for its power. However, fossil fuel causes air pollution and its storage rapidly decreases due to the increasing consumption in the world. Electric Vehicles (EVs) are considered as a promising solution about environmental conservation and energy shortage since electricity can be generated from renewable energy. Consequently, various works on EVs charging infrastructure with electricity power generated from renewable energy are proposed in recent years. Furthermore, some related issues are widely studied, e.g., electricity price and discharging. As EVs are more and more popular, the stability of power grid is becoming a more important issue. Furthermore, many benefits can be obtained from the discharging of vehicles, e.g., vehicle-to-home (V2H) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G). On one hand, the electricity providers can adjust the electricity price to reduce the load of the power grid and increase the profit. On the other hand, EVs’ users can discharge the power to make profit and protect the power grid at the same time. In our work, we study the performance evaluation of a charging and discharging public station (CDPS) with batch arrivals, renewable energy, and price-sensitive EVs. There are two classes of EVs, charging EVs and discharging EVs. The EVs arrive in batches, where the number of EVs in each batch is a random variable. Additionally, EVs are price-sensitive, i.e., they decide whether to enter the CDPS based on an acceptance probability. The acceptance probability is based on not only the number of EVs in the CDPS but also the imported renewable energy. First, we derive the analytical model for the considered system. Then, the steady-state probability distribution is found by an iterative algorithm. Second, an approximation method is presented to evaluate the performance measures of interest. Third, we study the influence of different system parameters, such as the arrival rate and service rate of EVs of either class, on various performance measures. Finally, we use the C language to write a simulation program to explore the accuracy of the analytical model.

Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. System model 5 3. Analytical model 7 3.1 Model description 7 3.2 Transition Probabilities of Imported Renewable Energy 10 3.3 Transition Probabilities of Equivalent EVs in CDPS 11 3.4 Steady-State Probability Distribution 13 3.5 Performance Measures 14 4. Simulation model 17 4.1 Main program 17 4.2 Class-1 arrival event 17 4.3 Class-2 arrival event 19 4.4 Class-1 departure event 20 4.5 Class-2 departure event 21 4.6 Performance Measures 22 5. Numerical results 31 5.1 The arrival rate of class-1 EVs 31 5.2 The arrival rate of class-2 EVs 36 5.3 The service rate of class-1 EVs 41 5.4 The service rate of class-2 EVs 45 6. Conclusions 93 7. References 95

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