研究生: |
簡立仁 Li-Jen Chien |
論文名稱: |
穩健平滑支撐向量機學習機制之研究 Robust Smooth Support Vector Machine Learning |
指導教授: |
Yuh-Jye Lee |
口試委員: |
Hsing-Kuo Kenneth Pao 卓政宏 none 王鈺強 Yu-Chiang Frank Wang 陶金旺 C. W. Tao |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
電資學院 - 資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 90 |
中文關鍵詞: | 群集法 、特徵選取 、多元分類 、異常濾除 、穩健性 、支撐向量法 、平滑法 |
外文關鍵詞: | clustering, feature selection, multiclass classification, outlier filtering, robustness, support vector machine, smoothing technique |
相關次數: | 點閱:548 下載:19 |
分享至: |
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這篇論文提出四項穩健的平滑支撐向量機的學習機制,首先探討如何求取具代表性RSVM縮簡集(reduced set)的方法。作者提出聚集縮簡支撐向量法clustering reduced support vector machine (CRSVM),作法為針對每個類別求其指定數量之聚集中心(centroids)當作縮簡集,再計算出各聚集對應的聚集密度,進而推估出聚集中心建構之高斯核函數Gaussian kernel所需的寬度參數(width parameter),如此可大幅縮簡機器學習所需的時間,實驗證明在較小的縮簡集的情況下,其正確率上的表現亦與原本RSVM不相上下。
再者我們修改SSVM2分類器目標函數中的2-norm loss term,採用1-norm loss term來建構 SSVM1二元穩健分類器。為達到進一步穩健需求,也設計在SSVMs牛頓法學習過程中,直接於每一輪計算將訓練集中異常點去除,不加入後續的學習過程,如此在實驗上顯示SSVMs建模分類器表現較好,亦較穩定。
其次則由於發展SSVM1過程中的啟發,我們接續將1-norm SVM作平滑化,並因為LASSO在1-norm penalty term上語意的代表性,我們將之名為smooth LASSO for classification (SLASSO)。實驗證明SLASSO可同時在分類(classification)及特徵選取(feature selection)上有優質表現。
最後針對多元分類演算法框架的缺點作改進,提出one-vs.-one-vs.-rest (OOR)方法,作法類同常用的one-vs.-one方法,但其基礎分類器採用新設計的TSSVM三元分類器,可以有廢票的機制,如此就不會受無關類別的強加票數干擾。實驗結果顯示OOR不僅在多元分類問題的正確率上優於其他方法,我們經由投票內容分析,亦證明OOR在投票上的確可以將無關類別的票濾除,使得投票結果的可信程度大幅提昇。鑑於OOR的特性,我們認為OOR可有自動偵測隱藏類別(hidden class)的能力,透過設計 “leave-one-class-out"實驗模式,我們亦證明OOR在偵測隱藏hidden class的能力明顯優於 one-vs.-one及one-vs.-rest等兩種方法。
This dissertation proposes four robust smooth support vector machine learning methodologies. First, we propose a new approach to generate representative reduced set for RSVM. Clustering reduced support vector machine (CRSVM) generates cluster centroids of each class and uses them to form the reduced set. By estimating the approximate density for each cluster, we can compute the width parameter used in Gaussian kernel. Secondly, we modify the previous 2-norm soft margin smooth support vector machine (SSVM2) to propose a new 1-norm soft margin smooth support vector machine (SSVM1). We also propose a heuristic method of outlier filtering for SSVMs which costs little in training process and improves the ability of outlier resistance a lot. Thirdly, we introduce the smooth technique into 1-norm SVM and call it smooth LASSO for classification (SLASSO). It can provide simultaneous classification and feature selection. Results showed that SLASSO has slightly better accuracy than other
approaches with the desirable ability of feature suppression. In the end of this dissertation, we implement a ternary SSVM (TSSVM) and use it to design a novel multiclass classification scheme, one-vs.-one-vs.-rest (OOR). It decomposes the problem into a series of k(k-1)/2 ternary classification subproblems. Results show that TSSVM/OOR performs better than one-vs.-one and one-vs.-rest. We also find out that the prediction confidence of OOR is significantly higher than the one-vs.-one scheme. Due to the nature of OOR design, it can be applied to detect the hidden (unknown) class directly. We conduct a "leave-one-class-out" experiment on the pendigits dataset which shows that OOR outperforms the one-vs.-one and one-vs.-rest in the hidden class detection rate.
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