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研究生: 林承忠
Cheng-Chung Lin
論文名稱: 網路攻防演練框架之規劃與設計
Planning and Design of Cyber Offense and Defense Exercise
指導教授: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
口試委員: 楊維寧
Wei-Ning Yang
Chuan-Kai Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 43
中文關鍵詞: 資訊安全網路攻防演練競爭假設分析鑽石模型網路威脅狙殺鍊
外文關鍵詞: Cyber security, Cyber exercise, Analysis of competing hypotheses, Diamond model, Cyber kill chain model
相關次數: 點閱:245下載:0
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  • 面臨駭客組織的攻擊威脅,近年來全球主要國家或區域型組織除持續改善資通安全規範政策並加強資安防護縱深防禦外,均定期辦理網路攻防演練。網路攻防演練得以測試資安防護策略與規範不足之處,也能找出資訊系統的脆弱環節,同時可訓練並提升參與者資安技術與知識,培養其技術能力並教導駭客的思考邏輯與方式,亦可強化跨國、跨企業組織間的溝通協調,建立資安聯防架構。因此,許多研究機構與學術期刊提出網路攻防演練規劃與設計指引,並研發網路攻防演練平台,提供辦理網路攻防演練的團隊使用。
    然而,當前網路攻防演練及已公開之研究文獻,大多著重於傳統技術與程序的測試與評估,對於新型態資安威脅所應具備之情資分析預警技術較無著墨。因此,本研究提出使用競爭假設分析(Analysis of Competing Hypotheses , ACH)理論,規劃以威脅情資分析預警為主軸的網路攻防演練框架,並輔以入侵偵測鑽石模型(Diamond model)與網路威脅狙殺鍊模型(Cyber Kill Chain model)設計攻防演練系統平臺架構與情境範例,作為規劃辦理網路攻防演練之參考依據。期能補足其他研究網路攻防演練所不足之處,以符合當前資訊安全防護策略主流。

    Faced with the threat of hacking organizations, in recent years, major countries or regional organizations in the world, in addition to continuously improving the information security regulations and strengthening the security and defense in depth defense, have regularly conducted network offensive and defensive drills. The network offensive and defensive drills can test the inadequacies of security protection strategies and standards, and can also find the fragile links of the information system. At the same time, it can train and improve the participants 'security technology and knowledge, cultivate their technical capabilities and teach hackers' thinking logic And methods can also strengthen communication and coordination between multinational and cross-enterprise organizations, and establish a security and security defense structure. Therefore, many research institutions and academic journals have put forward guidelines for planning and designing of network offensive and defensive drills, and developed platforms for network offensive and defensive drills to provide references for teams handling network offensive and defensive drills.
    However, most of the current network offensive and defensive drills and published research literature focus on the testing and evaluation of traditional technologies and procedures. The analysis and early warning techniques for new types of security threats are relatively inadequate. Therefore, this study proposes to use the Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH) theory to plan a network offensive and defensive rehearsal framework with threat analysis and warning as the main axis, supplemented by intrusion detection diamond model and network The Cyber Kill Chain model designs the platform architecture and scenario examples of the offensive and defensive rehearsal system, and serves as a reference basis for planning and handling network offensive and defensive rehearsals. It is expected to make up for the inadequacies of other research on network offensive and defensive exercises to meet the mainstream of current information security protection strategies.
    Designing and planning a network offensive and defensive drill is a complex task. This study collected data on European and American offensive and defensive drills through literature analysis, extracted data from 2004 to 2019, and developed a network offensive and defensive through literature and practical experience. The implementation procedures of the drill include design considerations for each step and follow a structured approach to explore cybersecurity technology drills and applications, as an organizational guide for organizing cybersecurity drills for training purposes.

    摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 第1章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究方法與架構 1.4 研究範圍與限制 第2章 文獻探討 2.1 網路攻防演練 2.2 演練類型 2.3 演練腳本設計參考模型 2.4 演練網路架構 2.5 演練評分機制 2.6 現行網路攻防演練處境 第3章 演練框架之規劃與設計 3.1 設定目標 3.2 組成團隊 3.3 設計情境 3.4 建置環境 3.5 執行演練 3.6 評估改善 第4章 演練案例驗證 4.1 公務機關網路攻防演練 4.2 金融業DDOS攻防演練 第5章 結論與未來研究方向 5.1 研究結論 5.2 未來研究方向 參考文獻

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