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研究生: 張耀仁
Yao-Jen Chang
論文名稱: 數位相機產業困境與因應策略
Predicament and Business Strategy of Digital Still Camera Industry
指導教授: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
口試委員: 欒 斌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 54
中文關鍵詞: 數位相機智慧型手機SWOT分析藍海策略
外文關鍵詞: DSC, Smart Phone, SWOT, Blue Ocean Strategy
相關次數: 點閱:493下載:4
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  • 數位相機的興起終結了傳統底片型相機的生命週期也沖垮了傳統照片沖印門市店,因數位技術改變造成傳統產品的革命與消失,數位相機因此取代傳統相機並引發一波產業的重大變遷。隨著網際網路及3G行動通訊成熟發展、網路傳輸速度大幅提升、網路上社群活動也日益頻繁,並且由於智慧型手機普及,消費者能夠隨時隨地使用手機拍照與即時上網分享拍照當下悲歡喜樂的重要心情給親朋好友,好友們也能夠即時回應與分享者產生互動,進而形成群體同好間的群聚效應並像漣漪般的不斷擴大影響範圍,消費者藉智慧型手機分享的互動來填補以往因距離而產生與親朋好友間的疏離感及無法即時分享與互動的缺憾。


    本論文研究以SWOT分析理論及藍海策略理論為主要理論基礎,運用相關文獻及產業界專家深入訪談的結果,來分析探討數位相機在這一波產業革命中的藍海因應策略,數位相機該如何改變發展策略與智慧型手機來進行差異化區隔及價值創新(Value Innovation),讓數位相機產業能夠開創新藍海策略與其長期經營與持續發展之道。

    The emergence of digital imagery and the digital technology has brought an especial revolution to photography industry. Digital still cameras rise along with the fall of the old school film camera industry and photo developing studios. Technology advancement has been expediting massive expansion of the worldwide internet and 3G communications systems. Smartphone is rapidly gaining popularity and changing lifestyle with its multi-function and internet-connection in any time and any where. Consumers are connected to their friends and family, who now can witness and celebrate each others’ biggest moment in no time.
    People start changing their living habits while smartphone photo quality has been improved.Though smartphone quality is an inferior while compared to digital camera, it can be fulfilling on sharing photo to online network or through smartphone applications. This new living habit has broke the higher image resolution competition game rules among digital camera industry. Smartphone as a potential replacement of digital camera, become a serious threat to entire digital camera industry.
    The study using SWOT analysis and Blue Ocean strategy as main structure. Interviewing representative personages to understand current circumstances of digital camera industry and the impact of smartphone on digital camera market. According SWOT and Value Innovation of Blue Ocean strategy for digital camera industry which solving the problem it is now facing and creating Blue Ocean market for long term bright future.

    摘要I ABSTRACTII 誌謝III 目錄IV 圖目錄V 表目錄VI 第一章緒論1 1.1.研究背景1 1.2.研究動機4 1.3.研究目的5 1.4.研究對象與範圍6 1.5.研究流程6 第二章文獻探討9 2.1.數位相機及傳統相機9 2.1.1.傳統單眼相機(SLR)9 2.1.2.傳統底片型傻瓜相機10 2.1.3.數位相機10 2.2.智慧型手機16 2.3.SWOT理論19 2.4.藍海策略理論21 第三章研究方法28 3.1.研究架構28 3.2.資料蒐集方法30 第四章研究結果與分析34 4.1.研究結果34 4.2.SWOT研究分析41 4.3.藍海策略研究分析43 第五章結論與建議48 5.1.研究結論48 5.2.研究貢獻49 5.3.研究限制50 5.4.後續研究建議50 參考文獻51

    4.湯明哲(2011),「策略精論 基礎篇」,台北:旗標出版
    5.湯明哲(2011),「策略精論 進階篇」,台北:旗標出版
    8.Richard L. Daft (2011),「Understanding the Theory and Design of Oranizations組織理論與設計」第十版(李再長、曾雅芬議),新加坡商聖智學習亞洲司人有限公司台灣分公司出版
    11.金偉燦、莫伯尼(2005)合著、黃秀媛譯 ,「藍海策略:開創無人競爭的全新市場」,台北:天下遠見出版
    13.David D. Busch(2005),「專業數位攝影講堂」,台北:上奇科技出版
    15.方志豪(2011),「iPhone 4 玩家特區 從新手變高手全攻略 站長加料不加價」,台北:上奇資訊

    1.Erica Olsen(2006), Strategic Planning For Dummies, For Dummies
    2.Erica Olsen(2011), Strategic Planning Kits For Dummies, For Dummies
    3.Gunter Osterloh (2004), 50 years Leica M, HEE Verlage GmbH, Germany
    4.John M. Bryson, Farnum K. Alston(2011), Creating Your Strategic Plan: A Workbook for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Jossey-Bass
    5.Julie Adair King (2003), Shoot Like a PRO, McGraw-Hill, USA
    6.Lawrence G. Fine(2009), The SWOT Analysis: Using Your Strength to Overcome Weaknesses, Using Opportunities to Overcome Threats, BooksurgeLIc
    7.W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne (2004), Blue Ocean Strategy, Harvard Business Press

    A. Digital Still Camera major brand product anaylsis(2013)
    Canon: http://www.canon.com/technology/interview/eos/eos_p1.html
    Sony: http://store.sony.com.tw/category/pi-dslr-dslr
    Leica: http://en.leica-camera.com/home/
    Nikon: http://www.nikon.com/about/feelnikon/recollections/index.htm
    Olympus: http://asia.olympus-imaging.com/
    Pentax: http://www.pentax.jp/english/products/index.html
    Fujifilm: http://www.fujifilm.com/
    Samsung: http://www.samsung.com/tw/consumer/di/smart-camera/nx-lenses/
    Casio: http://www.casio-intl.com/asia-mea/en/dc/

    B. Smart Phone major brand product anaylsis(2013)
    Apple: http://www.apple.com/am/iphone/
    HTC: http://www.htc.com/tw/smartphones/
    Android: http://www.android.com/
    Samsung: http://www.samsung.com/tw/consumer/mobile-phones/mobile-phones/smart-phone
    小米機: http://www.xiaomi.com/

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