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研究生: 羅聖傑
Sheng-Jie Luo
論文名稱: 利用改造的非支配排序基因多目標優化演算法實行複數無人飛行載具在複雜環境下之路徑規劃
Multi-UAVs Path Planning in a Complicated Environment with the Use of Improved NSGA-II Multi-Objective Optimization Approaches
指導教授: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
口試委員: 郭重顯
Chung-Hsien Kuo
Chin-Wang Tao
Chen-Chia Chuang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 路徑規劃多目標基因遺傳演算法無人飛行載具
外文關鍵詞: path planning, multi-objectives genetic algorithms, unmanned aerial vehicles
相關次數: 點閱:370下載:6
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本研究針對複數台無人飛行載在三維的路徑規劃問題,提出一個改進的非支配排序基因遺傳演算法(Improved NSGA-II)。此路徑規劃問題在三為空間真實環境下須考慮多個目標優化。除引入真實地圖做飛行環境,也加入了許多限制以及因防護機制所帶來的毀滅及偵查可能性。為了搜尋較好可行解,除了使用原始環境天擇的方法,本文也採取了人擇方式,由人為的偏好決定基因演化的方向。且此方法可同時考慮多個待優化目標之權重分配,減少因適應度函數選擇的不當所增加的收斂時間成本。藉由固定三維座標裡的水平座標,使算法不會將路徑點收斂至同一座標,以達路徑的可行性。此外,加入新設計的遺傳操作子:平滑及取才算子,以增加路徑的合理性及多元化。實驗結果指出,本文所提之改進算法可考將多個目標列入計算且有效找到根據人為偏好所近似的 Pareto 較優可行解集。

In this study, an improved non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (improved NSGA-II) is proposed for multi-UAVs three-dimensional path planning. It can be found that the problem for such a path planning problem is a multiple objectives optimization problem in a 3-D real environment. In addition to the use of real maps as the flight environment, several restrictions and the possibility of destruction and detection caused by protective mechanisms (ADUs) are also considered in the problem. In order to have better search performance, in addition to using the original environment of natural selection methods, humankind selection manner is taken into account to determine the direction of genetic evolution by human preference. This approach simultaneously considers the weight assignments of multiple objectives and reduces the costs of convergence time, which may increase if the fitness functions chosen are improper. Also, with a fixed horizontal coordinate in the three-dimensional coordinates, the algorithm does not converge to the same point so that it can reach feasibility of the paths. Besides, new designed genetic operators, and , are proposed to increase the rationality and diversity of paths. Experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm can take several objectives into account and effectively find feasible solutions of the approximate Pareto optimum set based on the human preferences.

中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III Contents IV List of Figures VIII List of Tables X Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Motivation and Objective 1 1.2 Multiple Objectives Optimum Problem 2 1.3 Related Research for UAVs Path Planning 5 1.4 New Designs and Improved Way Cited 6 1.5 Thesis Organization 7 Chapter 2 Environment and System Description 8 2.1 Original Mathematical Models 8 2.1.1 Objective One---minimum turning radius 8 2.1.2 Objective Two--- Limited UAV Slope 9 2.1.3 Objective Three--- Fuel 10 2.1.4 Objective Four---Terrain 13 2.1.5 Objective Five--- Map Limits 13 2.1.6 Objective Six--- Flight Prohibited Zones 14 2.1.7 Objective Seven--- Minimum Path Length 15 2.1.8 Objective Eight--- Minimum Probability of Kill 15 2.1.9 Objective Nine---Minimum Probability of Radar Detection 17 2.1.10 Objective Ten---Minimum Flight Altitude 19 2.1.11 Objective Eleven--- Avoiding UAVs Collisions 19 2.2 Improved Mathematical Models 20 2.2.1 Reform of Objective Four---Terrain 22 2.2.2 Reform of Objective Six--- Flight Prohibited Zones 23 2.2.3 Reform of Objective Eight--- Minimum Probability of Kill 24 2.2.4 Reform of Objective Nine--- Probability of Radar Detection 25 2.3 Initial Condition Set for Simulation 26 2.3.1 Some Simple Setting Parameters 26 2.3.2 Real Map Used in Simulation 27 2.3.3 Position and Range of ADUs Model 28 Chapter 3 Methods of Path Planning 33 3.1 The Development of NSGA-II 33 3.1.1 Pareto Sorting Tactic 34 3.1.2 Crowding Distance Tactic 34 3.1.3 Selection and Truncation Tactic (elitist strategy) 35 3.2 The Architecture of NSGA-II 36 3.2.1 Selection 38 3.2.2 Crossover 39 3.2.3 Mutation 42 3.2.4 Evaluation 44 3.2.5 Combination of Population 44 3.2.6 Sorting 44 3.2.7 Extraction of Population 45 3.3 The Improvement of NSGA-II Dedicated for Path 45 3.3.1 Reform of Pareto Sorting Tactic 46 3.3.2 Reform of Arithmetic Operator 47 The Crossover Way Used in This Thesis 48 The Mutation Way Used in This Thesis 48 3.3.3 Reference Point Used in NSGA-II 49 3.3.4 New operator we designed for path planning--Smooth 51 3.3.5 New operator we designed for path planning--DifferentSolution 52 3.4 The Definition of Path in Improved NSGA-II 53 3.4.1 Initial Population 53 3.4.2 The Representation of Path in Improved NSGA-II Operators 54 3.5 The Parallel Processing of NSGA-II in Simulation 57 Chapter 4 Experiment Result 59 4.1 The GUI Interface of Improved NSGA-II in Simulation 60 4.2 The Result of Experiment---Single UAV 61 4.2.1 Experiment Results with Simple Initialization 62 Experiment-1 Using Original NSGA-II 63 Experiment-2 Using Improved NSGA-II 66 Experiment-3 Comparison with Using Improved NSGA-II 69 4.2.2 Experiment Results with Random Initialization 72 Experiment-4 Using Original NSGA-II and Random Initialization 72 Experiment-5 Using Improved NSGA-II and Half-Random Initialization 75 4.3 The Result of Experiment--Multiple UAV 79 Experiment-6 Using Original NSGA-II 80 Experiment-7 Using Improved NSGA-II 84 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 87 5.1 Conclusions 87 5.2 Future Work 88 REFERENCES 90

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