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研究生: 胡庭毓
Ting-Yu Hu
論文名稱: 施壓對脈波波形品質影響探討及穿戴式裝置應用於肌少症早期偵測
Discussion on the influence of pressure on pulse waveform quality and the application of wearable devices to early detection of sarcopenia
指導教授: 許昕
Hsin Hsiu
口試委員: 許維君
Wei-Chun Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 波形品質肌少症穿戴式裝置循環系統
外文關鍵詞: Waveform quality, sarcopenia, wearable devices, circulatory system
相關次數: 點閱:466下載:0
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Wearable devices are ubiquitous and widely used in our lives. Wearable devices that combine Smart Healthcare are released profusely. The basic requirement of the public for medical devices is to measure physiological signals correctly. However, most wearable devices nowadays do not consider how to measure physiological signals correctly, which easy to cause measurement errors. In this study, we want to explore the influence of the measurement deviation caused by pressure on the quality of the pulse waveform, and observe the performance of the difference between the pressure waveform and the non-pressure waveform on the frequency domain parameters.
Sarcopenia has been a trending topic in recent years. In the past, sarcopenia did not lead to immediate disease and large-scale equipments was required for detection, making it difficult for the public to detect sarcopenia. The existence of muscle is related to the circulatory system. A good circulating blood supply means a sufficient supply of nutrients. With a sufficient supply of nutrients, muscle mass is not easy to decrease. The laboratory uses self-developed devices productive for early detection of some diseases previously. In this study, we apply it to the early detection of sarcopenia and hope to achieve the goal of early detection of sarcopenia.

目錄 論文摘要 I Abstract II 表索引 VI 圖索引 VII 第一章. 緒論 1 1.1. 研究背景 1 1.1.1. 肌少症 1 1.1.2. 肌少症評估方法 3 1.1.3. 循環系統與慢性疾病早期偵測 5 1.1.4. 波形品質管理 6 1.2. 研究動機與目的 7 1.2.1. 研究動機 7 1.2.2. 研究目的 9 第二章. 實驗硬體介紹與設計 10 2.1 心電訊號描述放大器(Electrocardiography, ECG) 11 2.2 動脈血壓波形感測器(Blood Pressure Waveform, BPW) 12 2.3 血管光容積感測器(Photoplethysmography, PPG) 14 2.4 數位類比轉換器(DAQ) 15 2.5 擷取介面程式 16 2.6 改良之PPG指環 17 第三章. 實驗流程 19 3.1. 波形好壞在頻域參數區分實驗 20 3.2. 脈波波形施壓實驗 21 3.2.1 先行實驗(一):第一次腕帶鬆緊實驗 22 3.3. 針對波形好壞進行機器學習實驗 23 3.3.1. 以三倍驗證進行交叉比較 23 3.3.2. 以50%為基準將資料逐一比較 23 3.4. 脈波波形施壓實驗的進階深討 24 3.4.1 先行實驗(二):第二次腕帶鬆緊實驗 24 3.4.2 主實驗:第三次腕帶鬆緊實驗 26 3.5. 臨床應用:肌少症早期偵測 28 3.5.1 受測者納入與排除條件 30 3.5.2 量測步驟 30 3.5.3 受試者問題回饋 31 3.5.4 流程分析 31 3.5.5 肌少症早期偵測於頻域參數上的表現 32 3.5.6 肌少症早期偵測於機器學習上的表現(三倍交叉驗證) 32 3.6. 分析方法 33 第四章. 實驗結果 36 4.1 針對波形好壞在頻域參數的分析比較 37 4.2 針對施壓脈波波形的結果探討 43 4.2.1. 先行實驗(一):第一次脈波腕帶鬆緊實驗 44 4.3 針對波形好壞進行機器學習之結果比較 52 4.3.1. 以三倍交叉驗證比較 53 4.3.2. 以50%為基準將資料逐一比較(Except for One) 61 4.4 針對施壓脈波波形的進一步探討 64 4.4.1. 先行實驗(二):第二次脈波腕帶鬆緊實驗 64 4.4.2. 主實驗:第三次脈波腕帶鬆緊實驗 71 4.5 臨床應用:針對肌少症進行機器學習之結果 78 4.5.1. 肌少症早期偵測於頻域參數上的表現(柱狀圖) 79 4.5.2. 肌少症早期偵測於機器學習上的表現(三倍交叉驗證) 83 第五章. 結論與未來展望 85 5.1. 結論 85 5.2. 未來展望 85 第六章. 參考文獻 86

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