Author: |
黃冠汯 Kuan-Hung Huang |
Thesis Title: |
基於自學習特徵對齊之半監督式動作辨識 STRA: Self-Training Representation Alignment for Semi-Supervised Action Recognition |
Advisor: |
Kai-Lung Hua |
Committee: |
Tien-Ruey Hsiang 鐘國亮 Kuo-Liang Chung 郭景明 Jing-Ming Guo 陳永耀 Yung-Yao Chen |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
電資學院 - 資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2021 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 109 |
Language: | 英文 |
Pages: | 47 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 半監督是學習 、動作辨識 、自學習 、圖卷積 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Semi-supervised Learning, Action Recognition, Self-Training, Graph Convolutional Network |
Reference times: | Clicks: 542 Downloads: 0 |
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產生落差。因此我們提出了以下兩種方法:(1) 我們提出了一個新的自訓
證偽標籤資料在訓練時能充分收斂。(2) 我們提出特徵對齊模塊,該模塊
們也在 NTU 和 NUCLA 兩個資料集上進行驗證,並且與最新的幾種方法
Most existing skeleton-based action recognition models leverage large
labeled datasets to achieve great results. However, procuring a large amount
of labeled skeleton data in real-world scenarios to enable those models is
costly. Furthermore, missing joints and missing frames problems commonly occur during data collection. These missing joints and frames cause
problems during testing due to the representational differences between
complete and incomplete skeletal data. To address these problems, we propose two functionalities: (1) We propose a new self-training framework
that reduces labeled skeleton data usage by generating pseudo-labels. Our
framework can take small amounts of labeled data and generate pseudo-labels enough to guarantee model convergence; (2) We propose a representation alignment module that adopts consistency regularization to minimize the effect of missing joints and frames. Our proposed method, STRA,
not only improves the performance of GCN models with only a minimal
amount of labeled data but also achieves similar performance under conditions with missing joints and frames. We evaluate our method on the NTU
and NUCLA datasets against state-of-th-eart works.
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