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研究生: 李元傑
Yuan-Jie Lee
論文名稱: 針對神經新生應用之鋁/鋯摻雜噴霧乾燥生物活性玻璃的製備與特性分析
Preparation and characterization of Al and Zr-doped spray-dried bioactive glass microspheres targeting neurogenesis applications
指導教授: 周育任
Yu-Jen Chou
口試委員: 周育任
Yu-Jen Chou
Shao-Ju Shih
Cheng-Hao Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 生物活性玻璃噴霧乾燥法神經元體外生物活性鋁摻雜鋯摻雜
外文關鍵詞: Bioactive glass, Spray drying, Neurons, In vitro bioactivity, Aluminum, Zirconium
相關次數: 點閱:123下載:0
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When there is spinal cord injury, transplanting neural stem cells to the injury site holds the potential to induce their differentiation into neurons and facilitate the reconstruction of partial neural circuits and functions. Due to the uncontrolled differentiation of neural stem cells, external forces, such as a magnetic field, are necessary for induction. However, the induction mechanism of magnetic signals is complex and involves incorporating magnetic nanoparticles into growing neural stem cells, followed by the application of an external magnetic field for effectiveness.
According to literature, aluminum oxide exhibits biocompatibility with neural precursor cells, and bioactive glass doped with zirconium oxide promotes the proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells. Therefore, this study proposes the use of bioactive glasses doped with aluminum oxide and zirconium oxide, prepared using spray drying technology, to investigate their potential benefits for the differentiation of neurons.
Due to the advantages of spray drying over other common processes for bioactive glass powder production, including lower processing temperatures, higher powder purity, easy morphology control, and higher daily production yield, this research prioritizes the enhancement and differentiation of neural stem cells. The study will also explore the morphology, crystal structure, and in vitro bioactivity of bioactive glasses doped with aluminum oxide and zirconium oxide.

摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1 神經幹細胞 3 2.1.1 神經退化性疾病與神經受損 3 2.1.2 神經損傷治療 4 2.1.3 鋁 4 2.1.4 鋯 6 2.2 生物活性材料 8 2.2.1 生醫陶瓷 8 2.2.2 氫氧基磷灰石 9 2.2.3 生物活性玻璃 10 2.3 生物活性玻璃 11 2.3.1 生物活性玻璃之活性機制 11 2.3.2 生物活性玻璃之鍵結機制 12 2.3.3 生物活性玻璃摻雜功能性元素 16 2.4 生物活性玻璃合成方法 18 2.4.1 傳統玻璃製程(Conventional glass process) 19 2.4.2 溶膠-凝膠法(Sol-gel method) 20 2.4.3 噴霧熱解法(Spray pyrolysis) 21 2.4.4 噴霧乾燥法(Spray drying) 22 第三章 實驗方法 24 3.1 實驗設計與實驗流程 24 3.2 樣品製備儀器介紹 27 3.3 分析儀器與方法介紹 30 3.3.1 X光繞射儀(X-ray diffractometer, XRD) 31 3.3.2 場發射雙束型聚焦離子束顯微鏡(Dual beam focused ion beam scanning electron microscope, FIB-SEM) 32 3.3.3 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀(Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR) 33 3.3.4 X射線光電子能譜儀 (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, XPS) 33 3.3.5 體外生物活性試驗 34 3.4 體外細胞測試 36 3.4.1 細胞存活率分析(MTT assay-MC3T3) 36 3.4.2 細胞存活率分析(MTT assay-L929) 37 3.4.3 神經幹細胞分化試驗 38 第四章 結果與討論 39 4.1 生物活性玻璃之基礎性質分析 39 4.1.1 X光繞射分析(XRD) 39 4.1.2 形貌及粒徑分析(FIB-SEM) 41 4.1.3 元素比例分析(FIB-EDS) 46 4.1.4 材料表面定性分析(XPS) 47 4.2 生物活性分析 49 4.2.1 X光繞射分析 49 4.2.2 形貌分析(FIB_SEM) 52 4.2.3 元素比例分析(FIB_EDS) 54 4.2.4 材料表面定性分析(XPS) 56 4.2.5 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜分析(FTIR) 58 4.3 體外細胞實驗 61 4.3.1 細胞存活率分析(MTT) 61 4.3.2 神經幹細胞分化與誘導實驗 63 第五章 實驗討論 64 5.1 鋁摻雜與鋯摻雜對生物活性玻璃顆粒形貌之影響 64 5.2 鋁摻雜與鋯摻雜對生物活性之影響 65 5.2.1 鋁摻雜對生物活性之影響 65 5.2.2 鋯摻雜對生物活性之影響 66 5.3 鋁摻雜與鋯摻雜對MC3T3細胞之影響 67 5.4 鋁摻雜與鋯摻雜對L929細胞之影響 67 5.5 鋁摻雜與鋯摻雜對神經幹細胞分化之影響 68 第六章 結論 69 第七章 未來工作 70 第八章 參考文獻 71

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