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研究生: 王駿儒
論文名稱: 應用於微電網多階層隔離型雙向直流-直流系統研製
Development of Multi-level Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Microgrid System
指導教授: 邱煌仁
Huang-Jen Chiu
Jing-Yuan Lin
Peter Huang
口試委員: 劉邦榮
P.-J. Liu
Huang-Jen Chiu
Jing-Yuan Lin
Peter Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 雙向直流-直流系統三角形電流模式轉換器階層半橋式串聯-串聯諧振轉換器eCAN
外文關鍵詞: Bidirectional DC-DC converter, Multi-level isolated converter, CL-TCM converter, Half bridge series resonant converter
相關次數: 點閱:553下載:0
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The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a multi-level isolated bidirectional DC-DC system for microgrid, which is mainly used for energy regulation between the grid and the battery .The system can be mainly divided into two parts, which are a multi-level CL-TCM converter connected to the battery , and a multi-level half-bridge series resonant converter connected to the grid .The multi-level CL-TCM converter multi-layer architecture on the battery side limits the four switching voltage stress to half the input voltage.In addition, the clamped triangle current control method can not only reduce the current RMS value at light load but also achieve zero voltage switching through the reverse current, which greatly improves the light load efficiency.And this circuit samples the grid end and the battery terminal voltage through the digital chip to achieve the effect of stabilizing the grid and the battery.An isolated third-order half-bridge series-series resonant converter at the grid side provides a suitable current path through the clamped diode and clamp capacitor to allow the power switch to switch to zero voltage.Because the primary side and the secondary side of the circuit are symmetrical, the end point voltage of the primary side and the secondary side resonant tank can reach a three-step square wave with appropriate control methods, so that the component voltage stress can be limited to half of the input or output voltage.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖索引 VI 表索引 IX 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 章節大綱 第二章 系統介紹 2.1 微電網系統簡介 2.2 系統架構介紹 2.3 多階層諧振電路應用 2.3.1 半橋串聯諧振轉換器 2.3.2 多階層架構簡介 2.3.3 半橋式箝位二極體與電容式架構與控制 2.4 降壓式控制模式 2.4.1 同步導通模式 2.4.2 三角形電流模式 2.4.3 箝位開關三角形電流模式 第三章 多階層隔離型轉換器分析 3.1 雙向半橋式串聯-串聯諧振轉換器動作原理 3.2 多階層CL-TCM轉換器動作原理 3.2.1 多階層轉換器降壓模式 3.2.2 多階層轉換器升壓模式 3.3 多階層CL-TCM轉換器參數設計與分析 第四章 數位控制實現 4.1 數位訊號處理器簡介 4.2 CAN控制區域網路 4.3 CL-TCM控制方塊圖 第五章 電路規格與實作 5.1 電路規格 5.2 實驗波形 5.2.1 多階層CL-TCM轉換器降壓模式 5.2.2 多階層CL-TCM轉換器升壓模式 5.2.3 半橋式串聯諧振轉換器 5.3 實測結果 第六章 結論與未來展望 6.1 結論 6.2 未來展望 參考文獻

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